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Curriculum Vitae PERSONAL INFORMATION WORK EXPERIENCE January 1985–February 1993

Paolo Paolucci


University of Bologna, (Italy) Bone Marrow Transplantation Unit at the Paediatric Clinic

March 1993–March 1996


Azienda Sanitaria Locale , (Italy) Unit of Paediatrics at the Hospital of Lugo (RA)

April 1996–October 2002


IRCCS-Hospital San Giovanni Rotondo (FG), (Italy) Unit of Paediatrics

November 2002–Present


University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, (Italy) Unit of Paediatric Hematology, Oncology and Bone Marrow Transplantation

January 2004–Present


University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, (Italy) Department of Mother and Child

November 2009–Present


University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, (Italy) Unit of Paediatrics

November 1979–October 1985


University of Bologna, (Italy) Laboratory of Paediatric Immunology

November 1985–February 1993


University of Bologna, (Italy) Laboratory of cytogenetics and cell biology

September 1986–September 1988

Founder and Chairman

Italian Association of Paediatric Hematology and Oncology, (Italy) Italian Study Group for Bone Marrow Transplantation

September 1986–September 1995

Founder and Chairman

Italian Association of Paediatric Hematology and Oncology, (Italy) Italian Registry of Paediatric Bone Marrow Transplantation 13/1/15 © European Union, 2002-2014 | Page 1 / 9

Curriculum Vitae Paolo Paolucci September 1996–September 2006

Founder and Member

European Blood and Bone Marrow Transplantation Group (EBMT) , (Italy) Working Party “Paediatric Diseases”

August 2008–Present

Alternate Member

European Medicines Agency, (United Kingdom) Health Professional at the Paediatric Committee (PDCO)

January 2013–December 2014


Ministery of Education, Research and University, (Italy) National Committee for Professorship Evaluation and Assignement in Paediatrics

EDUCATION AND TRAINING November 1966–October 1972

Medical Doctor Degree

School of Medicine - University of Bologna, (Italy) Graduation with 110 / 110 cum laude

November 1972–October 1975

Specialist in Paediatrics

Post-graduate School of Paediatrics- University of Bologna, (Italy) Graduation with 70 / 70 cum laude

November 1975–October 1976

Specialist in theory and application of calculators

Post-graduate School of Mathematics - University of Bologna, (Italy) Graduation with 28 / 30

November 1976–October 1978

Specialist in Neonatology

Post-graduate School of Neonatology - University of Bologna, (Italy) Graduation with 70 / 70 cum laude

November 1980–October 1983

Specialist in Allergology and Clinical Immunology

Post-graduate School of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - University of Florence, (Italy) Graduation with 70 / 70 cum laude

February 1978–December 1979

Research Fellow

Hospital for Sick Children/Institute of Child Health, (United Kingdom) Research and clinical training in paediatric hematology, immunology and allergology

December 1984–December 1985

Research Fellow

St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, (United States) Clinical and research training in paediatric bone marrow transplantation


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Curriculum Vitae Paolo Paolucci Expertise

Scientific interests • Cellular and molecular bases of congenital defects of immunity • Paediatric Haematology and Oncology • Haemopoietic Stem Cells Transplantation • Gene expression profile in paediatrics (pharmacogenomics) • Cell therapies in paediatric oncology • Development of Clinical Trials in Paediatrics • Role and applications of mesenchimal stem cells in regenerative medicine


A list of the most significant publications over the last 14 years (2000 - 2014) follows: 1. Haemopoietic stem cell transplantation in childhood: report from the bone marrow transplantation group of the associazione italiana di ematologia e oncologia pediatrica (AIEOP). A. .Pession, R. Rondelli, Paolucci P, G. Pastore, G. Dini, F. Bonetti, E. Madon, F. Mandelli, L. Zanesco, C. Uderzo, A. Prete, M. Rabusin, A. Ugazio, P. Di Bartolomeo, C. Favre, L.B. Faulkner, V. Poggi, R. Luksch, A. Donfrancesco, F. Argiolu, G. La Nasa, A. Amici, F. Locatelli.

