Wilhelm Cauer His Life and the Reception of his Work Wolfgang Mathis* and Emil Cauer** *Electromagnetic Theory Group University of Hannover ** Hofstätten-Dhaun EMCSR 2002

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Transcript Wilhelm Cauer His Life and the Reception of his Work Wolfgang Mathis* and Emil Cauer** *Electromagnetic Theory Group University of Hannover ** Hofstätten-Dhaun EMCSR 2002

Wilhelm Cauer
His Life and the Reception of his Work
Wolfgang Mathis* and Emil Cauer**
*Electromagnetic Theory Group
University of Hannover
** Hofstätten-Dhaun
EMCSR 2002
1. Cauer’s Problem of Network Synthesis
2. Life of Wilhelm Cauer
3. Cauer’s Projects
4. Reception of Cauer’s Work
5. Conclusions
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1. Cauer’s Problem of Network Synthesis
After the first world war:
Electrical filter circuits : FDMA was a focus problem in Electrical Engineering
(e.g. lack of telephone copper cables)
Filter design approach (before 1926): network analysis and suitable choice
In Cauer’s dissertation (1926) a new filter design theory was presented:
network synthesis based on prescribed filter properties
The first systematic design concept in electrical engineering
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electrical circuits and ICs
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Meissner, 1913
F. Pichler’s presentation
Lieben vacuum tube
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Network Analysis:
Electrical Networks = Models of Electrical Circuits
Network Model
Inverse Problem:
Network Synthesis
Network Properties
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Mathematical Description of Elektrical Networks:
Z := (i, u ) : (i1 ,..., ib ; u1 ,..., ub )  Rb  R b 
Space of Currents and Voltages
Description of resistive NW-Elements: Ohmian Space
O := (i, u )  Rb  Rb FR (i, u )  0, FR : Rb  Rb  R k ; k  b
Description of Connections: Kirchhoff Space
K := (i, u )  Rb  Rb Ai  0 B u  0, ( A, B) exakt
Basics of Network Analysis
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A geometric picture of networks:
Remark: O must be not smooth
S := K  O
State space
of networks
Dynamic network elements (capacitors and inductors) generate a flow on
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Filter synthesis process:
(Cauer, 1928)
• Approximation
• Equivalence
LCR filters
• Realization
R. Pauli’s presentation
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2. Life of Wilhelm Cauer
Wilhelm Cauer (born June 24, 1900)
was a son of a distinguished Berlin family:
• his father was a professor at the TH Berlin-Charlottenburg
(railway engineering)
• his first grammar school was founded by his grandfather
• Minna Cauer was engaged in women’s liberation movement
• since many generations had been academically trained
• many sculptors in the Cauer family
Wilhelm Cauer’s education:
• matura at June 30, 1917
• eastern 1918 Cauer started at the
TH Berlin-Charlottenburg
• first examination (‘Vorprüfung’)
at Mai 12, 1919
• he studied theoretical physics and
mathematics at the
Universities of Berlin and
Bonn (summer 1921)
Minna Cauer
Sundial at the Cauer basic
school, BerlinCharlottenburg, fall 1997
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• February 2, 1923: Cauer started with his dissertation in physics
under his supervisor Prof. Max von Laue (C. met him in 1922)
• theme: Relativity theory
• first paper on relativity theory in “Physikalische Zeitschrift”
• difficulties with von Laue, Cauer left the University of Berlin
and changed to the TH Berlin-Charlottenburg
• assistant of Prof. Reißner
• his first examination was accepted
(in essential)
• March 24, 1924: Diploma in “Technical Physics”
• August 1, 1924 - November 1925:
Mix & Genest Company
• Cauer married Karoline Cauer (a relative of Wilhelm)
• Cauer became the first research assistant of Prof. G. Hamel
Max von Laue
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Around 1924 Cauer got knowledge about Foster’s Theorem for LC circuits
(maybe at Mix & Genest: then a branch of Bell Telephone Company)
Telephone conversations between Foster and Darlington in 1983
Cauer’s famous dissertation (July 7, 1926):
“The Realization of Impedances of Specified Frequency Dependence”
Referent: G. Hamel, Koreferent: K.W. Wagner
V. Belevitch (1962): The starting point of systematic design of one-ports (see R. Pauli’s presentation)
