LECTURE № 1 Pregnancy development and changes occurred in women organism during it. Dr.

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Transcript LECTURE № 1 Pregnancy development and changes occurred in women organism during it. Dr.

Pregnancy development
and changes occurred in women
organism during it.
Dr. Nagayeva S.
The lectures are intended for pregnant women. Each
pregnant woman dreams of painless delivery and a
birth of healthy child.
The lectures are a big step to execution of a given
dream. During psycho prophylactic preparations at
future mom the conscious attitude to pregnancy and
sorts will be developed, feeling of motherhood will
become stronger, there will be skills of body
management , self-checking during labor, luggage
of knowledge that are necessary to care of and
dialogue with the baby.
Pregnancy is a physiological
process in a female organism
connected with development
of the impregnated female
sexual cell - ovule.
Pregnancy proceeds 280
The ovule , impregnated by
spermatozoon, moving
ahead in the uterine tube ,
turns to a multicellular germ
and , having got in a uterus,
it is attached by the fibers to
its mucous membrane…
On a place of an attachment of a germ ,its fibers expand
and the children's place or a placenta is forming of them.
Placenta incorporates to a fetus by umbilical cord. The
nutrients and oxygen coming to a fetus by means of an
umbilical cord. And products of metabolism are moving
away by the same way.
From the moment of an attachment of a germ to a wall of
uterus, intensive reorganization of all systems of an
organism of the pregnant woman begins. The change of
woman health (a nausea, dizziness , etc.) is explained by
it. All changes occurring in an organism of pregnant
woman are directed on maintenance of favorable
conditions for development the fetus.
So, during pregnancy ,condition of nervous
system changes (brain and a spinal cord), that
lead to relaxation uterus muscles , which
providing the quiescent state for it.
The yellow body, and then placenta produces
hormones, which are necessary for carrying
the pregnancy. Under their influence the mood
of the pregnant woman changes, mammary
glands are proliferating. The colostrum (the
predecessor of the breast milk) appears in the
last month of pregnancy.
Significant changes occur in an
uterus, its sizes and weight increase,
the network of large and fine vessels,
bearing blood to a placenta
intensively develops.
The contractive ability of heart
increases on 30 %-50 %, and the
volume of circulating blood almost on
50 %.
Breath becomes deeper, at physical
activity there can be an easy short
Pressure of a growing uterus upon a rectum causes
constipation. Owing to a relaxation lower sphincter
of a gullet there is an eructation and a heartburn.
Work of kidneys increases on 30 %-50 %, ureters
extends under influence of a progesterone (a
hormone of placenta) .
It is observed frequent urination on early terms of
pregnancy, connected with pressure of a growing
uterus upon a bladder. In 2 trimester these
phenomena disappears, but can renew on late terms
of pregnancy ,when the head of fetus falls to a
cavity of a small pelvis.
There are a pigment spots on the
leather, intensifying the pigmentation of
peripappillary circles , there can be a
dark strip on a median line of a
abdomen. During pregnancy the weight
of a body changes. In norm for all
pregnancy the increase of a weight
should be no more 12-13 kg.
The embryo floats in the bag filled by a
liquid. There are rudiments of head and
spinal cord, of backbone and central
nervous system. The four hollows on a head
are future eyes and ears of the baby.
Digestive system, mouth and jaw are in
rudimentary state . The stomach and the
thorax develops. Heart looks as camber on a
thorax. By the end of this period it will start
to beat.
The system of blood vessels is formed. The
differentiation of sexual glands on man's
and female begins. Testicle starts to form
at the boys. Four tiny rudiments of
finiteness were formed.
Length : 6mm.
The Huge head is inclined to a breast. The
face is forming, but eyes are still on each
side and are densely closed. The black
pigment is visible under a thin skin of eyes.
Hands and legs with splitting on the ends,
which will turn to fingers are well shown.
Heart starts to overtake blood on a body of
an embryo. The liver of an embryo becomes
the center of hematosis . Formation of thin
intestines, kidneys and adrenal glands
There was a central nervous system.
Development of bone cells has begun.
Length : 1,3sm.
The embryo became a fetus, now it can be named
the baby.
The all main internal organs were generated , but
they still in embryo and do not borrow final
position inside of a body.
The face has formed: the nose had a tip, nostrils
are beginning to emerge, the mouth has formed.
Already there is a language.