Haematologica 2000; 85: 638-646.

2. Expansion of hemathogones in a patient with Gaucher disease. G. D’Arena, M. Bisceglia, S. Ladogana, A.M. Carella, M. Carotenuto, Paolucci P.

Med. Ped. Oncol. 2001; 34: 1-2.

3. A dysfunctional factor X (factor X San Giovanni Rotondo) present at homozygous and double heterozygous level: identification of a novel microdeletion (delc556) and missense mutation (lys(408)---asn) in the factor x gene. a study of an italian family. P. Simioni, F. Vianello, M. Kalafatis, L. Barzon, S. Ladogana, Paolucci P, M. Carotenuto, F. Dal Bello, G. Palu, A. Girolami.

Thromb. Res. 2001; 101 (4): 219-230.

4. Microchips and clinical practice. P. Gasparini, Paolucci P.

Ital. J. Pediatr. 2003; 29: 12-17.

5. Neuroblastic tumors associated with opsoclonus-myoclonus syndrome: histological, immunohistochemical and molecular features of 15 italian cases. C. Gambini, M. Conte, G. Bernini, P.Angelici, A. Pession, Paolucci P, A. Donfrancesco, E. Veneselli, K. Mazzocco, GP Tonini, L. Raffaghello, C. Dominaci, A. Morando, F. Negri, C. Favre, B. De Bernardi, V. Pistoia.

Virchows Arch. 2003; 442: 555-562.

6. La leucemia linfoblastica acuta: un modello di percorso terapeutico della pediatria moderna. V. Conter, M. Jankovic, C. Rizzari, G. Palazzi, A. Sala, Paolucci P.

Prospettive in Pediatria 2004; 136 (34): 261-270.

7. The development in the understanding of pain in children. N. Sturloni, E. Garetti, Paolucci P.

The Suffering Child 2004; 4: 48-52.

8. Variazioni temporali dei flussi migratori per trapianto di cellule staminali emopoietiche (TCSE) tra centri aderenti all’associazione italiana di ematologia e oncologia pediatrica. R. Rondelli, L. Gualandi, F. locatelli, F. Ronchetti, G. Dini, M. Zecca, F. Fagioli, S. Cesaro, A. Prete, C. Uderzo, R. Luksch, F. Porta, A. Donfrancesco, G. Meloni, C. Favre, L. Faulkner, M. Andolina, M. Rifaldi, P. Zucchetti, A. Di Cataldo, P. Pierani, S. Ladogana, F.Argiolu, G. De Rossi, P. Di Bartolomeo, P. Marradi, Paolucci P, G. La Nasa; C. Messina, A. Pession. XXXI Congresso Nazionale Associazione Italiana Ematologia Oncologia Pediatrica, Stresa, 10-12 ottobre 2004.

Haematologica 2004; 89 (suppl. n. 10): 134.

9. Linea guida AIEOP sulla porpora trombocitopenica immune acuta: grado di implementazione 1999 2002. D. De Mattia, GC. Del Vecchio, A. De Santis, P. Giordano, G. Amendola, A. Arrighini, C. Baronci, D. Del Principe, R. De Santis, AC. Molinari, M. Jankovic, S. Magro, L. Nespoli, B. Nobili, M. Nardi, Paolucci P, G. Paone, U. Ramenghi, G. Russo, V. Sabato, F. Tucci, M. Zecca.

Haematologica 2004; 89 (suppl. n. 10): 156.

10. Rituximab induces different but overlapping sets of genes in human B lymphoma cell lines. E. Cittera, C. Onofri, M. D’Apolito, G. Cartron, G. Cazzaniga, L. Zelante, Paolucci P, A. Biondi, M. Introna, J. Golay.

