Internet Transport Glenford Mapp Digital Technology Group (DTG) Myths about Internet Transport • TCP/IP was always around • All packet networks work using TCP/IP •

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Transcript Internet Transport Glenford Mapp Digital Technology Group (DTG) Myths about Internet Transport • TCP/IP was always around • All packet networks work using TCP/IP •

Internet Transport
Glenford Mapp
Digital Technology Group (DTG)
Myths about Internet Transport
• TCP/IP was always around
• All packet networks work using TCP/IP
• TCP/IP inherently superior to other
TCP/IP was not dominant in late
70’s and early 80’s
• Most computer vendors were developing
their own protocol suites
• Mainframe and mini-computers vendors
– IBM - SNA Architecture
– DEC - DECnet - See Ethernet Frame Types
– Xerox - XNS
PC manufacturers
• Apple - Appletalk
• Novell - Netware Suite
• Microsoft Networking - SMB, NetBIOS
and NetBEUI
Big Telecoms
• X.25 - Packet-based data communication
– specified by the CCITT - part of the ITU
– Virtual Circuit Technology(Telephone people
understood it)
– Connection oriented so there were definite
phases of connection
X.25 used as a data-connect
• Two main ways
– Connect sites using X.25
– Link in terminals using X.25
• Interface`between the X.25 concentrator/MUX and
the terminal is`called X.3
– Mainframe in a building and you have
hundreds/thousands of terminals using links to
X.25 concentrators
• Credit card/ financial industry - big users
• Connection represented by a Virtual Circuit
Number, part of your packet. If you passed
through an X.25 Switch, map incoming VCI
with outgoing VCI.
– X.25 gave rise to Frame Relay
– Frame Relay influenced ATM
• X.25 Links still exist today
– The idea that TCP/IP has obliterated everything
before it is not true
But why did TCP/IP win?
• Fragmented Opposition
– Networks were being used to sell hardware and
software applications. They were not being
used to connect different systems together
– TCP/IP was designed to connect different
systems together
Why did TCP/IP win
• It had the backing of the US military
– Funded projects on Internet transport, etc.
• It was incorporated into Unix which was
more or less free to academic institutions
– Most academic institutions could afford a PDP11 running Unix - they got networking for free
• Academics ironed out the kinks
• It had a killer appl - Email
Was it the best transport around?
• The two most thought-out systems were
• too proprietary
– Xerox XNS
• adopted by many network vendors
– Biggest adopter of XNS was Novell
• changed one or two things
Two Main comparisons
• The Suite as a whole
– how well do the layers fit together
• do the upper and lower layers gel
• Head-to-head on the individual layers
– Compare the same layers in different protocols
IP world in terms of OSI
Application Layer
Presentation Layer
Session Layer
Transport Layer
Network Layer
IPv4, IPv6
Data Link Layer
Physical Layer
Ethernet MAC
Copper, Fibre Twisted par
OSI Model and Netware Protocol
Application Netware RPC IBM
Apps LU 6.2
NetBIOS Netware
emulator Shell
Data Link
Ethernet Token
Suite Comparison
• IP strong in the lower layers
– Layers 3 and 4 very strong!
• Netware is strong throughout
– Lots of work done through IPX
• Netware was built with applications in mind
– IP Suite more undefined at the upper layers
• Netware wins it
IPv4 Header
13-bit Frag Offset
16-bit header checksum
32-bit source IP address
32-bit destination IP address
Options (if any)
IPX Frame Structure
Packet length
Transport Control
Packet Type
Destination Network (4 bytes)
Destination Node
(6 bytes)
Destination socket
Source Network
(4 bytes)
Source Node
(6 bytes)
Source Socket
IPX Frame Structure
• Checksum: Usually set to FFFF hex (i.e.
disabled) because IPX relies on
Ethernet/Token Ring's Cyclic Redundancy
Check (CRC).
• Length: includes 30 byte-header + data
• Transport control(1 byte): Hop count
(router-to-router) limit 16.
• Packet Type field: Identifies which higher
level protocol receives the data
0 hello -1 Routing
2 Echo -3 Error
4 Netware 386 or SAP 5 SPX
17 - Netware 286
Addressing in IPX
• 12-byte address structure
• 4 byte – network address
– Assigned by network administrator
– 0 = local network
• 6 byte – node number
– Hardware LAN (Ethernet) Address
– FFFF broadcast
Addressing in IPX
• Socket Number (2 bytes)
– Identifies a given endpoint or higher-layer
packet service.
