Transcript Slide 1

• Any agent that causes structural
abnormality to the fetus.
• Whatever a mother ingests or
inhales can end up in her blood
and therefore the baby’s blood
Does this look cool? A
mother drinking while
she is pregnant?
Well, if she does, it is
almost as if she has
done this:
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
Alcohol is a teratogen
Causes brain damage in developing baby
They have trouble thinking/reasoning
They have trouble getting along with others
There is no safe time or amount that a woman
can consume during pregnancy
• No cure for this syndrome
This is one of the results of alcohol
on fetal development:
2. Smoking during Pregnancy
• over 4000 chemicals
• Constricts blood vessels causing
deprivation of oxygen
• Grow slower= smaller babies
• More susceptible to infections
3. Cocaine use and other illegal
drug use during pregnancy
Increase risk of a miscarriage
Premature labor
Can cause irreversible brain damage
Baby goes through withdrawal symptoms
Placenta and Umbilical cord:
• organ that develops during
pregnancy; links the blood
supplies of a pregnant woman
provides nutrients and remove
waste products (chorionic villi)
• Umbilical cord
– The flexible cordlike structure
connecting a fetus to placenta.
Transports energy to the fetus
and remove its wastes.
Hormones involved in Birth of
the Baby:
• First Estrogen and Progesterone levels
drop suddenly
• Prostoglandins= (pituitary) hormones that
cause the release of another VIP hormone
called oxytocin
- Both these hormones cause the uterus to
contract which starts labor
1. Dilation stage- cervix
widens, amnion breaks
and the amniotic fluid is
released (2-20 hrs). The
cervix widens to approx.
10 cm.
2. Expulsion- contractions
push baby into the birth
canal. (0.5-2 hrs)
3. Placental Stage- after
baby is born, placenta
and umbilical cord are
expelled from uterus
(called afterbirth).
• the umbilical cord is cut and now the baby
will ingest food for nutrients and rid its own
Caesarean Section:
• a c-section
• surgical incision is made
through a mother's
abdomen and uterus
• Done if baby is ‘rump’
first or if complications
• Secretion of breast milk
• Begins within days after birth
1. Suckling stimulates nerve
endings in nipple
2. Pituitary produces oxytocin
3. Oxytocin causes mammary
lobules (in mothers breast) to
secrete milk
4. Prolactin: hormone that is
needed for milk production
Twins- A Unique Occurrence
1. Fraternal Twins
• Form when more than one egg is
released from the ovaries.
• Thus the twins can be different
• genetic make ups are different
2. Identical Twins
Form from one egg
Egg splits in two
twins are the same sex
with the same genetic material
Technologies involved with this
area of biology:
1. Ultrasound- a method of
visualizing the internal parts of
the body, or a fetus within the
uterus, using sound waves.
Obstetric ultrasound is primarily used to:
Date the pregnancy
Determine location of fetus
Check the location of the placenta in relation to the cervix
Check for the number of fetuses
Check for major physical abnormalities.
Assess fetal growth
Check for fetal movement and heartbeat.
Determine the sex of the baby
2. Amniocentesis
• performed to determine if there are
chromosomal or genetic disorders
and certain birth defects.
• involves inserting a needle into the
amniotic sac to retrieve a sample of
amniotic fluid.
3. Fetoscopy:
• A procedure involving the passage of
a thin endoscope through the
mother’s abdomen and into the uterus
to directly observe the fetus and
3. Chorionic Villi Sampling -CVS
• A method of prenatal testing in which
fetal cells from the fetal side of the
placenta (chorionic villi) are extracted
and analyzed for chromosomal and
biochemical defects.