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Curriculum Vitae Paolo Paolucci

Cancer Immunol. Immunother. 2005; 54, 273-286.

11. Efficacy and safety of recombinant urate oxidase (rasburicase) for treatment and prophylaxis of hyperuricemia in children undergoin chemiotherapy. A. Pession, E. Barbieri, N. Santoro, Paolucci P, F. Porta, F. Locatelli.

Paediatric Haematol. Oncol. 2005; 90: 141-142. 12. Persistently high IgA serum levels are a marker of immunologic or virologic failure of combined antiretroviral therapy in children with perinatal HIV-1 infection. E. Chiappini, L.Galli, M. Cellini, MC Cano, Paolucci P et al for The Italian Register for HIV Infection in Children Clin. Exp. Immunol. 2005; 140: 320-324.

13. Phase II study of a protracted irinotecan schedule in children with refractory or recurrent soft tissue sarcoma. G. Bisogno, R. Riccardi, A. Ruggiero, G. Arcamone, A. Prete, G. Surico, M. Provenzi, P. Bertolini, Paolucci P, Carli M.

Cancer 2006; 106 (3): 703-707. 14. Plasma levels of receptor activator of nuclear factor-kappab ligand and osteoprotegerin in patients with neuroblastoma. D. Granchi, A. Garaventa, I. Amato, Paolucci P, Baldini N.

Int. J. Cancer 2006; 119 (1): 146-51. 15. G1 cell-cycle arrest and apoptosis by histone deacetylase inhibition in MLL-AF9 acute myeloid leukemia cells is p21 dependent and MLL-AF9 independent. R. Tonelli, R. Sartini, R. Fronza, F. Freccero, M. Franzoni, D. Dongiovanni, M. Ballarini, S. Ferrari, M. D'apolito, G. Di Cola, G. Capranico, A. Khobta, R. Campanini, Paolucci P, S. Minucci, A. Pession.

Leukemia 2006; 20 (7): 1307-10. 16. Two consecutive immunophenotypic switches in a child with MLL-rearranged acute lymphoblastic leukemia. G. Germano, M. Pigazzi, L. Del Giudice, M. Campo Dell’Orto, M. Spinelli, A. Zangrando Paolucci P, S. Ladogana, G.Basso.

Haematologica 2006; 91 (5): 217-9. 17. Assessment of submicroscopic genetic lesions by single nucleotide polymorphism array in a child with acute myeloid leukemia and FLT3-internal tandem duplication. S. Bungaro, M. Raghavan, M.G. Dell’Oro, Paolucci P, B.D. Young, A. Biondi, G. Cazzaniga.

Haematologica 2006; 91 (7): 998-1000. 18. Identification of a molecular signature predictive of sensitivity to differentiation induction in acute myeloid leukemia. E. Tagliafico, E. Tenedini, R. Manfredini, A. Grande, F. Ferrari, E. Roncaglia, S. Bicciato, R. Zini, S. Salati, E. Bianchi, C. Gemelli, M. Montanari, T. Vignudelli, T. Zanocco-Marani, S. Parenti, Paolucci P, G. Martinelli, P.P. Piccaluga, M. Baccarani, G. Specchia, U. Torelli, S. Ferrari.

Leukemia 2006; 20 (10): 1751-8. 19. Chromosomal locus 19p13 as potential hotspot for aberrant gene expression in relapsed paediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia. M. Lanciotti, M. D’Apolito, Paolucci P, C. Dufour.

Br. J. Haematol. 2006; 135 (2): 274-5. 20. Virologic, immunologic and clinical benefits from early combined antiretroviral therapy in infants with perinatal HIV-1 infection. E. Chiappini, L.Galli, M. Cellini, M.C. Cano, Paolucci P et al for The Italian Register for HIV Infection in Children AIDS 2006; 25: 97-101.

