NetFPGA Environment

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NetFPGA Environment Prepared by Van Quoc Dung

Agency  Way to connect to server  Subversion control  Xilinx development environment  Testing problem

Connecting to server …  2 ways to connect ◦ From: Linux  ssh -XC [email protected]

◦ From: Window  Using Putty + Xming  Putty: enable forward X11 (SSH – X11 tab)  Xming: handle GUI (Xming font + Xming)

Subversion control  Why using???

 Easily control project version  ◦ Check out projects svn co svn+ssh://[email protected]/projects/NIDS  Check status  svn status  ◦ Add file to prepare check in svn add fileA fileB …  ◦ Check in status svn ci –m ‘Message telling how your code is changed’

Xilinx development  Xilinx Flow Verilog Compile & Simulation Synthesis NDC NGDbuild NGD MAP NCD & PCF Place and Route NCD Bitgen

Xilinx development  Development Approach ◦ Interactive Gui   ISE PlanAhead ◦ Command Line  For large project -> increase productivity  Dedicated server -> some ocassions not support GUI  Resource utilization

Xilinx development  Command Line Mode ◦ Scripting Language:   Perl TCL  Unix bash ◦ Build Flow Approach:   Direct Invocation XFLOW  XTCLSH  PlanAhead

Xilinx development  Using Perl and invoke direct command ◦ ◦ from ISE command ◦ ◦ xst –ifn nf2_top.prj –ofn nf2_top.ngc

ngdbuild –p xv2p50-ff1152-7 “nf2_top.ngc” map … Par … ◦ Bitgen … Integrated to

perl file

Xilinx development  ◦ ◦ Using

◦ -clear // clear all unnecessary files -core // generate IP from xco files -syn // synthesize projects ISE ◦ –syn -top nf2_top // synthesize projects without ISE created ◦ –bit –top nf2_top // generate bit file ◦ –sim –top debug // simulation Note: Type command in project directory.

Make sure that you turn on the TMAC license

Xilinx development  Some other command tool need deploy ◦ Data2mem: change value of Bram in Bit file ◦ Mem_edit: edit memory

Testing problem NIC in NIC out Board Send directly out to port, no need TCP/IP mechanism

Testing problem Networking Traffic Switch Board ARP, TCP, UDP Need operate like an NIC

Testing problem Networking Traffic Switch Not need operate like an NIC, but 1 – Board send random packet so that switch can cache the MAC add 2 – Network Traffic is generate by autotool which indentifies Board MAC add Board