Quo Vadis? Whither goest the Syracuse University Library and ebooks? Scott Warren 4/29/11

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Transcript Quo Vadis? Whither goest the Syracuse University Library and ebooks? Scott Warren 4/29/11

Quo Vadis?
Whither goest the Syracuse University Library and ebooks?
Scott Warren
Ebook Group
• Mary DeCarlo – Education and Mathematics Librarian
• Tasha Cooper – Social Sciences Bibliographer
• Scott Warren – Head of Collections
• Thea Atwood – iSchool Student, Escience Fellow
• 613 project, iSchool Course
Questions before getting into ebooks
Do you need space?
Do you want to duplicate some of your collection?
Are your patrons out of the office/workplace a lot?
Is your content rapidly changing or do you want titles in
• Who are your primary patrons?
• Can you afford to experiment?
– Will this funding take away from other purchases?
• Which platform(s) offer the best usability?
• Can you get good statistics and if so, which one(s) count?
• Discoverability – ebooks are invisible otherwise
How do we navigate?
From http://www.concerttee.com/posters/posters.php?item=2936322. Original photo by Anthony Waltham
Do we have a direction?
What we already have
Directly or via intermediary
Major publishers
Rent or buy?
New issues
Readers and mobile devices
Free books (Google, HathiTrust, etc.)
Some of the ebook sets SUL has
Lay of the Land (12/9/09)
• # of monograph records in SUMMIT:
• # of uncataloged full-text ebooks:
• But what are all of these ‘books’?
– Some are rented, others bought
– Some are growing sets, others static
– Some OA, most cost money
Sample list of new ebooks 6/28/10
Industry research using the economic census
Albright's chemical engineering handbook
CRC handbook of modern telecommunications
Handbook of mechanical engineering terms
Handbook of plant-based biofuels
Handbook of water purity and quality
Nuclear engineering handbook
Renewable energy focus handbook
Springer handbook of automation
Developing students' statistical reasoning
Forensic entomology
Rick Rubin
Beginners guide to R
Encyclopedia of forensic sciences
Hidden Markov models for time series
Software for data analysis
Structural equation modeling with AMOS
Advances in hospitality and leisure: Volume 5
A comprehensive guide to factorial two-level experimentation
Grow from within
Encyclopedia of alternative investments
Property derivatives
Direct store delivery
Helping patrons make sense of it all!
• http://researchguides.library.syr.edu/ebooks
An Aggregator Case Study: Ebrary 1
ebrary is excited to announce the availability of brand-new Starter Packs for 2011, which make it easier and more
affordable for you to purchase the most essential e-books from leading publishers in 25 high-use subject areas!
Starting at just US$1,800, these packages may be purchased in their entirety at a discount, or used as selection
tools for individual e-books from Elsevier, McGraw-Hill, Oxford University Press, Taylor & Francis, and other leading
publishers. Best of all, titles are not available in any of our subscription products, including Academic Complete™,
or Starter Packs from 2010 and earlier!
Business & Economics
Career Guides
Child Development
Climate Change & Green Energy
Computers & IT
Engineering & Technology
History & Political Science
Interdisciplinary & Area Studies
Language, Literature & Linguistics
Law, International Relations & Public Policy
Ebrary 2
Life Sciences
Nursing & Allied Health
Physical Sciences
Psychology & Social Work
Religion, Philosophy & Classics
Sociology & Anthropology
Sports & Recreation
Veterinary Medicine
Supplement your Starter Packs with more than 1,200 newly added e-books in all subject areas from our growing
catalog of over 226,800 perpetual access titles, many of which are also available for Patron Driven Acquisition
(PDA). You may buy access for any number of users, and there is never a check-out period!
Best of all, for every new US$5,000 order—subscription, perpetual access or Patron Driven Acquisition (PDA)—
through March 31, you may choose a micro-collection that will be subsidized by ebrary for two years. The average
list price of these micro-collections exceeds US$5,000, and none of the titles will be available in our subscription
products during the free access period.
Ebrary 3
• ebrary has a hosting fee, unless
– the customer subscribes to a subscription collection
(Academic Complete, College Collection or the Subject
– If the library subscribes, the hosting fee is waived.
• Annual hosting fee is 5% of aggregate title purchases,
– subject to a minimum of $250 and
– maximum of $1,500 per annual term, invoiced at end of
term and payable within 30 days.
– Hosting fee billed one year after first perpetual access title
But wait, there’s more!
A Reader is not required to view documents in ebrary, just an internet connection
Titles are accessible on some mobile devices such as the iPhone, Blackberry, Android and iPad
Substantially ADA (American Disabilities Act) Compliant including a text-to-speech capability
Growing selection e-books and other titles from more than 425 leading publishers and aggregators
A platform that you can submit your own documents on that can seamlessly integrate with
whatever content you already have!
3 different license models:
1. Subscription - Simultaneous, multi-user access to Growing, Single Publisher, or Custom collections that are
licensed on an annual basis.
2. Perpetual Access - Simultaneous, multi-user or single-user access to customized online book databases
bought as a one-time purchase. We also have perpetual access starter packs that are bought as a collection
and are discounted as a collection OR you can hand select title-by-title
3. Patron driven acquisition – ebrary provides free access to titles of your choice, purchases are triggered
based on real usage by your patrons!
Let’s look more closely at Law
Aggregator Case Study 2: EBL
• Platform Fee: two options for payment.
– Pay as you go = list price of titles plus 10% hosting fee, caps at
– Up-Front Payment = $3000.
