litmus a risk reduced alternative to honey pots Andrew van der Stock Senior Architect esecure Secure in a networked world.

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Transcript litmus a risk reduced alternative to honey pots Andrew van der Stock Senior Architect esecure Secure in a networked world.

a risk reduced alternative to honey pots
Andrew van der Stock
Senior Architect
Secure in a networked world
10 reasons why honey pots suck
Demo of dtk vs s’kiddie
10 things you can do instead
Demo of litmus and snort vs s’kiddie
Who is that fat bugger?
Where is Australia?
How does e-Secure fit into this talk?
Andrew van der Stock
Senior Security Architect
Cat slave and MCSE (NT/2K)
Contributor to various open source
projects, such as NetBSD, XFree86 and
Immediate Past SAGE-AU President
On auDA’s DNS Competition Panel
Where is Australia?
Who are e-Secure?
They employ me, and more importantly,
they paid for me to be here
We are one of Australia’s largest specialist
security consulting firms
We don’t sell product, and we are platform
and vendor neutral
We have offices along the east coast of
Why do I think you are here?
Most of you will have excellent ITIL security
All your hosts are patched and secure
Your internal staff are absolutely trustworthy
You have a large risk management group and an
even larger security group, all of whom are
extremely clueful and proactive
Your major risk is from unknown sources and
you need to know when they occur
Nothing could be more wrong
Most organizations spend far too much on
defending against the wrong risks
Some risks are over-hyped and get far too
much press
Most (>95%) organizations are not even
able to repeat a simple secure host
installation let alone trust their staff
What’s wrong with honey pots?
Greater security profile
If you can run almost every corporate network on
three visible ports, why add more?
You don’t learn anything new
All software has defects
Best practice says that software can only hope to
have as few as one defect per 1 KLOC
Normal code has 5-15 bugs per 1000 lines
dtk 0.9 has 14978 lines with comments, or 9279 lines
without comments. Do the math
What’s wrong with honey pots?
The insurance model will not allow you to
take unnecessary risks without a substantial
increase in premium
Risk management says that honey pots
increase risk for demonstrably invalid
You can learn more by using better
What’s wrong with honey pots?
The threat reality is that most attackers are
morons and will attack with DoS if denied real
Honey pots must be kept up to date but in general
Honey pots must act like the host operating
Fix current problems rather than generating new
Demo: dtk vs. s’kiddie
Or why out of date software is useless
Risk Management 101
Or if everyone did the right thing,
why would there still be so many
vulnerable hosts?
Too many hosts to secure
Most operating systems and network devices are
insecure out of the box
This must change
Operating systems maintained by normal users
must be set to take care of themselves by default
Growth of the net will be the single largest factor
as to why there are so many vulnerable systems
It is unrealistic to assume that the net will ever be
Risk Management
Risk  1
impact  likelihood
Risk Management
Large corporations use risk management to
reduce risk to their operations
Risk management is not absolute and is not
“every risk is eradicated”
Most likelihoods are subjective
Generally expressed as “once in every x years”
It is possible to determine likelihood (insurance
companies do, for example), so you should try
Most impacts can be relatively accurately
expressed in $ per incident
The dollar figure ranges from zero to millions
Risk model
Cost of attack vs frequency of attack
Risk model – excess
Risk model – self insuring
Risk model – catastrophic
Insurance 101
Or why insurance will not reduce
famous defacements
Insurance – the SME experience
Insurance – the SME experience
Small to medium enterprises (4-100 employees)
make up the majority of all corporations
They will have little choice but to take out
insurance products once they are developed
Sometimes, there will be “no insurance at any
price” if certain things aren’t done (think GPS
trackers for regularly stolen cars, and apply…)
The excess will still be there
Insurance – Mega Corps
In large corporations, insurance is a method to
assign the risk of catastrophic events to another
Most large corporations are self insuring for most
risks (for example, one of my clients simply pays
for all car accidents; it’s just cheaper that way)
Most large corporations do not see the point in
insuring an intangible risk such as a web
defacement, but they might insure good will.
