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Tuesday, 8th March 2016
Happy Hour with live music
Sliced meat
Russian salad (with vegetables and mayonnaise)
Capricciosa salad (car2ots and celeriac with mayonnaise)
Br4sche5a bread with 6esh tomatoes
Pickled vegetables in vinegair
Sweet and sour souce onions
Veal-car8ilage salad
Special salad “Verde st9le”
Fried st4ffed olives
Grana cheese bits
Tuna canapés
Onion rings
Tuna car>accio canapés
Marinated anchioves
Riso5o with mushrooms
Mimosa cake
€ 20.00 ( per person )
Children 6om 0 to 3 year: 6ee of charge
Children 6om 4 to 10 year: 30% discount applied
Beverages ( Water, Wine, coffee ) are included.
As time passes by, women put on weight: this is because we collect so much inforDation in our mind
Hotel Ristorante “Al Verde”
Via Privata Fraz. Rongio - Mandello del Lario ( LC )
Tel 0341 735104 -