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Dipartimento di Scienze Sociali e Politiche, Via Conservatorio 9 – 20122 Milano
Personal contacts: Email: [email protected]; Tel.: +30 02 503 21249
Department contacts: Email: [email protected]; Tel.: +30 02.503.21220; Fax:
Ph.D. Management Engineering, Politecnico di Milano, Department of Management, Economics
and Industrial Engineering
M.A. and B.A. Educational Sciences, Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano
Currrent: Assistant Professor at the Department of Social and Political Science – Università degli
Studi di Milano, Italy
Member of the HRM Faculty of Politecnico di Milano School of Management and HRM professors in
several MBA programs, and Director of the Executive Master on Human Resource Management
Previous: Assistant Professor at the Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering–
Politecnico di Milano, Italy
RESEARCH ACTIVITIES: Publications and conference proceedings
Volumes and volume chapters
• Shani, A.B., Guerci, M., Cirella, S. (2014), Collaborative Management Research: Le nuove
frontiere per il cambiamento possibile, Cortina, Milano.
• Guerci M., Shani A.B., Solari L. (2014), Sustainable Human Resource Management from a
stakeholder perspective: Literature review and a research agenda, In Ehnert I., Harry W., Zink
K.J (Eds), Handbook of Sustainability and Human Resource Management.
• Guerci, M., Artoni, M., Del Popolo, M. (2013) Human resource practices, ethical work climates
and sustainability, in Quaderni del Premio "Giorgio Rota", Centro Ricerca e Documentazione Luigi
Einaudi, ISBN 9788890480447, 27-57.
• Shani A.B., Brunelli M. S., Cirella S., Guerci M., Leading company turnaround within the luxury
industry during a down turn economy, in Warrik D.D., Muller J. (Eds), Lessons in leading change,
New Zealand: Rossismith, 2012.
• Guerci M., Lovison, M., HR Outsourcing aspetti concettuali e teorici, in Ferrari R., Frigelli U.,
Tronconi C., HR Outsourcing, Milano, Guerini, 2012.
• M. Guerci, La gestione delle risorse umane per la sostenibilità dell’impresa, Milano, F. Angeli,
• Guerci M., La gestione delle risorse umane nelle piccole e medie imprese: un’analisi critica, in
Boldizzoni D. e Serio L., Il management delle risorse umane nelle PMI - Persone e organizzazioni
nelle economie senza confini, Laterza, 2011, 19-26.
• M. Guerci, Pratiche di Gestione delle Risorse Umane, in E. Bartezzaghi, L’organizzazione
dell’impresa, ETAS 2010, pp. 459-494.
• E. Bartezzaghi, M. Guerci, Principi di Gestione delle Risorse Umane, in E. Bartezzaghi,
L’organizzazione dell’impresa, ETAS 2010, pp. 495-522.
• E. Bartezzaghi, M. Guerci, M. Vinante, La valutazione stakeholder based della formazione
continua – modelli, processi, strumenti, F. Angeli, 2010; in particolare i capitoli a firma singola
sono: 1 (pp. 31-52), 3 (pp. 70-90), 8 (pp. 154-181), 9 (pp. 182-222); i capitoli scritti con M.
Vinante sono: 5 (pp. 102-116), 6 (pp. 119-133); i capitoli scritto con M. Vinante ed E.
Bartezzaghi sono: conclusioni (pp. 223-246).
• M. Guerci, M. Vinante, La formazione continua nelle strategie di lifelong learning, in Fondazione
Istud, “Fare formazione a Milano”, F. Angeli, Milano, 2009, pp. 23-54
Articles in national and international journals (with referees)
• Guerci, M., Radaelli, G., Siletti, E., Shani, A.B., Cirella, S. (forthcoming, 2014), The Impact of
Human Resource Management Practices and Corporate Sustainability on Organizational Ethical
Climates: An Employee Perspective,Journal of Business Ethics,DOI:10.1007/s10551-013-1946-1.
• Canterino, F., Cirella, S., Guerci, M., Shani, A.B., Brunelli, M. (2013), Leading transformation in
a family-owned business: insights from an Italian company, International Journal of
Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, 17, 54-83.