Threat models
Or why a s’kiddie is more of a threat
than extremely well funded or
knowledgeable attackers
Old thinking: external threats
Old thinking: Seasoned attacker with
extreme skills will be attacking me every
Reality #1: s’kiddies will launch zillions of
RDS attacks at you, even though you might
be running Solaris
Reality #2: your staff are much more of a
risk than the s’kiddies of this world
Anatomy of a s’kiddie attack
Collect tools
Tag & Brag
Attack victims
Anatomy of a gifted amateur
Collect tools
Develop skills
Gather info
Attack victim
Anatomy of a strong attack
Platform mastery
Gather info
Develop tools
Identify targets
Attack victim
Internet age threats
Real threats arise from people with motive
Most external attacks are simple, but not all
Most successful attacks are essentially internal
Audit controls will help
It is nearly always easier to socially engineer
from within than attack a system from without
once minimum defenses are added
Intrusion Detection Systems
Are generally useless in most
Where does IDS fit?
IDS are useful as an additional layer of defense,
no more
IDS are helpful when advanced attackers are
attacking you with new attacks
Two major types today: network IDS (snort) and
host IDS (AIDE, log watcher, etc)
Missing IDS type: application IDS
eEye’s SecureIIS might be a precursor, but has been
proven flawed already
AZN-API is a useful new direction for authorization
Generic issues with IDS
It’s either an AI issue or yet another system that
has to be monitored
Yet another set of logs that will be ignored
Too verbose?
Not sensitive enough?
Not enough eyes to monitor all your systems?
The “three cries and you’re out” problem
No one likes being woken up continuously at 3 am
Host IDS
Host based IDS perform a range of useful
integrity tests, such as tracking file system
WinNT/2K: prefer auditing to tripwire (or maybe
use both) – auditing is real time, and you know
which user caused the event as they are doing it
Tripwire and AIDE are non-real time and only let
you know something has happened after the fact
Commercial host IDS do way more than open
source IDS today, but expect this to change soon
Network IDS
Usually has one or more interfaces in
promiscuous mode – which makes them
detectable in certain circumstances (see anti-sniff)
Useful to spot unusual traffic trends
Even with the fastest processors, most
commercial and non-commercial network IDS
cannot cope with > 100 Mb/s traffic
Good example: snort
Issue: useful only if you can monitor it and the
alarms have been calibrated to suit your needs
Application IDS
Doesn’t exist … but should!
Requires the assistance of applications to really
function correctly
Typical nascent example: eEye’s SecureIIS
More of a shim than real protection
A good first start, except…
There isn’t a general purpose API to implement
this, and many product writers believe that they
are writing secure software, so…
Where to deploy IDS
The typical place is in the DMZ or behind
the firewall
There’s too many lame attacks for IDS to
be out in no man’s land
Much more useful to see those attacks that
have penetrated your firewall or are in a
sensitive network
Call to Action
Or what you can do to visibly
improve your site’s security
Do the fundamentals first…
If you don’t do the basics, don’t bother
with any form of honey pot or a real IDS as
you already have many fine examples in
your production network
To prevent most s’kiddies, reduce your
security profile
To prevent real loss, improve your security
Deter, Defend, Delay
Defense in depth
Deter: warning banners, low profile, high
prosecution profile
Defend: keep up to date, install security helpers
such as firewalls
Delay: keep the attacker from causing any lasting
Destroy: if you can identify your attacker in real
life, if you’re big enough, you can cause real pain
to them (ie deny service if you’re a telco)
Passive Defense
Traditional security mainstays:
Bastion hosts
Deny all unless permitted
The above are necessary, nice and shiny, but
insufficient to cope with modern security threats
Active Defense
Intelligence gathering
At best – misguided. Breaking the law does not help
illegal in most countries with infosec laws
your ISP will dump you if they catch you
worthwhile but handle evidence properly
Costly but worthwhile if the scumbag is in your
