IANA – Plan B Dr Willie Black 25 March 2003 The Problem • ICANN/IANA not responsive to requests from noncontracted ccTLDs • ICANN/IANA has.

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Transcript IANA – Plan B Dr Willie Black 25 March 2003 The Problem • ICANN/IANA not responsive to requests from noncontracted ccTLDs • ICANN/IANA has.

IANA – Plan B
Dr Willie Black
25 March 2003
The Problem
• ICANN/IANA not responsive to requests from noncontracted ccTLDs
• ICANN/IANA has not agreed operational procedures
with those who need the service
• ICANN/IANA mixing policy with operations
• ICANN/IANA not costing operation clearly
Current Contracts Situation
• Doc – Verisign to propagate the root zone file
• Doc – ICANN/IANA to maintain database
• ccTLDs – IANA ???
ccIANA ftom Shanghai
• Technical
– Schema, Authentication, Process
• Legal
– Very lightweight contract (call it an MoU!)
– Authority to operator to put into root
– Authority to remove temporarily in extremis
– Payment of costs
• Regionally distributed
• Political
– Acceptance by DoC
– Support of regional governments
• USG has renewed with ICANN (6 months+)
• USG probably not willing to distribute IANA
function or have outside US
• Possibility that USG will open a tender if
ICANN/IANA fails to address community
Possible Criteria for IANA
• No interference in national policy-making
• No subjectivity judgments by IANA???
• Ring-fenced funding & Not-for-profit regime
• Separate contracts ONLY for IANA part
• Specification and Management of operating policies
only by the TLD managers and IANA
• Well-defined procedures and SLAs
• Agree criteria with changes?
• Publish in communiqué?
• Agree technical spec? Who? How?
• Should we have dialogue with ICANN? How?
• Dialogue with other parties? Who? How?