– NCP – 0x451
– SAP – 0x452
– Diagnostics – 0x456
• IP is small compared to IPX
• IPX does more than just networking
– uniquely identifies endpoints as well as
• Really does IP/UDP - Unreliable datagram
TCP header
16-bit source port no
16-bit destination port no
32-bit sequence number
32-bit acknowledge number
16-bit TCP checksum
Options (if any)
16-bit window size
16-bit urgent pointer
TCP header
• 16-bit source and destination ports
• 32-bit sequence no - refers to bytes sent
• 32-bit acknowledge no - acknowledges
bytes received
• THL - TCP header length
• Window size - the number of bytes that the
sender can send to the receiver before
waiting for an acknowledgement
SPX Frame
Connection Control
Datastream Type
Source Connection ID
Destination Connection ID
Sequence No
Acknowledge No
Allocation No
Data: 0-534 bytes
SPX frame
• Connection control field:
regulating flow of data.
Bit 4 - end of message
Bit5 - Attention bit, ignored by SPX
Bit 6 - Acknowledgement Requested
Bit 7 - Transport Conrol
• Data Stream Type:
– Identifies data within the packet
SPX Frame cont’d
• Source and Destination IDs identify the
connection on both sides
• Sequence number: no of packets transmitted
• Acknowledge number: next expected packet
• Allocation number
– no. of packets sent but not yet acknowledged
Sequenced Packet Exchange II
• Introduced to provide improvements over SPX
protocol in
– window flow control (sending several packets before
– larger packet sizes (>576 bytes),
• improved negotiation of network options:
• safer method of closing connections
• Packet: added a 2-byte Negotiation size.
• TCP is much bigger than SPX
• TCP has to do de-multiplexing of packets to
find the connection endpoints
• Endpoints are specified in IPX and the
actual connection is specified in SPX packet
• SPX basically gives reliability but is built
on the datagram service provided by IPX
The winner is
• It’s a draw!
• Probably the correct way to do it but it adds lots to
the network layer
– IP is a pure network layer, IPX is not
– TCP is build directly on IP so more complicated
than SPX
Challenges TCP/IP faced
• Congestion
– Late 80’s TCP/IP getting going
• huge blackouts begin to occur
– TCP is not reacting to congestion
• Van Jacobson comes up with a algorithm
called slow start
Handling Congestion
Slow Start Algorithm
• TCP attempts to avoid causing congestion
• Slow Start implemented at the start of the
• The connection now has a congestion
window; cwnd.
Slow Start cont’d
• At the start, cwnd is set to 1 and only one
packet is sent
• If the segment is successfully acknowledged
then cwnd is increased to 2 and so now two
packets are sent,
• If these are successfully acknowledged,
then 4 packets are sent, etc
Slow Start - Already In Data Phase
DATA 1 (1024)
cwnd = 1
ACK 1 WIN 4096
cwnd = 2
DATA 2 (1024)
DATA 3 (1024)
ACK 3 WIN 4096
cwnd = 4
DATA 4 (1024)
DATA 5 (1024)
DATA 6 (1024)
DATA 7 (1024)
ACK 7 WIN 4096
cwnd = 4
Already filling receive buffer
Slow Start Cont’d
• We continue to double the number of
packets sent until:
– we reach the size of the receive buffer as in the
last slide
– we see packet loss
• very likely for large packet transfers going very long
• even though it starts slowly; slow start is in fact
growing exponentially so it’s very aggressive for
large window sizes
Slow Start - Packet Loss
• When we see packet loss we do the
– Set the maximum size to aim for as half the
current value of cwnd:
• ssthresh = cwnd/2
– Set cwnd back to 1 and repeat slow start
– If we get above or equal to ssthresh; we
increase cwnd by 1 for every successful
transmission i.e linear instead of exponential
Reaction to Retransmission
• TCP uses a Go-back-n retransmission
• All packets starting from the first missing
packet must be retransmitted
– even if packets later in the sequence arrived OK
on the first transmission, they must still be
Problems with Standard TCP
• Didn’t work well on satellite links or on
distances with large RTT
• Main reason: Retransmission using the Goback-n approach is too costly. The pipe
contains a lot of packets and to have to
retransmit all of them if say, the first packet
gets corrupted, is too complicated
Selective Retransmission
• Introduced in RFC 2018. This defined two
new TCP options
• SACK-permitted
– indicates that selective acknowledgements are
– Sender only retransmits packets not received
Present Issues: Problems with
Slow Start
• Key assumption of TCP is that packet loss
is due to congestion.
– Clumsy indicator at best.
– Dead wrong at worst.