The internal ear is forming. Fingers are formed,
but they are still strapped by membranes. Hands
and legs became longer, shoulders, elbows, a hips
and knees were designated. The fruit is mobile
enough, but you still do not feel it.
Length: 2,5 sm.
Process of formation your baby’s body is
completed. New organs couldn't form any more
after 12-th week , it will be only continue to grow
and develop. The bone substance is forming.
There are separate signs of hairs on a body.
External genitals of the sufficient sizes ,it is a time
when possible to define child’s sex. The
gastroenteric system (a small intestine) is capable
to be reduced and to push through itself food. It
can actively absorb glucose . The nervous system
continues to develop.
Amniotic fluid volume steadily increases. Now it
makes 50 ml, and by the end of pregnancy will
increase up to 1-2 l.
Weight: 40gr. Length: 9sm.
Baby reacts to the substances dissolved in amniotic
fluid: swallowing movements are maximal in reply
to sweet, minimal on sour and bitter.
Baby already moves in full. Handles cooperate with
other parts of a body and with a umbilical cord.
There is one of forms of spontaneous activity of
muscles of a fetus - respiratory movements. There is
an easy down on a body of the baby. The down of
eyebrows also is planned.
And even on a head there is an easy hint on
There is a unique pattern on a leather
of the fingers. Growth of the baby makes 8-10 sm,
and weight approximately 25gr.
20-th WEEK
Hair has appeared on the head. A teeth
has formed. First-born greasing is
forming - the white substance
protecting a leather of the child in an
uterus . Hands and legs are already
developed. The protective substances
providing resistibility of an organism
are transferred to the baby through
your blood. The baby is very active; for
the first very active, it is time when
you will feel its movement - quasi light
wince. It can react to external sounds.
But if pushes are not frequent - do not
There is no fat on fetus body, therefore the
body is slender. In a leather are forming
sudoriferous glands . Muscles of hands and
legs are well developed at the child, and he
checks their force on a regular basis. The
periods of activity when you feel it’s
movements, alternate with the periods of full
rest. It can cough and hiccup. It feels as a
light percussion inside of you.
Length : 33 sm. Weight : 570 г
28-th WEEK
The leather is red and wrinkled, but under it is
already forming fatty tissue . There comes a
solving stage in development of a cortex of a
brain. The seven-mouth baby feels a pain, it
reacts almost the same as mature fetus. Taste
buds it in language now even has more, than
will be at a birth, - it distinguishes very thin
shades of taste. Lungs completely are not
generated. Surfactant hasn't developed yet . It is
a substance interfering of alveolus's collapse at
Length: 37sm. Weight: 900gr.
The majority of wrinkles has
disappeared from the face of the
fetus . There is decent quantity of
hair on a head. The weight
increasing improbably quickly (900
grams for last month!). Now the
fetus weighs already nearby 1kg 700
Its/her growth - 40sm.
Baby continues to grow. Weight - about 2 kg of 400
grams, length - 45 sm.
Majority of fetuses, by this time , settle down in the
uterus with the head downwards. However, some (on the
average - 4 of 100) take the opposite position with the
buttocks downwards. Its called the breech or pelvic
position .
In this case it may cause some problems at the time of
labor. There are some ways giving chance to correct
prelying. For example, a complex of special exercises,
or it is possible to ask your tot to take correct position. It
is good, if the future daddy help you in this case. Strange
as it may seem , but baby’s perfectly understand all and
many confirm, that kiddies really overturn.
38-40 WEEKS
Formation of organs and systems of a fetus is
completed. During this period ,even more
often, you feel tractions of an uterus. You will
feel, that it became easier to breathe, you will
mark that your abdomen has gone down,
weight has began to decrease. The mucous
fuse can depart. All these attributes are
harbingers of labor.
Conditions at which it is necessary to go
to a maternity home immediately
If your amniotic fluid has gone.
If you got bleeding from genital tracts.
If you got a disorders of the vision, dizziness, sickness
and feels discomfort in the area if stomach.
If you got a headache.
The best of all would be, if an ambulanceman will
escort you on the way to maternity hospital.
Your organism has been preparing for a long time to this
And here it has come. Though it is necessary to note, that
this date can turn out ,that it's not absolutely exact.
Actually only 4 % of women gives birth precisely in
About 98 % of pregnant women give birth within the
limits of 1 - to 2 weeks up to or after the calculated date.
In most cases this is normal phenomenon.