Reliable SW/HW Co-Design for Wireless Communication System Integrating the Spin Model Checker and Celoxica's DK Suite Stefanos Skoulaxinos Special Thanks to Dept of Engineering.

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Reliable SW/HW Co-Design for Wireless Communication System
Integrating the Spin Model Checker and Celoxica's DK Suite
Stefanos Skoulaxinos
Special Thanks to
Dept of Engineering and Computer Science,
Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK
We seem to be commencing a new era in the embedded logic design, a novel breed of tools, High Level Language Compilers (HLLCs) are entering the market and propose to perform a truly decisive innovation, bridging the gap between software and hardware. Effortless code turn-arounds, faster time to
market, increased code readability, System Level Integration are some of the appealing benefits of such tools. What is even promising though is the potential contribution in the design lifecycle. Breathing life into SW/HW co-design can provide the gateway for the introduction of strategic reliability
enhancement methods currently utilized in Computer Science such as formal specification, exhaustive verification and structured design principles. The aim of this paper and the associated research project launched in Heriot-Watt University, is to present how High Level Compilers for FPGAs can be
combined with proven software methodologies and practices promoting more dependable embedded applications. The product of this work outlined the framework for the development of the Long Range Identification Tag targeting the FPGA Technology and also presented in the document.
Development of Wireless Communication System - LRID Tag
System Operation
The Tag application is composed by a base station controlled by the
user and remote stations implanted in inaccessible locations. The base
station initiates transmission by broadcasting a command sequence.
Selected remote stations respond by transmitting a unique
Identification sequence (ID) along with any data required by the base.
The time of arrival of the ID is also analyzed to establish tag location.
Base station transmission is divided into distinct phases each having
different purpose and significance. In the synchronization phase,
remote stations are stimulated to exit power-save mode and become
synchronized using a variable width modulation scheme. The
command sequence is composed by a 16 bit Manchester encoded
Return to Zero Scheme with a matrix based
forward error correction architecture. _
Run Time Monitoring and Exception Handling (developed in DK Suite)
Development Lifecycle
Monitoring Scheme Watch Dog Timers
The development of the tag was based on a structured design
methodology in order to enhance system reliability. The lifecycle
unfolds around the Spin Model Checker. Spin is considered one of the
most efficient software verification tools currently available. It is
actively used in safety critical NASA applications such as the mission
to Cassini (mission to Saturn) and the Mars Pathfinder. The lifecycle
begins with requirements analysis and system specifications description
in a graphical method (UML). The core of the application is
subsequently designed in the Promela language. In this stage,
simulation as well as verification is performed under Spin. The verified
Promela model is subsequently translated to HandelC, a C based
language for FPGAs and synthesis to gate-level implementation is
performed. The finalized HDL/edif is downloaded to the FPGA
hardware and system testing is initiated. _
Due to a number of conditions (software or hardware defects) it is
possible that an embedded device will hang or deadlock. As this is
common in desktop PCs and a user Reset normally resolves the fault,
in embedded devices an analogous automated monitoring scheme
needs to be constructed. A popular embedded architecture utilized to
detect and recover from such faults is Watch Dog Timers (WDTs).
WDTs are hardware monitoring structures expecting to be reset by
the embedded software in a periodic manner. If the system does not
reset the associated WDT in time, a deadlock is assumed and
exception handling routines are initiated. Typical recovery strategies
for time outs involve re-attempting failed functions or performing a
complete system and peripheral reset. WDTs are highly significant in
safety critical applications as they form the ultimate line of defence
against a system failure. They are used in a wide range of applications
ranging from low budget house appliances to high-end safety critical
The abstract operation implemented by the system is
briefly outlined. A number of languages can be
deployed in this phase (UML, CORE, YSM).
The core of the application is developed in Promela.
Simulation under Spin is performed in this phase.
In this phase, the design can be examined exhaustively
through formal verification. It is checked for deadlock
conditions, responsiveness, assertions and mutual
exclusion violations.
The Promela model is translated with the aid of Bison
and Flex to a language compatible with the Synthesis
tools for FPGAs (HandelC).
Synthesis is performed in this stage. The HDL source
code is then imported in Xilinx ISE. Generation of
configuration file follows.
Formal Verification is performed in the
Spin Model Checker. Spin is considered
one of the most efficient software model
checkers currently used in Safety critical
mission including NASA’s mission to
Cassini (Saturn) and Mar’s Pathfinder.