• Guerci M., Pedrini, M. (forthcoming, 2014), The consensus between Italian HR and
sustainability managers on HR management for sustainability-driven change – towards a ‘strong'
HR management system, International Journal of Human Resource Management, DOI
• Riccò, R. Guerci, M. (forthcoming 2014), Diversity challenge: An integrated process to bridge
the ‘implementation gap’, Business Horizons, DOI: 10.1016/j.bushor.2013.11.007
• Radaelli G., Guerci M., Cirella S., Shani A.B. (forthcoming 2014), Intervention Research as
Management Research in Practice: Learning from a Case in the Fashion Design Industry, British
Journal of Management, Online First: DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-8551.2012.00844.x
• Guerci M., Shani A.B. (2013), Moving toward stakeholder-based HRM: a perspective of Italian
HR managers, International Journal of Human Resource Management, 24 (6), 1130-1150.
• Cirella S., Guerci M., Shani, A.B. (2012), A process model of collaborative management
research, System practice and action research, 25, 281-300.
• Guerci M., Solari L. (2012), Talent Management practices in Italy – Implications for Human
Resource Development, Human Resource Development International, 15 (1), 25-41.
• Guerci M., Vinante M. (2011), Training Evaluation: an analysis of the stakeholders’ evaluation
needs, European Journal of Industrial Training, 3 (35), 385-410.
• Boldizzoni D., Guerci M., Quaratino L. (2011), Human Resource Management: evoluzione o
involuzione?, Economia & Management, 2, 85-102.
• Guerci M., Bartezzaghi E., Solari L. (2010), Training Evaluation in Italian Corporate
Universities: a stakeholder based analysis, International Journal of Training and Development, 14
(4), 291-308.
• Boldizzoni D., Guerci M., Quaratino L. (2010), La gestione delle risorse umane in italia: bilancio
di un decennio, Quaderni di Management, n. 48, 74-88.
• Guerci M., Solari L., Santinello E. (2010), La Direzione delle Risorse Umane e la sostenibilita’
aziendale: verso uno stakeholder based hrm?, Studi Organizzativi, 1, 2010, 35-69.
• Bartezzaghi E., Guerci M., Vinante M. (2009), La valutazione stakeholder based della
formazione: un’analisi dei fabbisogni valutativi degli stakeholder, Studi Organizzativi, 2, 13-39.
• Bartezzaghi E., Guerci M. (2008), La valutazione della formazione: un’analisi di sei Corporate
Universities italiane, Sviluppo & Organizzazione, 228, 72-84.
• Bartezzaghi E., Guerci M., Paoletti F. (2008), L’outsourcing dei processi di gestione del
personale, Sviluppo & Organizzazione, 226, 30-43.
• Bartezzaghi E., Guerci M., Vinante M. (2007), Costruire disegni di valutazione sulla base dei
fabbisogni degli stakeholder: presupposti teorici e condizioni di applicazione ai sistemi formativi
aziendali, Rassegna Italiana di Valutazione, 38, 49-76.
• Guerci M., Serio L. (2007), La gestione delle risorse umane per competenze, Sviluppo &
Organizzazione, 220, 35-54.
Presentations in national and international conferences
• Canterino F., S. Cirella, M. Guerci, A. Shani, Learning Mechanisms and creative climate: Some
empirical evidences from an organization development project in a fashion design company. In:
Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Lake Buena Vista (Orlando), August 2013
• Canterino F., S. Cirella, M. Guerci, A. Shani, Distributed Leadership and Business
Transformation: Learning from a Collaborative Research Project; EURAM, Istanbul 2013.
• Canterino F, Cirella S, Guerci M, Shani AB, Creative climate: the mediator role of organizational
culture, EGOS, Rotterdam, July 2014.
• Guerci, M., Rahimian, M., Carollo, L., Paradoxes in Green Human Resource Management:
Evidences from the Italian context, EGOS, Rotterdam, July 2014.
• Guerci, M., Maestri, A., Montanari, F., Scapolan, A., The impact of corporate web site, firm
reputations and job seekers’ green orientation on organizational attractiveness, EIASM,
Workshop on Strategic HRM, Copenaghen, April, 2013.
• Guerci, M., Redealli, G., Shani, A.B., Strategic HRM research: The possible added value of the
Mode 2 knowledge creation process, Dutch HRM Conference, Leuven, November 2013.
• Guerci, M., Redaelli, G., Siletti, E., Shani, A.B., Cirella, S., Human Resource Management
Practices, Organizational Ethical Climates and Corporate Sustainability, Dutch HRM Conference,
Leuven, November 2013.