• Maintenance Fee:
– Only applies if the library has paid the platform fee in full and
begins one year after the platform fee is paid. Maintenance fees
are $750 but are waived if the library is spending 3K or more per
year on content.
• YBP and EBL announced the launch of a Demand-Driven
Acquisitions Service (DDA) in November 2010.
Aggregator 3: EBSCO/Netlibrary
• All orders will be booked and billed using the
prepaid access fee of 55% of the list price of
each title.
Gale Requirements
• There are no license requirements for SAGE
unless 8 or more titles are purchased in a
single transaction or a collection is
purchased. In this case SAGE will send the
license out after you place the order.
Sage reference online
Yet another vendor
• Attached is a list of the latest titles from
Greenwood Press, Praeger, Libraries
Unlimited, and ABC-CLIO imprints that have
been added to our ebook collection. Our
current ebook platform has approximately
7,000 titles available. We offer free MARC
records and unlimited user access. Individuals
are able to create their own bookshelves and
add notes for easy referencing.
Elsevier book series
• Several print series changed to e-only
• Backfiles purchased at same time
• Sample titles:
– Advances in Applied Microbiology
– Current Topics in Membranes
Advances in Applied Microbiology
Too many choices?!?
From http://discoveringurbanism.blogspot.com/2008_02_01_archive.html
What we don’t want to end up with!!
From http://tweaktoday.com/missions_accomplished/2009/9/5
Questions after getting into ebooks
How do I assess usage?
Do we actually ‘own’ this content?
When is it ‘safe’ to discard print equivalents?
How do I keep moving forward with new options?
Who does the actual support work for all of these platforms? Or, how can I keep
track of all the myriad functions?
What about ereaders?
What if a company fails?
Portico ebooks
• In response to both the library community’s evolving
preservation needs and the growth in publisher participation,
Portico will offer separate e-book and e-journal preservation
services beginning on January 1, 2011.
• Portico’s new E-Book Preservation Service, which to date
covers nearly 66,000 committed titles, mirrors Portico’s
current model already in place as part of its e-journal
preservation service.
• To date, all but two participating e-book publishers have
specified Portico as a mechanism for PCA.
Patron-Driven Purchase
• http://www.library.arizona.edu/services/servi
• http://eclecticlibrarian.net/blog/2010/06/nasi
• http://www.ybp.com/patron_driven_acquisiti
Why PDA?
• Many titles never circulate!
• The Pittsburgh Study from 1973 (Allen Kent) showed that 40% of
books at U of Pittsburgh did not circulate even after 7 years on shelf
• Studies ever since show the same pattern
• UVM usage study in 2006 showed (surprise!) 40% of books did not
From Peter Spitzform, University of Vermont
• Patron driven titles are guaranteed at least one use.
• Must put aside funds for this.
A NY example
• NYU participated in Elsevier's Evidence Based Pilot last
year. We prepaid $70,000 and received one-year's
worth of access to the backlist ebooks in a number of
series. We were able to study the use after the one
year period and make selections using the full $70,000
based on use and/or our awareness of programs on
campus (either way)… We were easily able to spend
the $70,000 on content that had demonstrated use.
Angela Carreño
Head of Collection Development
New York University
[alcts-eforum] Evidence based model
Tue 4/12/2011 2:34 PM
Many choices redux
• Comparing vendors
New Kids on the Block
From http://mhpbooks.com/mobylives/?p=11007
• We experimented with this in 2009
• Accessibility is very important!!
• For the details, see
E textbooks
• http://library.lehigh.edu/sagespages/?p=247
• Not exactly a direct issue for us, but certainly ancillary.
Ebooks Survey (from EBSCO)
eBooks Survey #2
Uncovering their Real Impact on the Publishing Market
Key findings from the 2nd survey of over 600 publishers in July 2010 include:
64% of all publishers are offering titles in eBook format. Up 11% from the first survey.
Only 7% of publishers are implementing enhancements to their eBooks, suggesting that most publishers are
not aware of the EPUB standard’s inherent support for content enhancement, including audio and video.
61% of Trade/Consumer publishers support the EPUB eBook format standard. 18% more than any other
publisher type.
The greatest eBook production challenge is still eReader/content compatibility issues.
Even with the near universal EPUB format standard, today's fragmented eReader market makes quality
eBook production a moving target, requiring manual manipulation to retain consistent formatting across
Primary Research Group | 2011
What about the 900 lb
• Google books
• Should our older print titles be linked to GB?
• Titles put in storage or w/d
• HathiTrust?
An example from our collection
• Aventures de capitaine Pamphile
– Syracuse catalog : in print
– HathiTrust: online
• Should we link to this? Is it an SU ebook ?
Just do it!
• I have started a policy of not even asking if a
patron wants a title as an e-book. I order it as an
e-book whenever possible and if I receive any
complaints, I just order a hard copy. To my
surprise and pleasure, perhaps 1 in 100 times I
have to order the print format.
• -A. Ben Wagner, Sciences Librarian
University at Buffalo, Thu 4/7/2011 4:35 PM. PAMNET
A useful philosophy?
Q: Do you know the difference between education and
A: Education is when you read the fine print; experience is what
you get when you don't.
- Pete Seeger
From: http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/topics/topic_experience.html#ixzz1HdwMkLY0
“Where do we go, where do we go now?”*
•Again – do we have a target or goal? What are we trying to achieve?
*noted scholar and thinker Axl Rose, “Sweet Child of Mine”