Project: IEEE 802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) January 2001 doc.: IEEE 802.15-01/067R0 Submission Title: [TG3 Multiple PHY BOF] Date Submitted:

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Transcript Project: IEEE 802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) January 2001 doc.: IEEE 802.15-01/067R0 Submission Title: [TG3 Multiple PHY BOF] Date Submitted:

Project: IEEE 802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs)
January 2001
doc.: IEEE 802.15-01/067R0
Submission Title: [TG3 Multiple PHY BOF]
Date Submitted: [16Jan01]
Source: [John Barr] Company [Motorola]
Address [1750 E. Golf Road, Schuamburg, IL 60173]
Voice:[+1 847 576-8706], FAX: [+1 847 538-4253], E-Mail:[[email protected]]
Re: [01005R3P802-15_TG3-Jan01-Meeting-Objective-and-Agenda.xls]
Abstract: [TG3 Multiple PHY BOF Slides]
Purpose: [TG3 Multiple PHY BOF Session Overview and Notes.]
Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE 802.15. It is offered as a basis for
discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this
document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right
to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein.
Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE
and may be made publicly available by 802.15.
Slide 1
John Barr, Motorola
January 2001
doc.: IEEE 802.15-01/067R0
IEEE 802.15 Working Group for
Wireless Personal Area Networks
Multiple PHY BOF
January 2001, Monterey, CA
Slide 2
John Barr, Motorola
January 2001
doc.: IEEE 802.15-01/067R0
IEEE 802.15.3 PAR
Current MAC and PHY
Potential for additional PHYs
Slide 3
John Barr, Motorola
January 2001
doc.: IEEE 802.15-01/067R0
IEEE 802.15.3 PAR
• Wireless Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical
Layer (PHY) Specifications for High Rate Wireless
Personal Area Networks (WPAN)
– … wireless connectivity with fixed, portable and moving devices
within or entering a Personal Operating Space (POS) (up to 10
meters in all directions enveloping a person)
– … interoperability or coexistence with other 802.15 TG
– … coexistence with other wireless devices in conjunction with
Coexistence Task Groups such as 802.15.2
– … low complexity, low cost, low power
– … >20Mbps to satisfy a set of consumer multi-media industry
needs for WPAN communications.
Slide 4
John Barr, Motorola
January 2001
doc.: IEEE 802.15-01/067R0
802.15.3 MAC Characteristics
• Proven support for mobile wireless personal area networks (WPAN)
• Enables WPANs to interact with wired infrastructure access points
• Enables a WPAN to temporarily separate into two subnets and then
recombine via an efficient re-authentication and re-association
• Provides proven protocol support for efficient power management
• Redundant master coordinators
• Repeater service
• Virtual data streams (asynchronous/isochronous)
• Negotiating QoS parameters in a WPAN environment
• Dynamic channel selection and/or migration
• Adaptive FEC and selective retransmission ARQs
• An efficient Slot Cycle TDMA algorithm for accessing the RF medium
• Bounded latencies
• Support for negotiating channel bandwidth allocations
Slide 5
John Barr, Motorola
January 2001
doc.: IEEE 802.15-01/067R0
MAC Protocol Superframe
Contention Free Period
Asynchronous slots
Isochronous slots
Maintain station synchronization
•coordinate sleep cycles
•FH coordination (if necessary)
•Asynchronous slot/cycle assignments
•Isochronous slot/cycle assignments
Slide 6
John Barr, Motorola
January 2001
doc.: IEEE 802.15-01/067R0
MAC Protocol Superframe:
Contention Access Period
Contention Free Period
Asynchronous slots
Isochronous slots
All control messages such as:
•attachment requests
•authentication responses
•slot cycle requests
In addition short data frames
could be sent in this period
Slide 7
John Barr, Motorola
January 2001
doc.: IEEE 802.15-01/067R0
802.15.3 PHY Selection
• 2.4 GHz using 802.11 channels
• Base mode of 22Mbps uncoded
• Higher order codes could allow 33,44,55
Slide 8
John Barr, Motorola
January 2001
doc.: IEEE 802.15-01/067R0
802.15.3 PAR Allows for Multiple PHYs
• Proposals submitted 802.15.3 included:
– 5GHz direct FM
• Majority of 802.15.3 participants favored
2.4 GHz solution
• Significant minority supported non-2.4 GHz
Slide 9
John Barr, Motorola
January 2001
doc.: IEEE 802.15-01/067R0
• Industry demand for a simple QoS solution
for broadband multi-media distribution
• 802.11a and HyperLAN/2 will need to
change to satisfy the consumer electronics
• Why not use the 802.15.3 MAC?
Slide 10
John Barr, Motorola
January 2001
doc.: IEEE 802.15-01/067R0
802.11 is one precedence for multiple phys
Users will want compatible solutions
Lots of work on MAC, don’t preclude other PHYs
PHY independent MAC interface, may not need to
do PHY
2.4 solution simplifies radio decision, don’t cloud
the market
Push our agenda in the 5GHSG
Keep spectral options open
802.11a PHY not necessarily a good option
Slide 11
John Barr, Motorola