jurisdiction AND you have enforceable infosec laws
(see !Philippines )
The Top 10 things you can do
If you only do one of them, do the
first one…
Keep up with patches
If your vendor ships an update to a known
vulnerability, test it and patch your hosts
Nearly all scripted attacks can be warded
off by this very simple measure
Even advanced attackers prefer to use
known vulnerabilities rather than develop
new ones
Automated Software Distribution
Without automated software distribution, you
cannot look after your hosts in a time of crisis
Test any solution you put in, including OS
upgrades (along with the requisite reboot)
Ensure that the distribution point(s) are secure,
are controlled by you, and allow you to constrain
what is deployed on your network
ie, don’t update from a local Debian mirror blindly
Business Recovery Planning
This encompasses many, many things, including
disaster recovery plans and incident response
Thinking through a fully fledged BRP will help in
times of real crisis
Include news media handling in the BRP if you
are publicly traded or rely heavily on lots of
In a crisis where real damage is caused, you must
keep your customers informed and allow them to
report events to you in a timely fashion
Always have a recent backup
Always verify … there is no excuse
Keep off-sites
Practice restores diligently
use different tapes and drives to ensure that
you have media compatibility
Constantly Improve Processes
Continuous improvement is the only
acceptable option
if you use 1990 levels of security knowledge,
you will be successfully attacked
Security is a continuous process of
learning, mitigating and defending
When you learn something, incorporate it
Harden Critical Hosts
Adopt a router or switch today!
Most operating systems have various
security postures out of the box or have
third party guides to assist with lockdowns
Use them
Test the result
Come back and do it again next week
Repeat ad nauseam
Reduce Your Security Profile
Make as many DMZ or extranet hosts
invisible to the Internet
For most corporations, only three ports
need to be visible (tcp/25, tcp/80, udp/53)
Make a map of your network; you’d be
surprised at the number of exceptions. Fix
Create a security policy
Adopt a security posture suitable for your
line of business and business culture
Be reasonable about it – humans will work
around any fascistic control you might
think desirable
Use ISO 17799 as a guide
Once adopted, identify systems and
processes at risk and fix them
Subscribe to security mailing lists
Not only to bugtraq, ntbugtraq,
Win2kSecAdvice, but also to your vendor’s
patch announcements
Most lists are a good source of new and
upcoming vulnerabilities
Sometimes overwhelming in terms of
volume and usefulness
Delegate someone to summarize each day
Counterattack when you can
The only legal active defense open to you is
Learn about forensic data preservation (you
cannot prosecute without a strong chain of
untampered evidence) and practice regularly. Fix
those systems that are forensic-proof
When a s’kiddie or attacker really gets you, help
law enforcement all the way. If you get a rep as a
hard target with real consequences, hopefully
more people will stay away
This can backfire (see US Military or Microsoft)
Note what wasn’t mentioned
No mention of IDS
IDS are really only suitable once you have a
really top notch security environment and you
want an additional layer of defense
Still better to spend money on self-repairing
content checkers, backups, and other security
An IDS in an immature environment is worse
than the immature environment. It gives a false
sense of security where none exists
Is simply a passive configuration of IP Filter,
running under NetBSD coupled to a log scanner
for escalation
Portable to other operating systems who also use
IP Filter (OpenBSD, FreeBSD, Solaris)
Since IP Filter is IPv6 native, so is litmus
Not promiscuous – harder to detect, particularly if
you run it on hosts that actually have a function
Limited use – it’s only a litmus test
Demo: litmus vs s’kiddy
Snort is better
Honey pots are never the right answer for
any corporate network under any
Judicious use of various types of IDS can
be used to some effect, but…
You must cover the fundamentals first or
you will waste money on baubles
Thanks for listening.