• Guerci M., Radaelli G., Shani A.B., Vasanth H., Strategic HRM research: The possible added
value of Mode 2 knowledge creation process, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Boston,
Agosto 2012.
• Riccò R., Guerci M., A process model for Diversity management, 27th Eiasm Workshop on
Strategic Human Resource Management, Bruxelles, Aprile 2012.
• Guerci M., Dellera C., Designing the meanings of the corporate HR System: learning from
design driven innovation, 27th Eiasm Workshop on Strategic Human Resource Management,
Bruxelles, Aprile 2012.
• Guerci M., Dellera C., Sustainable Human Resource Management practices: the perspectives of
HR Managers and CSR Managers, 27th Eiasm Workshop on Strategic Human Resource
Management, Bruxelles, Aprile 2012.
• Guerci M., Pedrini M., Sustainable Human Resource Management practices: the perspectives of
HR Managers and CSR Managers, 26th Eiasm Workshop on Strategic Human Resource
Management, Reykjiavic, Aprile 2011.
• Shani R., Cirella S., Guerci M., Towards a Hybrid Process Model of Collaborative Management
Research, 26th EGOS Colloquium, Lisbona, Luglio 2010.
• M. Guerci, L. Solari, E. Santinello, The HR Department and its stakeholders: towards a
stakeholder based HRM?, 25th EIASM Workshop on Strategic Human Resource Management,
Barcellona, Aprile 2010.
• D. Boldizzoni, M. Guerci, L. Quaratino, Human Resource Management trajectories of evolution:
a longitudinal analysis, 24th EIASM Workshop on Strategic Human Resource Management,
Barcellona, Aprile 2010
• M. Guerci, E. Santinello, La gestione degli stakeholder come leva per la sostenibilità aziendale:
implicazioni per la direzione delle risorse umane, XI Workshop dei Docenti e dei Ricercatori di
Organizzazione Aziendale (WOA), Bologna, Giugno 2010.
• M. Guerci, L. Solari, E. Bartezzaghi, Training Evaluation in Italian Corporate Universities,
Annual Academy of Management Conference – Chicago, Agosto 2009.
• M. Guerci, E. Bartezzaghi, L. Solari, Organzational Profiles for HR Outsourcing, 24th EIASM
Workshop on Strategic Human Resource Management, Bruxelles, Aprile 2009.
• M. Guerci, E. Bartezzaghi, La valutazione stakeholder based della formazione, XIX Riunione
Scientifica Annuale Associazione Italiana Ingegneria Gestionale (AiIG), Palermo, Ottobre 2008.
Papers Under review
• Redaelli, G., Guerci, M., Shani, A.B., Applying the strategy-as-practice perspective in the field
of shrm: the potential added value of mode 2 knowledge creation process – Under review for
Human Resource Management.
• Guerci, M, Shani, A.B., Stakeholder involvement in human resource management practices:
evidence from Italy – Under review for Management Revue.
• Pinzone, M., Redman, T., Guerci, M., Lettieri, E., The impact of ‘green’ human resource
practices on employees’ collective commitment and organizational citizenship behaviours toward
the environment – Undei review for Human Resource Management Journal.
• Cirella, S., Guerci, M., Shani, A.B., Learning mechanisms and creative climate within an
organizational development and change effort: insights from a collaboration with an Italian
fashion design company – Under review for Journal of Creativity and Innovation Management.
Working papers
• Guerci, M., Montanari, F., Scapolan, A., Information provided, company’s reputation(s), and
applicant attraction – to be submitted to IJHRM.
• Guerci, M., Rahimian, M., Carollo, L., Paradoxes in Green Human Resource Management:
Evidences from the Italian context – to be submitted to IJHRM.
• Guerci, M., Redaelli, G., Siletti, E., DE Battisti, F., The effects of interpersonal trust, corporate
sustainability and propensity to trust on impersonal trust – to be submitted to Organization
• Longoni, A., Luzzini, D., Guerci, M., Green HRM practices as antecedents of green SCM
practices and organizational performance – to be submitted to Journal of Supply Chain
• Guerci, M., Redaelli, G., Siletti, E., De Battisti, F., Exploring the internal synergies of the ethical
HRM system – to be submitted to Human Resource Management.
• Guerci, M., Redaelli, G., Siletti, E., De Battisti, F., The impact of ethical climates on
organizational trust – findings from a European survey – to be submitted to Business ethics : a
European review.