• Cauer had difficulties with his Habilitation thesis at the TH Berlin-Charlottenburg
(thesis is ready at the beginning of 1928)
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• Cauer contacted (June-July 1927, July 1928)
Courant (Univ. Göttingen), Ossanna (TH München), V. Bush (MIT), C.L. Hull
(Univ. Wisconsin), A. Matthies (TH Berlin) with respect to
“Computing Machines capable to solve systems of linear equations“
• Suggestion of R. Courant (with respect to Cauer’s Habilitation thesis):
“Changing to the University of Göttingen”
(he changed at April 1, 1928 to Göttingen)
• Cauer became (in April 1928) research
assistant in Courant’s
Mathematical Institute
• Cauer presented his first lectures in
• Cauer presented his Habilitation thesis
in Göttingen (June 1928):
“Studies of a problem that
related 3 positive definite
quadratic forms with an
algebraic complex”
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Cauer’s visit in USA 1930/31 (11 months)
• February 10, 1930: Rockefeller Foundation an Courant:
visit accepted: 200$ for Cauer
• February 10, 1930: Letter to V. Bush
• March 19, 1930: Letter from the Rockefeller Foundation
to Cauer: Details of the visit
• July 2, 1930: Letter from V. Bush: scientific details of Cauer’s visit
• February 18, 1931: V. Bush asked Baily (Univ. Michigan) for lectures of
Cauer (answer April 13, 1931)
• Februar 18, 1931: Wiener asked Hillebrand for lectures of Cauer
• March 13, 1931: Veblen invited Cauer to a talk at Havard;
met E. Hopf and Tamarkin
• May 5, 1931 (in a letter to Courant): met Campbell, Zobel, Foster (N.Y.)
and V. Bush, Guillemin, Wiener and Brune at MIT
• June 29, 1931: Departure of Cauer’s wife Karoline; Cauer worked at
“Wired Radio Company”
• August 26, 1931: Departure with ‘Europa’ (letter to Courant)
• August 31, 1931: Arrival in Southhampton (with ‘Europa’)
and to Germany with the ‘Berlin’ at September 5, 1931
February 10, 1930
July 2, 1930
March 13, 1931
June 29, 1931
September 5, 1931
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Cauer’s search for an Employment
• February 9, 1932: Walther to Cauer “no professorship in Darmstadt”
• Summer 1934: professorship at a university impossible (ministry)
• August 6, 1934: Philips (Eindhoven) (rejected by van der Pol; Aug. 11)
• August 31, 1934: Siemens “directors have no interests w.r.t. a cooperation”
• September 28, 1934: asked K.W. Wagner for employment
at the “Reichspostzentralamt”
• Oktober 27, 1934: Telefunken rejected his application
• March 6, 1935: “Deutsche Versuchsanstalt für Luftfahrt” rejected his application
• April 11, 1935: Telefunken rejected his application
• April 16, 1935: Henschel aircraft rejected his application
• April 29, 1935: Junkers aircraft rejected his application
• March 20, 1935: Cauer visited Donnier (Friedrichshafen)
• May 7, 1935: Donnier aircraft rejected his application
• July 19, 1935: Cauer was employed at Fieseler aircraft company
• 1936-1945: Cauer became a director of a laboratory at Mix & Genest
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3. Cauer’s Projects
Cauer’s Calculation Machine:
• September 7, 1928: Cauer received the receipt for a patent
“Device for Solving Systems of linear Equations”
• September 22, 1928: Cauer should apply for support from the
“Notgemeinschaft” (Hamel, Rothe)
• Contacts to Engineer Hamann (Berlin-Babelsberg)
• Cauer in USA (1930/31)
• June-July: Applied for
3500.- DM from the
• Received 1346,35 RM for the
• Final paper in 1935
(see paper of H. Petzold,
Deutsches Museum)
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Cauer’s “Siebschaltungen”: (finished during his USA visit)
• In a letter from January 28, 1930 to Barlett:
Mrs. Dr. Mary Taylor helped with numerical calculations
• March 1930: Glowatzki (Rostock) was able to calculate for Cauer
• June 18, 1930: Cauer received 2000.- RM from the “Elektrotechnischer
Verein” for the “Siebschaltungen”
• February 14, 1931: Cauer in a letter to the VDI Publisher
“no honorary but 25 instead of 15 free copies”
• June 21, 1931: Glowatzki to Cauer (Newark): “Siebschaltungen” not ready
• December 2, 1931: Letter from E.A. Guillemin
“... Had occasion to study more thoroughly your publication
‘Siebschaltungen’ and (I) am delighted with your method to
to attack on this problem. ... Your method is the first which
elegantly solves this very important problem.”