21. Cancer rates after year 2000 significantly decrease in children with perinatal HIV infection: a study by the Italian Register for HIV Infection in Children. E. Chiappini, L.Galli, M. Cellini, M.C. Cano, Paolucci P et al for The Italian Register for HIV Infection in Children J. Clin. Oncol. 2007; 25: 97-101.

22. Challanges in drug prescribing for children with cancer. Paolucci P, K. Pritchard Jones, M.C. Cano Garcinuno, M. Catapano, A. Iolascon, A.Ceci.

Lancet Oncol. 2008; 9: 176-183.

23. Donor cell-derived osteopoiesis originates from a self-renewing stem cell with a limited regenerative contribution after transplantation. M. Dominici, R. Marino, V. Rasini, C. Spano, Paolucci P, PF. Conte, T.J. Hofmann, E.M. Horwitz.

Blood 2008; 111: 4386-91.

24. Assessment of aspergillus-specific T cells for diagnosis of invasive aspergillosis in a leukemic child with liver lesions mimicking hepatosplenic candidiasis. Potenza L, Barozzi P, Rossi G, Palazzi G, © European Union, 2002-2014 | Page 4 / 9


Curriculum Vitae Paolo Paolucci

Vallerini D, Riva G, Cellini M, Morselli M, Volzone F, Venturelli C, Quadrelli C, Di Pancrazio L, Cano MC, Paolucci P, Torelli G, Luppi M.

Clin Vaccine Immunol. 2008; 15(10): 1625-28.

25. Restoration and reversible expansion of the osteoblastic hematopoietic stem cell niche after marrow radioablation. Dominici M, Rasini V, Bussolari R, Chen X, Hofmann TJ, Spano C, Bernabei D, Veronesi E, Bertoni F, Paolucci P, Conte P, Horwitz EM. Blood. 2009 Sep 10;114(11):2333-43.

26. Heterogeneity of Multipotent Mesenchymal Stromal Cells: From Stromal Cells to Stem Cells and Vice Versa. Dominici M, Paolucci P, Conte PF, Horwitz EM.

Transplantation. 2009; 87: 36-42.

27. GMP-Manufactured Density Gradient Media for Optimized Mesenchymal Stromal/Stem Cells Isolation and Expansion. Grisendi G, Annerén C, Cafarelli L, Sternieri R, Veronesi E, Cervo GL, Luminari S, Maur M, Frassoldati A, Palazzi G, Otsuru S, Paolucci P, Conte PF, Horwitz EM, Dominici M. Cytotherapy. 2010 Jul;12(4):466-77.

28. Risk of hematological malignancies associated with magnetic fields exposure from power lines: a case-control study in two municipalities of northern Italy. Carlotta Malagoli, Sara Fabbi, Sergio Teggi, Mariagiulia Calzari, Maurizio Poli, Elena Ballotti, Barbara Notari, Maurizio Bruni, Giovanni Palazzi, Paolucci P, Marco Vinceti. Environ Health. 2010 Mar 30;9:16.

29. Adipose-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells as Stable Source of Tumor Necrosis Factor-Related Apoptosis-Inducing Ligand Delivery for Cancer Therapy. Grisendi G, Bussolari R, Cafarelli L, Petak I, Rasini V, Veronesi E, De Santis G, Spano C, Tagliazzucchi M, Barti-Juhasz H, Scarabelli L, Bambi F, Frassoldati A, Rossi G, Casali C, Morandi U, Horwitz EM, Paolucci P, Conte P, Dominici M.

Cancer Res. 2010 May 1;70(9):3718-29.

30. The European paediatric legislation: benefits and perspectives. Rocchi F, Paolucci P, Ceci A, Rossi P.

Ital J Pediatr. 2010 Aug 17;36:56.

31. Needs and PIPs by therapeutic classes: oncology. Paolucci P, Cioni V, Caramaschi E, Cano C. Pharmaceut Policy and Law 2010; 12 (1-2): 109-113. 32. Gene expression profiling: a possible tool in the prediction of outcome in paediatric acute lymphoblastic leukaemia?

