Transcript Document

CSL 2013
Torino, Italy, September 3th-6th 2013
Why CSL in Turin ?
• Culture
• History
• Art
• Science
• Entertainment
• Food
• Nature
• Parks
• Alps
• Capital of the Savoia kingdom
• First capital of the Italia kingdom (1861 – 1865)
The Royal Palace
Capital of the baroc art
• University of Torino (1404)
The central palace (1715)
The Academy of Science
• Founded by Lagrange ( 1783)
• Amedeo Avogadro, Charles Darwin, Galileo Ferraris
• Presentation of the Babbage Analytical Machine (1940)
(by Menabrea, commented by Ada Loverlace)
Scuola di Applicazione
• School of Military studies, in collaboration with the university
• Cavour (student), Lagrange, Peano (teachers)
Logic in Torino
Dept. Mathematics
• The father: Giuseppe Peano
• Set theory: Andretta, Lolli,Viale
• Recursion theory and vulgarization: Odifreddi
Dept. Computer Science
The father: Corrado Boehm
Logical semantics of programming: Coppo, Dezani,
Paolini, RDR
Linear Logic and ICC: Piccolo, RDR, Roversi
Classical Logic: Berardi, De Liguoro
A big group in A.I.
Entertainments: music
• MITO (every september): 150 concerts of classical
music, both in the concert halls (paying) and in
the old churches (for free)
Conservatorio G. Verdi
Auditorium Lingotto (Renzo Piano)
Enterteinments: Museum
• Egyptyan Museum (the geatest in Europe)
• The Cinema Museum: hosted in the Mole Antonelliana, symbol of
Torino, is unique in its gender.
Nature: Parks
• Valentino
• Stupinigi
• Colletta
CSL 2013: The venue
Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali
CSL 2013: Where it is
Some hotels
Museo SN
Some Hotels
• More expensive:
1. Hotel Principi di Piemonte *****, Via Gobetti 15
Deluxe room: 180€/night
Junior suite: 200€/night12.
2. Victoria Hotel ****, Via Nino Costa, 4
Standard single room: 140€/night
Deluxe single room: 165€/night
Deluxe double room: 200€/night
• Less expensive:
3. Nizza Hotel ***, Via Nizza 9
Single room: 60€/night
Double room: 90€/night
4. Hotel Montevecchio **, Via Rodolfo Montevecchio, 13
Single room: 50€/night
Double room: 68€/night
Triple room: 90€/night
Coming to Torino
By flying:
• Caselle airport – 20 minutes from the center of
Torino - (direct flies from Amsterdam, Frankfurth,
Lisbona, London, Madrid, Munich, Paris, Roma,…)
• Malpensa airport – 2 hours bus - (direct flies from
Athens, Beijing, Moscow, New York, Tel
Aviv,Warsaw, …)
By trains:
• TGV connection with Lyon, Paris
Social Events
• Welcome Party: Sunday 1st of September
(probably at Circolo dei Lettori), with an
introductory lecture
Social Events
Conference Trip (two possibilities):
• Venaria Castle (which inspired Versailles castle)
• Cinema museum (looking at the Alps from the
top of the Mole)
Proposed fees
• Regular: ≤ 400 euros
• Students: ≤ 300 euros
• Late: ≤ 450 euros
The fee will include:
• Lunch, coffee breaks, electronic proceedings, social
• ? Social dinner ? (depending on the number of
Fixed Points in Computer Science
(4th co-location with CSL)
Questions ?
Thanks for your attention