“... I find that the mathematical methods involved in the
Tschebyscheff approximation processes are in general too
involved for the average student mind.”
E.A. Guillemin
“... I in no wish to take from you any of the credit which will be
coming to you for having contributed this new design process.”
(in his 1953 article Guillemin didn’t mentioned the name of Cauer!)
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Cauer’s “Wechselstromschaltungen”:
• January 4, 1934: Cauer asked the president of the University of
Göttingen for a sabbatical semester
“reason: he will write a book”
• December 18, 1935: Cauer presented his book to the Teubner-Publisher
• January 10, 1936: Cauer presented his book to the Springer-Publisher
• July 15, 1938: Teubner-Publisher rejected the book project
• November 12, 1939: Cauer presented his book to the Akademische
• February 1, 1940: Cauer accepted the contract with the Akademische
• April 21, 1940: Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft informed about the end
of the press
• 1941: “Theorie der Wechselstromschaltungen” was available
• 1942/43 and 1945: The 2. Volume was destroyed
• Positive Buchbesprechungen (1942): Hameister, Piloty
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4. Reception of Cauer’s Work
We have to distinguish (before the 2nd World War)
Foreign Countries
(e.g. USA, France, Great Britain)
• Courant (1927)?
• Schur (1928)
• Pick (1929)
• Herglotz (1928-1944)
• Caratheodory (1928)
Electrical Engineers:
• Hamel (1925)
• Busch (1931)
• Wagner (1925)
• Piloty (1932)?
• Küpfmüller (1932)?
• Barkhausen (1934)
• Jaumann/Siemens (1932)
• Feldtkeller*
• Wiener (since 1927 & 1930/31)
• V. Bush (1930/31)
S. Darlington
• Campbell (1930/31)
• Foster (1930/31)
• Bode (1930/31?)
• Darlington (1930/31, last letter 1939)
60 pages paper (193132)
• Guillemin (1930/31)
• Veblen (1930/31)
• Tamarkin (1930/31)
• Bailey (1931)
• Bartlett (1931)
70 pages paper (1935)
• Julia (1932)
• van der Pol (1934)?
• Belevitch (1940)
(*didn’t mentioned Cauer’s work in his review articles in “Die Physik”)
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Feldtkeller: didn’t mentioned Cauer’s work in his review articles in “Die Physik”
Cauer with colleagues at the Mathematiker Konferenz in Zürich (1932)
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5. Conclusions
• Cauer was a pioneer in the area of systematic
systems design
• Cauer published fundamental results in this area
• Cauer never got a professorship (for several reasons)
• Therefore: Cauer worked for Mix & Genest (1936-1944)
(during the 2nd World War on arming arrangements)
• Finally Cauer died during the last days of war in Berlin
at April 22, 1945
together with the manuscript of volume 2 of his
• After the 2nd World War many people forgot Cauer’s
(which are essential for systems synthesis processes in general)
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was educated as physicist,
had a Habilitation in mathematics,
and worked in electrical engineering
but he was “too involved in applied sciences”
for mathematicians,
and another that his contributions “include too much mathematics”
for electrical engineers
and eventually he worked in a time with dangerous aspects
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