Lanciotti M, D'Apolito M, Paolucci P, Indaco S, Dufour C.

Br J Haematol. 2011 Apr;153(2):279-82. 33. Neuroblastoma and bone metastases: clinical significance and prognostic value of Dickkopf 1 plasma levels.

Granchi D, Corrias MV, Garaventa A, Baglìo SR, Cangemi G, Carlini B, Paolucci, Giunti A, Baldini N. Bone. 2011 Jan; 48(1): 152-9.

34. Pediatric pharmacogenetic and pharmacogenomic studies: the current state and future perspectives. Russo R, Capasso M, Paolucci P, Iolascon A.. Eur J Clin Pharmacol. 2011 May;67 Suppl:17-27.

35. Endpoints in Paediatric Oncology. Paolucci P, Cioni V, Bigi E, Lucaccioni L, Cano C. Eur J Clin Pharmacol 2011; 67 Suppl 1: 33-40.

36. Understanding tumor-stroma interplays for targeted therapies by armed mesenchymal stromal progenitors: the Mesenkillers. Grisendi G, Bussolari R, Veronesi E, Piccinno S, Burns JS, De Santis G, Loschi P, Pignatti M, Di Benedetto F, Ballarin R, Di Gregorio C, Guarneri V, Piccinini L, Horwitz EM, Paolucci P, Conte P, Dominici M. Am J Cancer Res. 2011;1(6):787-805. 37. Non-invasive methods can predict oesophageal varices in patients with biliary atresia after a Kasai procedure.

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Colecchia A, Di Biase AR, Scaioli E, Predieri B, Iughetti L, Reggiani ML, Montrone L, Ceccarelli PL, Vestito A, Viola L, Paolucci P, Festi D.

Dig Liver Dis. 2011 Aug;43(8):659-63. 38. An adoptive immuno-gene therapy approach targeting neuroblastoma.

Caldrer S, Spano C, Grisendi g, Ceccarelli GB, Bestagno M, Campana D, Conte PF, Dominici M, Paolucci P.

Pediatric Blood & Cancer. 2011; 57 (5): 783-784. 39. Obesity in patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia in childhood.

Iughetti L, Bruzzi P, Predieri B, Paolucci P.

Ital J Pediatr. 2012 Jan 27;38:41-43. 40. Epidemiology of infections in children with acquired aplastic anaemia: a retrospective multicenter study in Italy.

Quarello P, Saracco P, Giacchino M, Caselli D, Caviglia I, Longoni D, Varotto S, Rana I, Amendola A, Misuraca A, Licciardello M, Paolucci P, Ladogana S, Rivetti E, Dufour C, Castagnola E.

Eur J Haematol. 2012; 88 (6): 526-534. 41. Unusual osseous presentation of blastomycosis in an immigrant child: A challenge for European pediatricians. Codifava M, Guerra A, Rossi G, Paolucci P, Iughetti L. Ital J Pediatr 2012; 38 (1): 69-71.

42. Incidental diagnosis of thoracic ganglioneuroblastoma in a 3-year-old female with wheezing.

Lucaccioni L, Bigi E, Garcinuno CC, Paolucci P, Iughetti L.

Acta Biomed. 2012 Apr;83(1):53-5.

43. Leukemia risk in children exposed to benzene and PM10 from vehicular traffic: a case-control study in an Italian population.

Vinceti M, Rothman KJ, Crespi CM, Sterni A, Cherubini A, Guerra L, Maffeis G, Ferretti E, Fabbi S, Teggi S, Consonni D, De Girolamo G, Meggiato A, Palazzi G, Paolucci P, Malagoli C.

Eur J Epidemiol. 2012 Oct;27(10):781-90. 44. MSC and Tumors: Homing, Differentiation, and Secretion Influence Therapeutic Potential. D'souza N, Burns JS, Grisendi G, Candini O, Veronesi E, Piccinno S, Horwitz EM, Paolucci P, Conte P, Dominici M.

