Resource Description and Access – Implementation Update Deirdre Kiorgaard - Director, Serials Collection Management & Standards, National library of Australia - Australian Committee on Cataloguing.

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Transcript Resource Description and Access – Implementation Update Deirdre Kiorgaard - Director, Serials Collection Management & Standards, National library of Australia - Australian Committee on Cataloguing.

Resource Description and Access –
Implementation Update
Deirdre Kiorgaard
- Director, Serials Collection Management & Standards,
National library of Australia
- Australian Committee on Cataloguing Representative
to the Joint Steering Committee for the Development of RDA
Value of RDA
The RDA Toolkit & Subscriptions
US National Libraries testing
Draft RDA Implementation Plan
NLA Implementation team
Training & Documentation
Keeping in touch with RDA developments
Value of RDA
Resource Description and Access or RDA
– is the standard that replaces the Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules
– is a web-based tool
RDA offers
• Improved description of digital resources, unpublished resources and
resources with multiple characteristics
• More guidance on the creation of authority headings
• Compatibility with a range of encoding schema
• Clearly defined data elements and improved granularity
• Opportunities for better catalogue displays and navigation
• Opportunities for more efficient data creation
Sample – RDA Toolkit
• Interactive and online
• Integration with policies and processes
Access to the RDA Toolkit
• Released 23 June 2011 - Free period expired 31 August 2011
• Instructions are part of an online package
• Instructions also available via Cataloger’s Desktop and in loose leaf print (via
Facet Publishing)
RDA Toolkit Subscriptions
Solo user and site subscriptions are available at fixed prices
Consortia & group purchase can be negotiated
Access for Training and Classroom use is available at special pricing
Double-user offer for subscribers before August 31, 2011
Prices are quoted in a range of currencies including Australian $.
There are no plans for an Australia national license for RDA
[email protected]
• ALA Publishing manage subscriptions
• Contact ALA Publishing to be placed on their email list
US National Libraries testing
Purpose of testing
“To determine whether RDA Online in its initial release offers sufficient benefit,
compared to current methods, to achieve the objectives that the Joint Steering
Committee for Development of RDA has stated for the proposed new
cataloging code”
• Library of Congress, National Library of Medicine, National Agricultural Library,
• 20+ other participants from all types & sizes of libraries, who use a wide
variety of library systems
Evaluative factors (1)
Record Creation
Can an acceptable original RDA record be created?
Can an acceptable RDA record be created from pre-RDA copy?
How quickly can an RDA record be created?
How consistently is RDA interpreted?
Record Use
Can non-cataloging staff find an RDA record using a search query?
Can the end user find an RDA record using a search query?
Training & Documentation Needs
Can RDA be used effectively by staff who are: self-taught; trained hands-on by
local colleagues; trained via distance learning; trained in a classroom, multiple
days; trained in a classroom, 1 day?
What will be the impact of RDA implementation on local & Consortial
documentation for general community, and special communities?
Evaluative factors (2)
Use of RDA Online Tool/RDA Content
Can implementers use RDA Online to replace local documentation and/or
subscriptions to other cataloging tools?
Is the text of RDA Online readable?
Systems and Metadata
Can system vendors implement the new MARC 21 data at acceptable cost?
What is the impact on institutions whose systems don't implement?
Can the community accept and load RDA records in synchronized fashion?
What local system changes need to take place?
How will ILS system upgrade cycles affect implementation?
What will be the impact of RDA: on RSS feeds, ILL, ECIP software?
What desired changes can be handled by global update, e.g. "Bible. N.T." ?
Evaluative factors (3)
Technical Feasibility
In what percentage of records does RDA require data to be recorded differently
from current rules?
What percentage of RDA records can be retrieved with earlier records in the same
What percentage of RDA records can be displayed in the same result set with
earlier records?
Local Workflows
At the end of the test period, what local workflow changes were seen as needed?
Evaluative factors (4)
What are the costs of: updating national and local documentation; creating a
record with RDA compared to current rules; course development; training existing
How much time will be needed: for training key trainers & for key trainers to train
other staff; for staff to learn to create acceptable RDA records?
Will training materials be freely available, and what training will be offered by BL,
What are the costs of converting existing catalog data to RDA?