Process Execution Overhead
Example of Multi-layered Implementation
SW or HW
Fault Begins
Propagating into system
Exceptions on
monitoring layers
APs utilised for fault
par // parallel notation
// some processing
layer2_AP=0; layer2_reset=1;
// some processing
layer2_AP=1; layer2_reset=1;
// some processing
layer2_AP=2; layer2_reset=1;
// some processing
layer2_AP=3; layer2_reset=1;
layer1_AP=0; layer1_reset=1;
layer1_AP=1; layer1_reset=1;
layer1_AP=2; layer1_reset=1;
// some processing
layer2_AP=4; layer2_reset=1;
// some processing
layer2_AP=5; layer2_reset=1;
Peripheral / Function
Multi-Layered Monitoring
Main controller
Watchdog Timer
Reset timer
Reset timer
The higher the complexity of a system the more difficult it is to detect
and locate the failure of one of its sub-components. In such
applications it is essential that the system is partitioned in blocks or
layers and that each of these segments is monitored separately by a
dedicated monitoring architecture. Such a scheme can ensure high
levels of run-time transparency as well as fault location and isolation.
The timed progress watchdog scheme, the monitoring architecture
suggested in the project is such a multi-layered implementation. As a
potential fault develops and propagates into the system it successively
raises exceptions through out the monitoring layers. After a number
of exceptions are raised, the exception handler backtracks the
sequence of violations pointing out to a specific fault condition ex. a
peripheral mal-operation.
Reset timer
Reset timer
Monitored system
Proof of system
Internal Architecture of Monitoring Scheme
Watch Dog Timer
Main Input
AP Checker
Exception Handler
Main Output
Tag Location Process
Programming of targeted FPGA hardware is
perf or med and system test ing ta ke s pla ce.
Formal Verification of Tag Protocol
Fault Tree Analysis - Recovery Strategies
System View - Base Station
System View - Remote Station
Front End API
Remote Station
Controller CoolRunner
C Compiler
PIC 16F876
C Compiler
/ RF
PIC 16F876
Base Station
Base Station
Vs Time
Time modulation
s ync
com m and
com m and
Base Station Controller
Spartan IIE/ Spartan3
pream ble
Remote Remote
Vs Time
Antennas / RF
C Compiler
1 User Selects Tag to be located at front end API
2 API updates mode of operation of the FPGA via PIC microcontroller
3 Base Station FPGA initiates RF transmission to remote stations
4 Base initiates counting - time of arrival of the ID
5 Selected Remote Station responds by transmitting its unique
identification sequence
6 ID is received at the base. Time of arrival to each of 3 antennas is
utilised to compute x,y and z co-ordinates
System Testing
Reliability Estimation
Reliability Estimated using CASRE (developed by JPL/NASA)
Fault Tolerance Disabled
MTBF=18 seconds
Fault Tolerance Enabled
MTBF=50 seconds
We have attempted to utilise a C Compiler for FPGAs for the development of a commercial application, the Long Range
Identification Tag. While there is an ongoing dispute on the optimum design level for FPGAs, we believe that as the targeted
hardware evolves (ex. Virtex II Pro FPGAs) and complex systems on chip can be realised, it is becoming increasingly significant
to raise the design level exploiting a more familiar and compatible language.
Assuming that all gate level hazards are managed by the Compiler, the developer is now presented with a new task, verifying the
software algorithm rather than the gate level implementation. Towards this process we have applied a set of reliability
enhancement strategies including formal verification and run-time monitoring. The Spin Model Checker was utilised to verify
protocol correctness (Spin is actively used in NASA applications including the verification of safety critical software for the
mission to Cassini and Mar’s Pathfinder). During operation, system liveness is confirmed with the aid of a multi-layered
monitoring architecture developed in the C compiler. Gate level Synthesis in DK Suite and system testing on the targeted
FPGA follows.
Developing or formally verifying the protocol in RTL HDL would require at least 3 times the effort focusing mostly on gate
level issues and hazards rather than the algorithmic design and testing. Considering the contribution of a C based development
process on a number of areas, including productivity, testability and portability we have found the HandelC compiler invaluable
for our targeted application.
The research project is a collaboration of School of MACS (Dependable Systems Group) and EPS in Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK. We would also like to thank the Institute for System Level Integration (ISLI) and Scottish Embedded Software Centre
in Livingston. For any information please contact [email protected]
MAPLD 2005/116