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Transcript 20140914_NIU_CJ7_TREX_Lesson_2b_Essential_Functions

The 8 Essential Functions

CJ-7 Training and Exercises (TREX)


1. The 8 EF’s (know what are they and why were they developed) 2. Alignment EF’s with ASI/ANSF (know it is not an isolated CF-system) 3. Process Maps (know what they look like)


• • • Security Force Assistance (SFA) matured from 5 Functional Pillars (FPs) to 8 Essential Functions (EFs); 5 Pillars too tactically focused (fight the war) 8 Essential Functions necessary to (sustain the ANSF) – EFs integrate advisors @ ministerial, institutional, & fielded force levels – – – – – Achieve ASI/ANSF sustainability Focus GIRoA/CF problem-solving Maintain IC support Enable ASI/ANSF to fight insurgency Enable withdrawal of CF 3


• • • The 8EF are Afghan system focus areas. These functions are interdependent and, taken as a whole, contribute to Afghan sustainability. They span across all levels of conflict, from the tactical to the strategic. Each Essential Function consists of Afghan systems, processes, and organizations necessary to implement the Function. These systems, processes, and organization have friction points, which prevent efficient flow of information and resources. Advisors focus on influencing these processes; however advisors should not directly impact the process. Afghan sustainability must evolve in a way that allows for enduring progress.


From 5 Pillars to 8 Essential Functions

EF 4 Force Gen EF 5 Sustainment EF 2 TAO EF 3 CivGov/RoL EF 6 ESC EF 7 Intelligence EF 8 StratComm The processes found in the 5 Functional Pillars were re-assigned to the 8 Essential Functions 5


The 8 Essential Functions

The 8 Essential Functions provide the framework and desired outcomes in target areas to achieve Afghan sustainability. Each EF contains a series of Afghan processes with tactical, operational, and strategic characteristic, all of which may have interactions across other EFs. This multi-echelon level of advising and cross-functional coordination allows analysis of Afghan process issues through multiple lenses.



Essential Functions 1 - 4

Plan, Program, Budget and Execute; generate requirements, develop a resource informed budget and execute a spend plan. (PPBE) Internal controls to assure Transparency, Accountability, and


Civilian governance of the ASI, including adherence to the Rule of Law. (ROL) Force Generate; recruit, train, retain, manage and develop a professional ANSF. (FORGEN) 7


Essential Functions 5 - 8

Sustain the force through effective facilities management,


Plan, resource and execute effective security campaigns and operations. (ESC)


Sufficient Intelligence capabilities and processes. (INTEL) capabilities. (STRAT COMM)



2. Alignment with ASI/ANSF priorities


MINDEF Priorities

1. Win the current fight 2. Long-term sustainment of the Force 3. Facilitate a peaceful political transition 4. Close the capability Gaps 5. Develop border security strategy 6. Develop leaders / Educate the force 7. Implement viable counter-corruption program 8. Strengthen institutional capacity 9. Individual and collective training at the unit level 10. Budget Development and Execution 2. EF alignment with MOD / MOI

Essential Function Priorities ESSENTIAL FUNCTION 2

1 ISAF identify ASI/ANSF individual(s) responsible for TAO, individuals responsible for development and/or compliance with internal controls, oversight organizations and their authorities; Ministers review/approve/advocate for current or new authorizations for oversight organizations 2 MoI/MoD establish an empowered Ministerial Internal Controls Program (MICP). Focus on unit readiness, effectiveness, review of controls. Reports inform IC for Chicago/TMAF/Commitment Letter compliance 3 ASI/ANSF leaders conduct a review of critical financial & non-financial processes, assess current controls; Implement a plan to strengthen or establish new controls


1 Monitor, report, investigate and adjudicate allegations of GVHR and EJV/EJK; internal disciplinary matters 2 Use of ANSF internal disciplinary procedures to investigate and adjudicate violations 3 Encourage institutionalization and effectuation of professionalization training (including on new laws), to facilitate coordination and communication between ANSF and Rule of Law actors, and to establish effective and transparent criminal and disciplinary systems.