• Better to let the network indicate congestion
Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN)
• With ECN, we use 2 bits in the IP header
and 2 bits in TCP header to explicitly
indicate to the sender and receiver that
packets on this connection have experienced
• So when there is congestion in the network
IP routers set a bit in the IP header saying
that this packet has been through a
congested area
ECN cont’d
• When the packet reaches the receiver, the IP
processing engine notes the congestion and
sets the appropriate bit in the TCP header
• TCP receive engine sends a TCP ACK
packet to the sender saying that congestion
has been experienced on this connection
• Sender reduces sending rate and signals to
the receiver that appropriate action has been
2. Congestion bit set
3. Congestion ACKed
1. Congestion Bit set
Present Issues: Slow Start and
Wireless Networks
• Key assumption of TCP is that packet loss
is due to congestion
– hence the slow start algorithm
– true in wired networks with good link quality
• In wireless networks where there is handoff
and channel fading; packet loss is very
– slow start represents drastic action which cuts
the bandwidth of the connection
Slow Start and Wireless networks
• Must avoid TCP going into slow start on
wireless networks
• Solution:
– have normal TCP for the wired core network
– different kind of TCP for wireless last-mile part
– Proxy TCP server in the middle
TCP Proxy
Local Wired Network
TCP Proxy
Wireless Network
TCP Proxy
• TCP Proxy
– can buffer packets and retransmit packet locally
when the mobile node has lost packets due to
channel fading and handoff
– Splits the connection into 2 connections
– Big issue: do you try to maintain end-to-end
• Yes, then sender sees what happening - slower
• No, then the sender can presume things about the
connection, e.g Round-Trip-Time and Window
control that are not true
• Splits the connection in two but maintains
the end-to-end semantics
– Proxy does not perform caching/retransmission
– Geared to handling long period of
– Closes the window hence stops the sender when
the receiver loses contact
– prevents slow start when connection is reestablished
• Also splits the connections
• Breaks end-to-end semantics
• Packets from the sender are acknowledged
by the TCP Proxy and forwarded on a
different connection mobile node.
• TCP proxy handles buffering and
Key Issues for the future
• New applications require a low-latency
– Voice over IP
– Networked games
– Multimedia
• TCP is too heavyweight
– most of these applications do not need the bytestream paradigm
Network implications
• To engineer low latency, a lot of people are
pushing for the development of a super-fast
core: ATM, MPLS.
• Traditional routers replaced by very fast
switches. All intelligence on routing and
connections will be pushed to the edge
Transport Support for Low
• New Approach is to go back the Netware
style, so we use UDP/IP as a data-carrying
substrate and build our protocol on that
– flexible
– protocols can run in user-space
– new low latency NIC card support memorymapping in user-space
User-Space Transport Protocols
• Easier to test and implement
• Also avoids multiplexing and cross talk in
the kernel
• Since the process and not the kernel
implementing the protocol some issues:
– Timers
– Packet Handling
• Since the process is called to run
periodically it cannot be too dependent on
timers since they will be imprecise without
hardware support
– TCP is very timer-dependent
– User-level TCP hasn’t performed well
• needs lot of hardware timer support
Packet Handling
• Since the protocol is running in user-space
when the process is finally called there may
be lots of packets waiting to be processed;
data from the remote side, ACKs or NACKs
for data that you sent,etc.
• Don’t have to treat them in FIFO order
Packet Handling
• Treat NACKs first, retransmit the packet
– allows the other end to get on with it
• Treat ACKs next, frees up local buffers that
you might need
• For data stream, treat retransmitted packets
• Have a priority bit to indicate which packets
you want treated first
A1 - Transport
• Developed at AT&T LaboratoriesCambridge Ltd
• User-space protocol developed to support
multimedia applications
– very flexible
– supported QoS vectors
• Performance over 155 Mbits/s ATM link
– 111 Mbits/s (reliable), 130 Mbits/s Raw
Newer Transport Protocols (NTP)
• NTPs running directly on top of IP
– Compete with both TCP and UDP
• Applications – streaming, low-latency
– QoS, congestion issues
• Support for mobility and/or multi-homing
• Security – easier mechanisms to setup
• Some are gathering a following
NTP Cont’d
• Datagram Congestion Control Protocol
(DCCP) – Berkeley Institute 2003
– Driven by Media-Streaming Applications
– Combines unreliable delivery with Congestion
– Supports ECN and congestion negotiation on
NTP Cont’d
• The Stream Control Transport Protocol
– Originally used as the transport protocol on the
SS7 Signalling Network
– Multi-streaming – One logical connection is
used to support a number of streams not just
– Multi-homing support
SCTP cont’d
• Support for mobility
– Uses a different mechanism than Mobile IP
– Associate a set of local addresses with a set of
remote addresses and you can add new IP
addresses and delete old one as you move
• Support for security
– Verfication tag / cookie
– Specifics IPSec for strong security if required
NTP cont’d
• Explicit Congestion Control Protocol (XCP)
– Precise congestion signalling
– XCP congestion header
• Sender uses header to request higher QoS
– Routers know about XCP header and can
modify fields based on the congestion they are
– Run different congestion algorithms
– XCP-i – for inter-networking