Same sex marriages in international family law

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Same sex marriages in international family law – a clash of legal cultures?

Academica 2014 University of Tartu, Faculty of Law Monday, October 13, 2014 Prof. Dr. Volker Lipp 1

Overview    Same sex couples in family law and the law of succession  Same sex marriage and registered partnership in a comparative perspective Legal issues in international cases Views on some international instruments and their approaches Prof. Dr. Volker Lipp 2

Introduction  Same sex marriage - promoted, prohibited, tolerated  Same sex marriage and law of succession o Spouse as legal heir o Reserved share of spouse  The legal situation of international couples of the same sex - a clash of legal cultures? Prof. Dr. Volker Lipp 3

Same sex marriage in family law  Right to privacy: no state interference with private life   Cohabitation Registered partnership o For all couples (e.g. French PACS) o For same sex couples only (e.g. Germany)  Same sex marriage (e.g. Norway, Sweden, The Netherlands, Spain) Prof. Dr. Volker Lipp 4

Same sex marriage 2000 Netherlands 2003 Belgium 2004 Massachusetts (USA) 2005 Spain, Canada 2009 Norway, Sweden 2010 Argentina, Iceland, Portugal 2012 Danmark 2013 France 2013/14 UK (except Northern Ireland) Prof. Dr. Volker Lipp 5

Same sex marriage in the US  Federal Defense of Marriage Act 1996 o Same sex marriage = state legislation o No state obliged to recognise same sex marriage concluded in another state  Same sex marriage o Allowed in 6 states and D.C.

o Prohibited in 45 states (in 30 states by state constitution) o Some recognise, others do not Prof. Dr. Volker Lipp 6

Europe (Council of Europe)  Same sex marriage: 10 countries  Registered partnership: 12 countries  Nothing of the above: 29 countries Prof. Dr. Volker Lipp 7

International family law issues  Conclusion of marriage / registered partnership o Where? - Where it is known!

o Which law?

 Personal law (nationality, domicile, habitual residence)  Law of place where it is concluded (lex loci celebrationis) Prof. Dr. Volker Lipp 8

International family law issues  Recognition of marriage / partnership concluded abroad o What does „recognition“ mean?

 Status as such  Effects of status for maintenance, property, law of succession etc.

o Standard issues if it is known in other state o Special problem if it is unknown in other state Prof. Dr. Volker Lipp 9

Hague Convention No. 26 of 1978  Validity and recognition of the validity of marriage  Ratified by 3 countries only (Australia, Luxembourg, Netherlands)  Does not cover same sex marriage (not known in 1978) Prof. Dr. Volker Lipp 10

ICCS Convention No. 32 of 2007    On the recognition of registered partnerships Of couples of the same or different sex   Modelled after the Hague Marriage Convention No. 26 of 1978  Recognition of partnership registered in one member state by all other member states Grounds for non-recognition Not yet in force Prof. Dr. Volker Lipp 11

EU Regulation 2201/2003 (Brussels II bis)  Proceedings of divorce, legal separation, and annulment of marriage  Same sex marriage not included (known in only 2 member states) Prof. Dr. Volker Lipp 12

EU Regulation 1259/2010 (Rome III)   Same sex marriage not included (no consensus)  Applicable law for divorce and legal separation of marriage No member state is obliged to separate or divorce a same sex marriage if it does not know it (Preamble 26) Prof. Dr. Volker Lipp 13

EU Succession Regulation (650/2012)  On the succession to the estate of a deceased person  Succession right of spouse or partner and right to reserved share (Art. 23 § 2 lit. b and h)  „marriage“ and „partnership“ as preliminary question Prof. Dr. Volker Lipp 14

EU Succession Regulation (650/2012)  Succession Regulation does not apply to o family relationships o „relationships deemed by the the law applicable to such relationships to have comparable effects“  „marriage“ and „partnership“ left to national (conflict) laws Prof. Dr. Volker Lipp 15

EU Succession Regulation (650/2012)   Conflicts likely e.g. if a member state regards same sex marriage / registered partnership as valid and surviving spouse / partner would have right of succession or to a reserved share under that law, but law of succession does not?

Prof. Dr. Volker Lipp 16

Proposal for EU regulations on the property of international couples  2 proposals, one for matrimonial property, one for property in registered partnerships  Inclusion of recognition of foreign marriage and partnership rejected, only property issues  Definition of registered partnership includes couples of same and of different sex  No definition of marriage Prof. Dr. Volker Lipp 17

Proposal for EU regulations on the property of international couples  Commission: property in same sex marriage should be left to national (conflict) laws  But are there other problems than with property in registered partnerships?

Prof. Dr. Volker Lipp 18