Is throughput time better with RDA compared to current codes?
Can support staff or students perform tasks using RDA that currently are done by
What are the benefits of converting existing catalog data to RDA?
Are there resources that can be described using RDA that couldn't be described at
all using earlier codes?
RDA Implementation Plan
June 23
RDA Toolkit published.
U.S. National Libraries RDA Test.
January-March U.S. RDA Test Coordinating Committee analyses the results of
the test and prepares its report to the management of the three
U.S. national libraries (LC, NLM, &NAL).
The RDA Test Report is evaluated by LC, NLM and NAL.
The Library of Congress releases the RDA Test Report and
announces their decision on implementation of RDA.
RDA Implementation Plan - proposed dates
NLA, LAC, British Library consider their response to the RDA Test
Report and the implications of what LC decides about
Proposed timeframe for RDA implementation in Australia (as
outlined below) confirmed.
Proposed timeline pending JSC national libraries response to RDA Test Report
Mid 2011MARC21 changes expected to be available on Libraries Australia.
NLA conducts train-the-trainer sessions for Australian training
Late 2011 Expected rollout of training to Australian libraries by training
2nd QTR 2012
Expected implementation period
NLA RDA Implementation team
Catherine Argus
Manager , Standards & training
Jenny Stephens
RDA Implementation officer
[email protected]
Implementation Schedule
Training materials
Stakeholder information sheets
Policy decisions and statements
Training needs survey
New Zealand
Library context; Levels of current knowledge; Content of training; Training
methods; Time for training ; Training locations
Request for Expressions of Interest in providing RDA training
Trainers to provide
– Comprehensive face to face training courses for cataloguers
– Shorter courses e.g. for library managers or reference staff
– Training Australia-wide
National Library of Australia’s role
Sample NLA training materials
Training courses and seminars in Australia
Information sheets
Tailored information sheets for different groups including:
– Library managers; Cataloguers; Serials cataloguers; System managers;
Reference staff; Small libraries (public, school, special) ; Specialist
libraries (e.g. music, law, map); Systems vendors; Book suppliers
• The timeline, Key information about RDA, Links to further information
• Summary of the changes affecting particular groups
• What you need to know to prepare
Example (system managers):
• Changes from AACR, New elements, MARC changes, Potential catalogue
display changes, Global heading changes, Record Import/export; Libraries
Australia changes
Publications on RDA
Describing Electronic, Digital and other Media using AACR and RDA : A howto-do-it manual / Mary Beth Weber and Fay A Austin
ISBN: 978-1-85604-684-8 Forthcoming Dec. 2010
Introducing RDA: A Guide to the Basics / Chris Oliver
ISBN 978-0-8389-3594-1
Introduction to Resource Description and Access : Cataloguing and
classification in the digital era / Shawne D Miksa
ISBN: 978-1-85604-683-1 Forthcoming
Practical Cataloguing: AACR, RDA and MARC21 / Anne Welsh and Sue Batley
ISBN: 978-1-85604-695-4 Forthcoming Feb. 2011
Policy changes
Library of Congress Policy Statements
– Shorter and fewer than the LCRIs
– More cataloguer’s judgement
Libraries Australia
International policies
Libraries Australia
• Support creation & exchange of RDA data from agreed
implementation date
• Continue to support AACR2 (while supported in MARC21)
• Issue guidelines about upgrading records
• Investigate global changes
• Update policies, training courses and system documentation
• Provide a training system
MARC21 changes
Mappings in RDA : RDA to Bibliographic format (Appendix D),
Authority Format (Appendix E).
MODS->RDA mapping and MADS->RDA mapping and
Information on approved changes for vendors
MARC21 changes
Content Types, Media Types
and Carrier Types
Attributes of Entities (Names
and Resources)
Relationships between
Other changes to MARC
Indicating the use of RDA
rules and ISBD punctuation
ACOC- RDA website
Keeping in touch with RDA developments
Online product
Print product
JSC website
US National RDA Test
ACOC website
rdaaust discussion list
RDA Team
NZ Cataloguer’s wiki
Incite (ALIA)
Gateways (NLA)
via ACOC RDA site
[email protected]