Adv Biochem Eng Biotechnol. 2013; 130:209-16. 45. Italian cancer figures, report 2012: Cancer in children and adolescents. AIRTUM Working Group; CCM; AIEOP Working Group (Member).

Epidemiol Prev. 2013 Jan-Feb;37(1 Suppl 1):1-225.

46. Intellectual function evaluation of first generation immigrant children with sickle cell disease: The role of language and sociodemographic factors. Montanaro M, Colombatti R, Pugliese M, Migliozzi C, Zani F, Guerzoni ME, Manoli S, Manara R, Meneghetti G, Rampazzo P, Cavalleri F, Giordan M, Paolucci P, Basso G, Palazzi G, Sainati L. Ital J Pediatr 2013 Jun; 4: 39-46.

47. Isolation, characterization, and transduction of endometrial decidual tissue multipotent mesenchymal stromal/stem cells from menstrual blood. Rossignoli F, Caselli A, Grisendi G, Piccinno S, Burns JS, Murgia A, Veronesi E, Loschi P, Masini C, Conte P, Paolucci P, Horwiz EM, Dominici M. Biomed Res Int. 2013; 90: 18-21. 48. Megakaryocytes promote murine osteoblastic HSC niche expansion and stem cell engraftment after radioablative conditioning. Olson TS, Caselli A, Otsuru S, Hofmann TJ, Williams R, Paolucci P, Dominici M, Horwitz EM.

Blood. 2013 Jun 27;121(26):5238-49. 49. IGF-1-Mediated Osteoblastic Niche Expansion Enhances Long-Term Hematopoietic Stem Cell Engraftment after Murine Bone Marrow Transplantation.

Caselli A, Olson TS, Otsuru S, Chen X, Hofmann TJ, Nah HD, Grisendi G, Paolucci P, Dominici M, © European Union, 2002-2014 | Page 6 / 9


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Horwitz EM. Stem Cells. 2013 Oct; 31(10): 2193-204.

50. Adipose stromal/stem cells assist fat transplantation reducing necrosis and increasing graft performance.

Piccinno MS, Veronesi E, Loschi P, Pignatti M, Murgia A, Grisendi G, Castelli I, Bernabei D, Candini O, Conte P, Paolucci P, Horwitz EM, De Santis G, Iughetti L, Dominici M. Apoptosis. 2013 Oct;18(10):1274-89. 51. Transportation Conditions for Prompt Use of Ex Vivo Expanded and Freshly Harvested Clinical Grade Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stromal/Stem Cells for Bone Regeneration. Veronesi E, Murgia A, Caselli A, Grisendi G, Piccinno MS, Rasini V, Giordano R, Montemurro T, Bourin P, Sensebé L, Rojewski MT, Schrezenmeier H, Layrolle P, Ginebra MP, Panaitescu CB, Gómez-Barrena E, Catani F, Paolucci P, Burns JS, Dominici M.

Tissue Eng Part C Methods 2013; 20(3):239-51.

52. Delayed Marrow Infusion in Mice Enhances Hematopoietic and Osteopoietic Engraftment by Facilitating Transient Expansion of the Osteoblastic Niche. Marino R, Otsuru S, Hofmann TJ, Olson TS, Rasini V, Veronesi E, Boyd K, Gaber MW, Martinez C, Paolucci P, Dominici M, Horwitz EM. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant 2013 Nov; 19(11): 1566-73. 53. Dancing eye syndrome as first symptom of neuroblastoma. Venturelli C, Guerra A, Paolucci P, Iughetti L. Acta Biomed. 2013 Sep 1; 84(2):162-6.

54. Intellectual function evaluation of first generation immigrant children with sickle cell disease: the role of language and sociodemographic factors.

