California High Speed Rail Project Menlo Park Rotary Club May 26, 2010

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California High Speed Rail Project
Menlo Park Rotary Club
May 26, 2010
CARRD Approach
Process focus
Engage community and encourage participation
Collaborative, open, constructive approach
We do NOT advocate for a particular implementation or
Wisdom of crowds, creative solutions
Tools for self-advocacy
Watchdogs for
Transparency – push to get more information public
Accountability – demand professionalism, accuracy
Oversight – encourage State Senate, Peer Review
California High Speed Rail Project
November 2008 - Prop 1A authorized State Bond
plan, construct and operate a High Speed Train
system from San Francisco to Los Angeles/Anaheim
High Speed Rail Authority
9 appointed Board members
less than dozen state employees
4 tiered web of consultants / contractors do the bulk of
the work
Legislature – controls State bond funds
Peer Review Committee
8 appointed members (5 of 8 so far)
No staff, no meetings Update: budget allocated
HSR System
800 mile network
Electric powered trains
via overhead contact
Maximum speed of 220
miles per hour
Fully grade-separated,
dedicated track
Automated safety
systems (Positive train
Funding Plan
Backbone System Cost: $42.6 billion
Federal Grants $17 - $19 billion
State Bond Funds $9 billion (Prop 1A)
Local Contributions $4 - $5 billion
Private Investors $10 - $12 billion
Awarded $2.25 billion stimulus funds (we
only get it if we make the deadlines)
Plan calls for $3 Billion in Federal funding
every year for 6 yrs
Environmental Review Process
Mandated by California Environmental Quality
Act (CEQA)
Administrative, linear process
Applicant studies impacts, mitigations,
Lead Agency certifies the studies
Responsible for enforcing CEQA: you!
You must participate in the process to have
any recourse if you don’t like the final
Ridership Study / Analysis / Model
Los Angeles Anaheim
Palmdale –
Los Angeles
Bakersfield Palmdale
Fresno Bakersfield
Merced Fresno
San Jose Merced
San Francisco
- San Jose
Tiered Approach to CEQA
Statewide EIR
Bay Area to Central Valley
Program Level
analyzed two routes
East Bay via Altamont
Peninsula via Pacheco
Pacheco Route along
Caltrain Corridor
Litigation challenged
the decision.
EIR decertified and
Bay Area to Central Valley Issues
Cumulative Impacts
Ridership Claims
Altamont + Pacheco
May 6, 2010: legal action seeks to reopen Court’s
New Altamont route proposal
Union Pacific Position
“no part of the high-speed rail corridor may be located on
(or above, except for overpasses) UP’s rights of way at
any location. To the extent the Authority ignores this
position, its revised EIR is deficient.”
San Francisco to San Jose
Caltrain Corridor
Caltrain + HSRA =
Peninsula Rail Program
Caltrain and Freight will
continue operations
during construction
Structural & Operational changes
Commuter + Freight
Commuter + Freight + HSR
Diesel engines, manual control
Electric trains w/ PTC
(freight trains remain diesel)
2 tracks; passing tracks; freight
4 track system, freight spurs
47 grade level crossings
Fully grade separated
12 trains/hr peak
20 HS trains/hr peak +
20 Caltrains/hr peak
79 mph max speed
125 mph max speed
SF – SJ via Baby Bullet: 57 min
SF – SJ via HSR: 30 min
Menlo Park
Track Configuration
2 additional tracks needed
Right of Way width < 100 ft thru most of City
Grade Separations
Wakins ~ 85 ft
Encinal ~ 75 ft
Glenwood – Oak Grove ~ 60 ft
South of Station ~ 80-100 ft
(Watkins), Encinal, Glenwood, Oak Grove,
Ravenswood, (Alma)
Caltrain Station reconfiguration
Alternatives for Menlo Park
Menlo Park Alternatives Eliminated
Berm/Retained Fill
Open Trench
Where: throughout city
Why: widespread community opposition
Where: border w/ Palo Alto
Why: San Francisquito Creek & El Palo Alto
Deep Tunnel for Caltrain
Where: corridor wide
Why: excessive cost
Above Grade
Aerial Viaduct
At Grade
Below Grade
At Grade
(Road over/under
Open Trench
3.5X base
Cut & cover (trench) 100-140
Bored tunnel
3X base
5X base
7X base
Aerial Viaduct
At Grade
(Cars can NOT go over like they do today)
Highly Variable based road
and property configuration
Cut and Cover
Deep Bored Tunnel – High Speed Rail ONLY
How we got here & how
you can help
Getting Involved
Officially via comments to the Environmental
Review process
As a CSS Stakeholder
With your community
Grassroots groups
City of Menlo Park
County, State and National Legislators
Talk to your friends
Upcoming Menlo Park Meetings
June 1st – Alternatives Analysis Meeting
6pm in this room
June 22nd – Menlo Park City Council Meeting
on HSR discussing city’s response to
Preliminary AA
Context Sensitive Solutions
Collaborative approach
Involves all stakeholders
Works by consensus
Balance transportation needs and community
Proven Process
Adopted by Peninsula Rail Program for SFSJ
First time it is being used on a Rail Project
“Toolkit” to collect community information
CSS Toolkit
Available at Caltrain/Peninsula Rail Program
Seeks community feedback on all alignment
Serves as a framework
Do not feel confined by the template – you can
You can write your comments too!
Early participation is the best way to ensure
your ideas and concerns are incorporated
Catalog community assets
Identify “sensitive” areas
Historic Resources
Natural Resources
Sensitive areas
Open space, trees, wildlife, wetlands/creeks
Schools, hospitals, places of worship, funeral homes
Business Interests
Describe community values
Identify Impacts & Mitigations
Identify the specific impact in question
Explain the significance of effect
Consider ways to avoid or reduce severity
Describe additional mitigation measure(s)
Recommend changes in proposed mitigations
Support your recommendations
Quantify your concerns whenever possible
Suggest Alternatives
Offer specific alternatives
Describe how they meet the requirements of
the project
Can be on specific alignments, operations,
financing, etc
Suggest different analysis methodologies
Help provide accurate record
Point out any inconsistencies in the
document or the data
Point out outdated information or
Errors in logic
Focus on the sufficiency of the information in
identifying and analyzing the possible
impacts of the project on the environment
Example – Noise Pollution
Provide inventory of sensitive areas
assume most impactful alternative
900 feet on either side of tracks
1/4 mile radius from Stations
Be Specific
document location, population, hours, layout
reference standards (City, Federal, WHO, etc)
request specific analyses and mitigations
Identify any omissions, inaccuracies and errors in
the document
Don’t be overwhelmed
You know your community – just write about it
The burden of proof is on the Authority – not you!
If you don’t offer ideas, we miss a chance for
“Best Practices”
Democracy is not a spectator sport!
Thank You!
For more information:
[email protected]
Context Sensitive Solutions Steps
Altamont Corridor Project
Californians Advocating Responsible Rail Design
Grassroots volunteer organization
Process focus
Engage community and encourage participation
Watchdog for transparency
Do NOT advocate for a particular implementation or route
Nadia Naik, Sara Armstrong, Elizabeth Alexis, Rita Wespi
Palo Alto base, State wide focus
We are not transportation experts, we are not lawyers
Contact info
email: [email protected]