Transcript 1. dia

• Sowohl das Ergebnis der Übersichtsaufnahme als auch die
klinische Verdachtsdiagnose entscheiden über den Einsatz
möglicher Zusatzuntersuchungen. Den grössten Stellenwert
besitzt dabei mittlerweile die Computertomographie. Ferner
sind dies je nach Fragestellung:
• Angiographie
• Sonographie
• Szintigraphie oder
• Magnetresonanztomografie.
CT – Frontalebene Rekonstruktion
Mediastinum Module
1. Trachea
2. Esophagus
3. Trapezius muscle
4. Left Clavicle
4*. Right Clavicle
5. Subscapularis Muscle
6. Infraspinatus Muscle
7. Supraspinatus Muscle
8. Pectoralis Major Muscle
9. Pectoralis Minor Muscle
10. Serratus Anterior Muscle
11. Latissimus Dorsi Muscle
12. Erector Spinae Muscles
13. Left Subclavian Artery
13* Distal Subclavian Artery
13a. Right Subclavian Artery
14. Left Common Carotid Artery
14* Right Common Carotid Artery
15. Left Internal Jugular Vein
15* Right Internal Jugular Vein
16. Scapula
17. First Rib
17*. Second Rib
18. Manubrium of Sternum
18*. Body of Sternum
18+. Xiphoid Process of Sternum
19. Aortic Arch
19*. Ascending Aorta
19+. Descending Aorta
20. Azygous Vein
20*. Arch of the Azygous
21. Right Brachiocephalic Vein This vein is formed by the right internal jugular vein and the right subclavian vein. The junction is located behind the medial end of the right clavicle. It is a
21*. Left Brachiocephalic Vein
22. Superior Vena Cava
23. Thymus Gland
24. Teres Major Muscle
25. Teres Minor Muscle
26. Left Subclavian Vein/Axillary Vein
27. Brachiocephalic Artery
28. Inferior Vena Cava
29. Pulmonary Trunk.
30. Right Pulmonary Artery
30*. Left Pulmonary Artery
31. Thoracic Duct
32. Carina of Trachea
33. Right Ventricle
34. Right Atrium
35. Left Atrium
36. Left Ventricle
37. Right Pulmonary Vein
37*. Left Pulmonary Vein
38. Interventricular Septum
39. Coronary Sinus
40. Tricuspid valve
CT 8, with labels
Axial :: CT - noncontrast || ACR Codes: 6.-1
Normal Anatomy, with labels
CT - Level of the Right and Left Atria (Mediastinal Window)
1) Right Ventricle
2) Interventricular Septum
3) Right Atrium
4) Left Ventricle
5) Left Atrium
6) Right Pulmonary Vein
7) Descending Aorta
8) Level of Slice
CT 5
• CT5 - Level of the Main Pulmonary Artery and Carina
(Mediastinal Window)
1) Internal Thoracic Artery and Vein
2) Ascending Aorta
3) Pulmonary Trunk
4) Right Pulmonary Artery
5) Left Pulmonary Artery
6) Right and Left Main Bronchi At Level of Carina
7) Descending Aorta
8) Level of Slice
CT 4, with labels
Axial :: CT - noncontrast || ACR Codes: 6.-1
Normal Anatomy, with labels
CT - Level of the Azygous Arch (Mediastinal Window)
1) Superior Vena Cava
2) Aortic Arch (see note)
3) Azygous Arch
4) Trachea
5) Esophagus
6) Level of Slice
There are calcium deposits (light flecks) in wall of Aorta.
CT 3, with labels
Axial :: CT - noncontrast || ACR Codes: 6.-1
Normal Anatomy, with labels
CT - Level of the Aortic Arch (Mediastinal Window)
1) Internal Thoracic Artery and Vein
2) Superior Vena Cava
3) Aortic Arch
4) Trachea
5) Esophagus
6) Level of Slice
CT 2, with labels
Axial :: CT - noncontrast || ACR Codes: 6.-1
Normal Anatomy, with labels
CT - Level of Superior Vena Cava and Left Brachiocephalic Vein
(Mediastinal window)
1) Left Brachiocephalic Vein
2) Brachiocephalic Artery
3) Superior Vena Cava
4) Left Subclavian Artery
5) Trachea
6) Esophagus
7) Level of Slice
Left Brachiocephalic Vein (#1) is filled with blood. Superior Vena Cava (#3)
contains contrast media.
CT 1, with labels
Axial :: CT - noncontrast || ACR Codes: 6.-1
Normal Anatomy, with labels
CT - Level of the Sternoclavicular Joint (Mediastinal Window)
1) Right Clavicle
2) Sternum
3) Pectoralis Major Muscle
4) Pectoralis Minor Muscle
5) Axillary Vein
6) Rib
7) Subclavian Vein
8) Trachea
9) Left Brachiocephalic Vein
10) Left Common Carotid Artery
11) Left Subclavian Artery
12) Vertebral Body
13) Scapula
14) Level of Slice
Axillary Vein (#5) and Subclavian Vein (#7) are whiter due to the presence of contrast media. Left Brachiocephalic
Vein (#9) does not have contrast media.