1 Support ANA clarification of the roles, C2, structure, resourcing (including training gap analysis) and relationship of Corps Training Kandaks and Branch Schools.

2 TED COMD established/define roles/ responsibilities of training & education enterprise leadership 3 Strengthen TGC C2 over ANP training enterprise 4 Educate ANA about strategic management capability of AHRIMS & build confidence in automated personnel processes


1. Sustain Security News Desk capability 2. Sustain School of Public Affairs 3. Sustain AIDO capability 4. Train ANA leaders on IO capabilities 5. Sustain GMIC capacity

MININT Priorities

1. Post Election Security 2. Highway & Convoy Security 3. Provincial Security 4. Budget Execution & Development 5. Ministerial / Political Transition 6. Fight against Corruption 7. Logistics and Sustainment 8. Inter-ministerial Security Coordination 9. International Standards 10. Professionalization of MoI 10

2. PRIORITIES FOR MoI/MoD Example as of : 12 Aug 2014 MoI as at 12 Aug 14 MoD as at 17 Jul 14

Priority 1. Close MINDEF Priorities Win the current fight – defeat the insurgency OPR EF 6 2. Deep 3. Deep 4. Close Long-term sustainment of the force Facilitate a peaceful political transition Close the capability gaps EF 5 EF 3 EF 4/6 5. Close 6. Deep 7. Deep 8. Deep 9. Close Develop border security strategy Develop leaders / educate the force Implement viable counter-corruption program Strengthen institutional capacity Individual and collective training at the unit level EF 6 EF 4 EF 2/3 N/A EF 4 Priorities 1. Close 2. Close 3. Close CoGS Priorities Sustained security operations ANA support to movement of election materials Inauguration Security OPR EF 6 EF 6 EF 6 Priorities 4. Deep 5. Close 6. Close CoGS Priorities Base transition and security Addressing capability gaps Sustaining current capabilities – logistics, maintenance, supply OPR EF 5 EF 4,6 EF 5 NATO/ISAF UNCLASSIFIED

3. Process Maps

Maybe western visualization of Afghan process but: - Are being made by former advisors ICCW Afghan counterparts - Visualize extensive advisor efforts - Are the best tool available to investigate and solve problems - Are the means to minimize patronage/regional influence on Afghan systems - Are essential for nation building - Are essential to achieve sustaining ANSF ANNEX B in Guide!


EF 4 Force Generation


EF 5 Force Sustainment



Terms of Reference for Operationalizing Functionally-Based Security Force Assistance http://portal.hq.ms.isaf.nato.int/DCOSOPS/CJ3/CJ%2035/SFAFUSION/default.aspx

Operationalization of Functionally Based Security Force Assistance Handbook v 1.1

http://workspace.hq.ms.isaf.nato.int/IHQ/DCOSOPS/CJ3/SFA_Fusion_Cell/Documents/ISAF/08_SF A_Key_Documents/Operationalization_of_FB_SFA_Handbook_Version_1.1.pdf

FRAGO 1001-2014 Operationalization of FB-SFA http://workspace.hq.ms.isaf.nato.int/IHQ/RecordsCentre/Documents/2014/20140607-NIU-IHQ FRAGO-1001-2014_Operationalizing_FB-SFA.pdf

RS Security Force Assistance Guide 3.0 http://workspace.hq.ms.isaf.nato.int/IHQMM/CGHQ/CAAT/Documents/Bi SC/FBSFA%20Rollout%20-%20Jul2014/2014.07.02.SFA%203.0%20Final%20v2.pdf

SFA Centre Portal http://portal.hq.ms.isaf.nato.int/DCOSOPS/CJ%2035/SFAFUSION/default.aspx

SFA Collaboration Site http://portal.hq.ms.isaf.nato.int/CGHQ/CAAT/SFA_Collaboration_Site/default.aspx

CAAT Portal http://portal.hq.ms.isaf.nato.int/CGHQ/CAAT/default.aspx