SR 1 BLUFFTON Public Hearing September 25, 2012 INDOT  INDOT Mission:   INDOT will plan, build, maintain and operate a superior transportation system enhancing safety, mobility.

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Transcript SR 1 BLUFFTON Public Hearing September 25, 2012 INDOT  INDOT Mission:   INDOT will plan, build, maintain and operate a superior transportation system enhancing safety, mobility.

Public Hearing
September 25, 2012
INDOT Mission:
INDOT will plan, build, maintain and operate a superior
transportation system enhancing safety, mobility and
economic growth
INDOT Values:
INDOT Profile
6 district offices
3,722 employees
$396 million/annual operating budget
$1 billion/annual capital expenditures
28,410 total lane miles
 5,098 lane miles of interstate
 16,519 lane miles of two-lane roads
 5,320 INDOT-owned bridges
Hearing Agenda
Public Statement for the Record
Comments For The Record
Verbally as a Public Statement
Comment Form
Mail or Fax
Please feel free to use any and all methods.
Comment period ending October 10, 2012.
Project History
Environmental Document released for public
involvement on December 6, 2011
Scope of Environmental Study:
Evaluate impacts to natural and human environments
Social and economic factors
Waterways, wetlands, and endangered species
Historical properties
Project History continued
 Legal Notice of Public Hearing
 The News Banner
 September 10th & 17th, 2012
 Community Input
 One of the final steps of the
Environmental process
Real Estate Acquisition Process
Real Estate Acquisition Process
 “Uniform Act” of 1970
 All federal, state, and local governments must
comply – just compensation
 Acquisition Process
 Appraisals
 Review appraisals
 Amount of compensation cannot be less than
fair market value
 Offer will be made in writing
 No agreement
 Mediation
 Condemnation
Project Need
Numerous commercial property access
points and high traffic volumes
Lack of access control and turning lanes
impedes traffic operations
Poor surface
drainage patterns
Existing SR 1 south of Spring St.
SR 1 classified as a principal arterial roadway
SR 116 classified as a minor arterial roadway
One travel lane in each direction, limited turn lanes
and passing blisters
Speed limit: 40 mph,
decreases to 30 at the
south edge of the Wells
County 4-H Park
Existing SR 1 south of Spring St.
Asphalt travel lanes 12 ft wide
Paved shoulders 3 ft to 6 ft wide
Last resurfaced in 2003
Land use is commercial
and light industrial with
agricultural at the
south end
Existing SR 1 Conditions
Currently in fair condition
Ruts and cracks beginning to
show in the wheel paths
Tight turn radii at SR 116
and other intersections
Few access points
south of 4-H Park
North of 4-H Park almost
completely paved with
few defined driveways
Existing SR 1 Conditions (cont’d)
Poorly defined drainage system
Roadside ditches show signs of standing water
Existing discharge points have inadequate
capacity for new runoff
SR 1 Construction Areas
Harvest Rd.
Spring St.
SR 116
(Harrison Plaza)
State St.
Delong Ditch
Scott St.
 Incidental Construction (Blue)
 Widening and Resurface (Green)
 Cul-de-sac for Scott Street (Red)
SR 1 Proposed Typical Section
Proposed SR 1
One 12’-wide Lane Each Direction
14’-wide Continuous Two-Way Left-Turn Lane
New Concrete Curb and Gutter
Widening with Overlay of Existing Pavement
SR 1 Proposed Right-of-Way
South Half
Permanent Right-of-Way (Orange)
Typical Width – 80’ (40’ each side)
Maximum Width – 113’
5.88 Acres
Temporary Right-of-Way (Green)
0.52 Acre
SR 1 Proposed Right-of-Way
Rd. Rd.
4-H Park
4-H Park
Scott St.
Scott St.
North Half
Permanent Right-of-Way (Orange)
One commercial relocation (Pink)
Temporary Right-of-Way (Green)
Maintenance of Traffic (MOT)
 Phase 1
 One travel lane in each direction
 Lanes shifted to west and narrowed to 10’
 Widening and storm sewers constructed
on east half
 Access will be maintained to all properties
 Construction zone speed limit 30 mph
Maintenance of Traffic (MOT)
 Phase 2
 One 11’ travel lane in each direction
 Lanes shifted east to new widening
 Widening and storm sewers constructed
on west half
 Access will be maintained to all properties
 Construction zone speed limit 30 mph
Public Comments
 Indiana Department of Transportation
Public Hearings Office, Room N642
100 North Senate Avenue
Indianapolis, IN 46204
 E-mail: [email protected]
 INDOT respectfully requests comments
postmarked by October 10, 2012
All comments will be reviewed and evaluated and
given full consideration during the decision-making