Pornography Pornography Industry Statistics 2003 • Size of the industry - $57.0 billion world-wide - $12.0 billion US • Adult videos -

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Transcript Pornography Pornography Industry Statistics 2003 • Size of the industry - $57.0 billion world-wide - $12.0 billion US • Adult videos -

Pornography Industry Statistics 2003
• Size of the industry - $57.0 billion world-wide - $12.0 billion US
• Adult videos - $20.0 billion
• Escort services - $11.0 billion
• Magazines - $ 7.5 billion
• Sex clubs - $ 5.0 billion
• Phone sex - $ 4.5 billion
• Cable/Pay per view - $ 2.5 billion
• Internet - $ 2.5 billion
• CD-Rom - $ 1.5 billion
• Novelties - $ 1.0 billion
• Other - $ 1.5 billion
Porn revenue is larger than all combined revenues of all professional
football, baseball and basketball franchises. US porn revenue exceeds the
combined revenues of ABC, CBS, and NBC (6.2 billion) Child pornography
generates $3 billion annually
Internet Porn Statistics 2003
• Pornographic websites - 4.2 million (12% of total websites)
• Pornographic pages - 372 million
• Daily pornographic search engine requests - 68 million (25%
of total search engine requests)
• Daily pornographic emails - 2.5 billion (8% of total emails)
• Average daily pornographic emails/user - 4.5 per internet
• Websites offering illegal child pornography -100 thousand
• Sexual solicitations of youth made in chat rooms - 89%
• Youths who received sexual solicitation - 20%
• Worldwide visitors to pornographic web sites - 72 million
Children's Internet Porn Statistic 2003
• Average age of first Internet exposure to pornography - 11
years old
• Largest consumer of Internet pornography 12-17 age group
• 15-17 year olds having multiple hard-core exposures - 80%
• 8-16 year olds having viewed porn online - 90% (most while
doing homework)
• 7-17 year olds who would freely give out home address - 29%
• 7-17 year olds who would freely give out email address - 14%
Adult Internet Porn Statistics 2003
• Men admitting to accessing pornography at work - 20%
• Women admitting to accessing pornography at work - 13%
• US adults who regularly visit Internet pornography
websites - 40 million
• Promise Keeper men who viewed pornography in last
week - 53%
• Christians who said pornography is a major problem in
the home - 47%
• Adults admitting to Internet sexual addiction - 10%
• Breakdown of male/female visitors to pornography sites 72% male - 28% female
Youth, Pornography, and the Internet (2002)
1 Billion Annually
(Grow to $5 - $7 Billion)
70 million individuals
per week view at least
one adult site.
What Does All This Say?
We have a big problem with porn in USA
Not just a problem among ungodly
Problem among religiously dedicated people
Problem among some Christians
Problem among some “godly families”
Problem with many women as well as men
I. Defined
“Pictures, writings, or other material that is sexually
explicit and sometimes equates sex with power and
violence.” American Heritage Dictionary, Online Ed.
“Pornography is derived from a Greek term meaning ‘the
writing of harlots.’” Compton’s Interactive Ency. © 1994,
From “porno” [porneia] = sexual immorality and “graphy”
[graphic] = to write or picture.
I. Defined
II. Various Forms
Various Forms / Avenues
Cable TV
900 Numbers
Times Have Changed
Time Past:
To view had to go to:
Adult Bookstore
Convenient Store
Flip Channel
Click the mouse
Open E-mail
“Mild” Porn
Men’s Magazines
TV Shows
Scantly Clad
In Swimsuits
Provocative Clothing / Poses
I. Defined
II. Various Forms
III. Why It Is Sinful
1. Forbidden Lust (Matt. 5:28; Prov.
6:25; 2 Tim. 2:22; 1 John 2:15-17)
2. Lasciviousness (Gal. 5:19-21)
3. Corrupts The Mind (Prov. 4:23;
23;7; Rom. 1)
4.Addictive (1 Cor. 6:12; Mk. 8:34;
2 Pet. 1:5-10)
I. Defined
II. Various Forms
III. Why It Is Sinful
IV. The Dangers
• Easily Allured (Tempted – Curious – Uses – Addicted)
• Leads to seeking to fulfill lust
• Desensitizes To Abuse / Violence Toward Women &
• Women = Objects of own satisfaction
• Leads to rape
Effects of Porn
Desensitization of
attitude of violence
toward women –
particularly – rape
Edward Donnerstein
University of CA
Neil M. Malamuth
Callousness toward
women and
trivialize rape
Dolf Zillman
Indiana University
Dobson Interview With
Ted Bundy
Day before execution (01-24-89)
His problem began with “soft” porn
Started at 13 – with magazines (trashed)
Progressed to “higher form”
Some developed into an addiction
Soon looked for more “potent” forms to
create the excitement
Thinks that sexual violence create thrill
Dobson Interview With
Ted Bundy
Day before execution (01-24-89)
100% of men he knew on death row –
had been addicted to porn.
Begins in a way that seems innocent and
harmless – then progresses
• Easily Allured (Tempted – Curious – Uses – Addicted)
• Leads to seeking to fulfill lust
• Desensitizes To Abuse / Violence Toward Women &
• Destroys family relationships
• Seeks sensuality without love
• Fantasies that are selfish (his gratification)
• Destroys relationship skills
Porn Can Destroy A Marriage
• A study by Dr. Reo Christensen of Miami University in
Oxford, OH: Found that porn leaves the impression that
sex has no relationship to privacy, unrelated to love,
commitment or marriage.
• Back From Betrayal (Jennifer P. Schneider, MD):
fantasizing about affairs is the first step to a real affair.
• Fake world of porn – cannot be reproduced in
marriage – thus resentment.
• One study: men shown pictures of Playboy models
later said they had less marital love.
• Internet porn – increasing cause of divorce.
I. Defined
II. Various Forms
III. Why It Is Sinful
IV. The Dangers
All of us (especially men) need to be
careful what we see or watch.
Know how your TV & Computer
is being used
Aware Where It All Could Lead
Mild – Soft – Hard
Destruction of Marriage – Life – Soul