A PhD Student’s Survival Guide Randy LeVeque, Applied Math, UW Acknowledgment 1 This talk is modified from a talk on the same topic.

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Transcript A PhD Student’s Survival Guide Randy LeVeque, Applied Math, UW Acknowledgment 1 This talk is modified from a talk on the same topic.

A PhD Student’s
Survival Guide
Randy LeVeque, Applied Math, UW
Acknowledgment 1
This talk is modified from a talk on the same topic by David
Keyes intended for students at KAUST.
With other modifications introduced by Bernard Deconinck.
Acknowledgment 2
• Inspired by and adapted
from the book by Steven
G. Krantz, Mathematics
Department, Washington
• American Mathematical
Society, 2003, 222 pp.
• Focused on graduate
school and early career
• Strongly recommended
– right away, if not earlier
– periodically (e.g., at the
beginning of each
Lots of online resources
• http://www.siam.org/students/
• http://www.siam.org/careers/
• http://www.ams.org/profession/student
• http://www.ams.org/profession/career-info/new-phds/new-phds
• “On the Art of Procuring Reference Letters” by David
• “Handbook of Writing for the Mathematical Sciences”. N.J. Higham,
• Graduate student careers evolve with the changing
economy and the changing metrics for research
– Expectations by employers of new graduates are much higher
now than when I emerged in 1982
– New graduates now have access to much better information, but
their competition is global for nearly every position
• Like all advice, the advice in this talk should be overruled
by adaptation that is local in space and time.
• Take all this advice with a grain of salt and tweak it to
apply to YOU
A graduate student’s life
• Part I: courses
– Analyze
– Focus on specialized theory and
– Build silos of understanding
– Structured, like the undergraduate
• Part II: research
Focus on a problem
Build bridges between the silos
Unstructured, like other creative
professionals (playwrights, architects,
consultants, etc.)
Your intellectual development
• The faculty’s hope, but your responsibility
• The process of discovery has two aspects
– Systematic
• Books, journals, conferences, seminars, courses
• Priming the pump with exposure to applications
• Deriving, programming, correlating
– Serendipitous
• Conversations, inspirations, dreams
• You need both; you also need
– skill and providence
– breadth and depth
Become a “T”-shaped student
track immersion
Or PiShaped…
Your career development
• The faculty’s pride, but your responsibility
• Start now!
read professional society publications
meet leaders (including outside your home department)
get teaching experience
get presentation experience
get someone to seriously criticize your expository
writing (before writing your thesis)
– try out scientific roles: organize sessions at
conferences, participate in SIAM UW, math fair, …
– read job ads
• Prioritize short-term work against long-term goals
• Become a professional
Miscellaneous words to the wise
• Learn local rules and regulations, timetables
– next 4-6 years are your professional “hinge” years
• Learn the “big picture” beyond your university
– you are only here 4-6 years 
• Diversify beyond your undergraduate major
• Work on both your long-term development
(e.g., seminar attendance) and short-term (e.g.,
studying for quals) in a disciplined, balanced
• Specific (personal) suggestions follow
Keep a personal research journal
• Quad-ruled lab notebook or electronic notebook (twiki,
• Try for an entry per day; no less than one per week
• Record what roads you went down and why
what you read
what you observed in the lab
what you proved or demonstrated
what you computed (with reproducible input deck and archived
code version)
• Make note of obstacles (perhaps to return to them with
more knowledge)
• Make note of puzzles (perhaps to raise them with senior
people in the field)
• Bring to your weekly meeting with your advisor
Use a “lab notebook” and version
control for computer experiments
• Keep track of what you’ve tried and where the code is.
Documentation too!
• Use version control for developing code, keeping history
of past working versions.
• Write scripts or programs for every figure/table you plan
to use.
• Make sure your results are reproducible.
