* Nick Bruty * Rich Sun * Gunpowder * * Published by Microsoft, for Windows 8 and RT Physics Puzzle Game * Infected * * Published by Glu Games, for.

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Transcript * Nick Bruty * Rich Sun * Gunpowder * * Published by Microsoft, for Windows 8 and RT Physics Puzzle Game * Infected * * Published by Glu Games, for.

* Nick Bruty
* Rich Sun
* Gunpowder
Published by Microsoft, for
Windows 8 and RT
Physics Puzzle Game
* Infected
Published by Glu Games, for iOS
and Android
Multiplayer Tower Defense Game
* SushiChop
Self-Published, for iOS, Android,
Mac, PC, Nook, Amazon Fire,
Windows 8 and RT
Slashing Action Game
* New Platform – some trickiness, but nothing
out of the ordinary for a new platform.
* Xbox Live – Microsoft Publishing gated
* RT/.NET Framework – Not Mono
* Visual Studio – Native/Managed Debugging
Unity3D authoring
C# and/or C++ managed wrapper code
and VS Projects / Solution
Appx package or Debug
deployment to Windows 8
Modern UI
* WACK – vaguely annoying but useful.
* Store API – debug / release management
* Unity Windows 8 Startup Time
* Managed/Native boundary performance
* 3D Driver Support (external)
* Surface performance issues (typical ARM stuff)
Load times
Fullscreen fx
Too many Draw calls
Complex shaders
Excessive Alpha overdraw(?)
* Tile Updates are tricky
* Ratings/GDF Files
XAML splash screen
Loading video
<Storyboard/> and animations
* How to communicate from Unity-land to
Windows 8 C# land
* The plugin approach (not covered)
* Windows 8 side delegate registration
Unity3D side C#
Win8 side C#
* MS Build and CS Proj hacking
Conditional build steps
* Commandline building w/ msbuild
* Powershell is your friend
* Msbuild is very powerful, a bit
* How to build from commandline, from a
powershell script example:
* Once framework in place,
porting/making a new Win8 game is
pretty easy
* Released March 24
* Added PubCenter ad units
* Lifetime Unique Users:
* SushiChop Android: 2,117,120
* SushiChop iOS: 2,800,718
* SushiChop Win8: 6,544
Questions? rsun @ roguerocketgames.com
Thank You!