Montanaro M, Colombatti R, Pugliese M, Migliozzi C, Zani F, Guerzoni ME, Manoli S, Manara R, Meneghetti G, Rampazzo P, Cavalleri F, Giordan M, Paolucci P, Basso G, Palazzi G, Sainati L.

Ital J Pediatr. 2013 Jun 4;39:36. 55. Mesenchymal Progenitors Expressing TRAIL Induce Apoptosis in Sarcomas. Giulia Grisendi, Carlotta Spano, Naomi D'souza, Valeria Rasini, Elena Veronesi, Malvina Prapa, Tiziana Petrachi, Serena Piccinno, Filippo Rossignoli, Jorge S. Burns, Stefania Fiorcari, Donatella Granchi, Nicola Baldini, Edwin M. Horwitz, Valentina Guarneri, Pierfranco Conte, Paolo Paolucci, Massimo Dominici. Stem Cells. 2014 Nov 25. doi: 10.1002/stem.1903. [Epub ahead of print] 56. Mesenchymal progenitors aging highlights a miR-196 switch targeting HOXB7 as master regulator of proliferation and osteogenesis. Olivia Candini, Carlotta Spano, Alba Murgia, Giulia Grisendi, Elena Veronesi, Maria SerenaPiccinno, Manuela Ferracin, Massimo Negrini, Francesca Giacobbi, Franco Bambi, Edwin MarkHorwitz, Pierfranco Conte, Paolo Paolucci, Massimo Dominici. Stem Cells. 2014 Nov 26. doi: 10.1002/stem.1897. [Epub ahead of print] 57. Final height and body mass index in adult survivors of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia treated without cranial radiotherapy: a retrospective longitudinal multicenter Italian study. Patrizia Bruzzi, Barbara Predieri, Andrea Corrias, Alberto Marsciani, Maria Elisabeth Street, Aurora Rossidivita, Paolo Paolucci, Lorenzo Iughetti. BMC Pediatrics 09/2014; 14(1):236. 58. cGMP-Compliant Transportation Conditions for a Prompt Therapeutic Use of Marrow Mesenchymal Stromal/Stem Cells. Elena Veronesi, Jorge Sans Burns, Alba Murgia, Olivia Candini, Valeria Rasini, Ilenia Mastrolia, Fabio Catani, Paolo Paolucci, Massimo Dominici. Methods Mol Biol. 2014 Aug 10. [Epub ahead of print] 59. Predictive diagnostic value for the clinical features accompanying intellectual disability in children with pathogenic copy number variations: a multivariate analysis. Elisa Caramaschi, Ilaria Stanghellini, Pamela Magini, Maria Grazia Giuffrida, Silvia Scullin, Tiziana Giuva, Patrizia Bergonzini, Azzurra Guerra, Paolo Paolucci, Antonio Percesepe. It. J. Pediatr.2014; 40(1):39-42.

60. Correlating ex vivo and in vivo osteogenic assays for quality control of clinically destined cGMP grade BM-MSC. A. Murgia, E. Veronesi, V. Rasini, O. Candini, L. Sensebè, P. Layrolle, H. Schrezenmeier, P. Paolucci, J. Burns, M. Dominici. Cytotherapy 04/2014; 15(4):S18–S19.

61. Modified adipose mesenchymal progenitors target Ewing's sarcoma. G. Grisendi, C. Spano, N. D'Souza, V. Rasini, E. Veronesi, S. Piccinno, G. De Santis, E. Horwitz, P. Conte, P. Paolucci, M. Dominici. Cytotherapy 04/2014; 16(4):S32.

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62. Sickle cell disease in areas of immigration of high-risk populations: a low cost and reproducible method of screening in northern Italy. Donatella Venturelli, Mariachiara Lodi, Giovanni Palazzi, Giuliano Bergonzini, Giada Doretto, Annalisa Zini, Cellini Monica, M Carmen Cano, Mariotti Ilaria, Giuliano Montagnani, Paolo Paolucci. Blood Transfus. 2014 Jul;12(3):346-51.