• Make it easy for others (and yourself) to build on your
Keep a career webpage
• As a PhD student, your group may feature your face and email on their webpage
• You need more:
– for a link to your CV
– for a link to your papers and presentations
– to show what you think is important
• fast-to-find reference pages
• seminar series
• conferences
• If you don’t have a webpage, people cannot find useful
things about you without contacting you directly
• Sometimes people like to do a preliminary evaluation of
you before they make contact – essential complement to a
job application
• Keep the personal to things that are neutral
Read the literature
• Pick 10-20 journals that span your
methodological and applications interests
– e.g., SIAM J. Sci. Comput. and JFM
• Start collecting your own library
• Go online regularly to see who is writing about
what – journals, arXiv.org, blogs, etc.
– Scan contents: titles, authors, affiliations, abstracts
– Read at least one article of interest per journal per
• Follow the publications of big shots in your field
of interest
• Be your advisor’s scout
– He or she doesn’t have the time you have to keep up!
Apply for Fellowships
• Good professional experience: like
practicing for applying for jobs or grants
• Allows more research focus
• Great networking
• Great CV fodder
Join (at least) two prof socs
• A “technique” society: SIAM, AMS, MAA,
• An “application domain” society: AGU,
• Students can join for no or low cost
– Worth it for publications, employment services
– Helps give definition to your early résumé
Try to go to a conference each year
• A local conference that is free or cheap, even if it
is not of central interest
– to acquire the culture
• A conference specialized to your interest
– get travel support by presenting a poster or paper
• Keep informed by subscribing to electronic
newsletters, and reading notices in your
professional societies’ monthly or quarterly
Participate in the department
Attend seminars
Learn what others here are doing
Learn how others here are doing
Learn how to give a talk
Learn how not to give a talk
Be seen, be heard, participate, be a
member of the local community
Participate in other departments
Learn what others outside are doing
Learn how others outside are doing
Learn how (not) to give a talk
Be seen, be heard, make a favorable impression
of the local community
• Don’t set your attendance expectations by
others’ attendance
– Your advisor may be writing the proposal that feeds
you or knocking on doors precisely so that YOU have
the luxury of attending the colloquium!
– Set a good example for your fellow students; lift them
up; don’t be dragged down!
Get some teaching experience
• Your life will be spent persuading and informing,
whether you are a professional academic or a
research leader in another sector
• You will be a much better student when you
understand the difficulties of teaching
• You may need to have a teaching resume, even
if you don’t need the financial support
• Be choosy about what course you teach, if you
have a choice
• Another potentially very valuable letter of
Get to know your peers
• Older peers understand how the department
works and can advise you
– sometimes more knowledgeably than the faculty (who
studied somewhere else)
– sometimes more objectively than the faculty
• Same-year peers can help you study effectively
• Peers within the same group can be excellent
collaborators in research
• Peers may be lifelong sources of knowledge,
invitations, “students in trade”, etc.
Learn the simple e-tools
Mathematica, Maple and Matlab, Python,...
Microsoft Office products (Powerpoint,
Word, Excel) or their OpenOffice freely
available equivalents
• Bibliographic services (mathscinet, WoS)
• Web repositories for mathematics reprints,
downloadable codes, etc.
Stay in communication
• Check your mail and your e-mail daily
– you may be held responsible for deadlines that are late
– you may miss a free lunch, otherwise 
• Attend classes and seminars for announcements,
and ask about announcements when you have to
• Develop collegial and respectful relationships
with departmental office staff
• Visit the department during the day on occasion,
even if you are incorrigibly nocturnal or domestic
On the art of finding
an advisor…
Strategize about your advisor
See chapter in Krantz!
Intellectual match
Financial support
Supportive research group
Availability of mentoring
Connections to the community
Placement of previous students
Need to feel good about how you spend the next
4-6 years
• A successful PhD student will cost an
advisor $200,000 or more
• A false start is expensive for both student
(time of youth) and advisor (could have had
other students or a post-doc – never a lack)
– To look worthy of investment, the student
should be familiar with a lot of the research of
the advisor
– To be comfortable, the students should have
read a lot of the research of the advisor
What advisors want
Endurance for long working hours
Full-time availability
Honesty and integrity
Patience and joy
Good communication skills
Good reputation with other local faculty
Good marketability (people skills, acceptability
within scientific social circles)
How to win an advisor
• If courses are available, take his or her courses
and utterly excel in them
• Pursue an independent study with the prospective
advisor and always be steps ahead of the advisor
• Feed the advisor’s own intellect with references
and ideas
• Fulfill commitments promptly and thoroughly (and
other best practices of employment)
• Pitch in to help the advisor’s group
• Take initiative for personal growth (e.g., ask for
papers to read or review, volunteer to present an
internal seminar, etc.)
Strategize about your committee
• Should contain other departmental members
• Should contain outsider(s), at most universities
• Take courses from them before you face them in
oral exams
• Know about their work before you go to their
• Consult with your advisor about your committee
(about intellectual support base needed for the
thesis, and also in case of political
Look for your thesis where you
have advantages
Special knowledge and interest
Special access to expertise
Special data
Early insight
Draft your thesis abstract now
• 100-250 words, projecting your contribution
(even if you can’t claim it yet – this is not for
publication, but for self guidance)
• Focus on what will be original
– e.g., “first 3D analysis with multigroup diffusion
leading to understanding of interface instability in core
collapse supernovae, and comparison to the
computational results by X-.Y. Zee at Los Alamos”
• Post it above your desk
• Read it monthly; use it guide your study, your
research, your decisions about conferences,
internships, etc.
• Update it continuously
Develop passion
• No passion, no thesis
• The PhD is a marathon, not a sprint
Closing words
• The PhD is not for everyone
– Don’t fool yourself and get a slow start on life
outside of research, if it is not for you
• On the other hand, don’t be prematurely
– If you got in here, you can almost certainly get
out with a PhD
– Only you can make it happen
• Your success is one of our best chances
of success
On the art of procuring
reference letters…
Entering the market (1)
• Your portfolio consists of:
– Transcripts
– Certifications and tests
– Statements of purpose (research, teaching,
– Curriculum vitae
– Thesis and papers
– Letters of reference
• If you wait until you are in the market before
assembling these materials, you may be too
late to present your best possible case
Entering the market (2)
• Plan how you are going to build
– Transcripts
– Certifications and tests
– Curriculum vitae
• Get advice as you write
– Statements of purpose
• Time the release of
– Papers (long review/acceptance period)
• Strategize about how to procure and prepare
– Letters of reference
Letters of reference (1)
• The mysterious and invisible part of the
• Typical packet consists of the advisor
(extensive) and a complement of people who
have known the candidate for just one
course or one year (apologetic)
• Better packets have multiple extensive
• But there’s much more …
Letters of reference (2)
• Aim for impact
(impact) = (acquaintance) × (authority) × (objectivity)
– Not just someone who knows you well
– Not just someone who is famous
– Not someone with an obvious conflict of interest
• Span the space of application criteria
– Each reference has a designed role to expose
one or more of your
• Brilliance, creativity, background, leadership, motivation,
endurance, oral communication, written communication,
dependability, fairness, ability to work alone, ability to collaborate
in a team, dimensionality
• Pare down to only excellent letters
Recruit and Prepare
• Consider capacity to deliver on time
• Deliver clear instructions:
– deadline and contact information
– how to complete
– full set of your materials
– explanation of niche and sample paragraphs
• Deliver as far in advance as possible
• Complete as much as possible on line or in
hardcopy forms
– faster compliance
– fewer errors
Ask from strength
• Do not ask for a letter that must be weak
• Do your homework thoroughly first
– Then ask for advice
• After delivering the packet, ask for an
appointment or catch your writer casually
– Go over details that may not be obvious
Read the rest of the article at
Follow up
• Patiently track compliance of the writer
• Let the writers know about outcomes
• Pass it on!
– the payback is to the next generation