63. Paraplegia by spinal cord compression as the initial manifestation of Hodgkin's disease: a case report. Lorenza Baroni, Sara Fornaciari, Barbara Predieri, Patrizia Bergonzini, Azzurra Guerra, Paolo Paolucci, Lorenzo Iughetti. Acta bio-medica: Atenei Parmensis 01/2014; 85(2):171-4.


Research projects • Chairman, TEG in Oncology - FP6 “TEDDY (Task Force in Europe for Drug Development for the Young) project” 2005-2010 • EU Commission appointment as “Health Professional”, Paediatric Committee (PDCO), European Medicines Agency (EMA), London (UK) 2008- onwards • Chairman, Therapeutic Expert Group in Oncology - FP6 “TEDDY (Task Force in EU for Drug Development for the Young) project”2005-2010 • EU Commission appointment as “Health Professional”, Paediatric Committee (PDCO), European Medicines Agency (EMA), London (UK) 2008- onwards • Integrated follow up program for monitoring late effects of chemotherapy in paediatric oncology: controlled, multicentre study (PI, Regione Emilia Romagna Research Projects – Area 2 “Clinical Governance”); 2007-2010 • Gene therapy with mesenchimal stem cells carrying Tumor Necrosis Factor-Related Apoptosis Inducing Ligand (TRAIL): an innovative platform for adult and children cancer therapy (PI Research Unit - PRIN); 2008-2010 • Exploring innovative strategies to enhance bone regeneration based on novel mesenchymal stromal stem cells (National Health Institute); 2010-2012 • Third Party, Project “Global Research In Paediatrics” (GRIP), Framework Projects, European Commission. 2010-2015


Memberships 1. SIP (Italian Society of Paediatrics); 2. SIPPS (Italian Society of Social and Preventive Paediatrics); 3. AIEOP (Italian Society of Paediatric Hematology and Oncology); 4. EBMT (European Blood and Bone Marrow Transplantation Group); 5. GITMO (Italian Group for Bone Marrow Transplantation); 6. SIOP (International Society of Paediatric Oncology); 7. ISCT (International Society of Cell Therapy); 8. Alternate Member as Health Professional at the Paediatric Committee (PDCO) of European Medicines Agency (EMA); 9. Member of the National Committee for Professorship Evaluation in Paediatrics in Italy; Referee of International Journals 1. Medical and Pediatric Oncology (nowPediatric Blood and Cancer); 2. Italian Journal of Pediatrics; 3. Medico & Bambino; © European Union, 2002-2014 | Page 8 / 9

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4. The Lancet Oncology.

Fellowships 1. Leukemia Research Fund, UK (1978-1979); 2. Leon Journey Fellowship, USA (1984); 3. Travel Fellowship, Fullbright Program (1984).

Invited speaker and chairman at national and international scientific conferences (more than 350 scientific contributions of which more than 150 at international meetings).

Other Relevant Information

- Full Professor of Paediatrics 2002-onwards - Faculty, Post-graduate Schools (Paediatrics, Haematology,Paediatric Neuro-Psychiatry, Community Medicine) 2002- onwards - Director, II level Master in “Paediatric Haematology and Oncology” 2003-2005 - Director, Post-graduate School of Paediatrics 2003-2008 - Faculty, Doctorate in Rigenerative and Molecular Medicine 2004- onwards - Representative of the University in the Administrative Council of the Spin-Off Università-Rigenerand srl 2010- onwards - Industrial Co-Inventor of “Method for specific cell isolation”, Patent n. MO2010A000111, (registered 14.04.2010). No clinical application.

- Industrial Co-Inventor of “Method for engineering effector cells to kill tumour cells expressing disialoganglioside GD2”, Patent n. MO2011000270, (registered 20.05.2011). No clinical application.

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