Project: IEEE 802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) January 2003 doc.: IEEE 802.15-03/014r1 Submission Title: [WG-TG3 Opening Report Jan03] Date Submitted:

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Transcript Project: IEEE 802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) January 2003 doc.: IEEE 802.15-03/014r1 Submission Title: [WG-TG3 Opening Report Jan03] Date Submitted:

Project: IEEE 802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs)
January 2003
doc.: IEEE 802.15-03/014r1
Submission Title: [WG-TG3 Opening Report Jan03]
Date Submitted: [13January03]
Source: [John Barr] Company [Motorola]
Address [1303 E. Golf Road, Schuamburg, IL 60196]
Voice:[+1 847 576-8706], FAX: [+1 847 576-6758], E-Mail:[[email protected]]
Re: [03003r0P802-15_TG3-January03-Meeting-Objective-and-Agenda.xls]
Abstract: [TG3 Chair Report to 802.15 WG]
Purpose: [TG3 chair report to WG to update them from the last session on all work items.]
Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE 802.15. It is offered as a basis for
discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this
document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right
to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein.
Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE
and may be made publicly available by 802.15.
Slide 1
Dr. John R. Barr, Motorola
January 2003
doc.: IEEE 802.15-03/014r1
IEEE 802.15 Working Group for
Wireless Personal Area Networks
TG3 Opening Report
January 2003, Ft. Lauderdale
Slide 2
Dr. John R. Barr, Motorola
January 2003
doc.: IEEE 802.15-03/014r1
Goals of January Meeting
IEEE 802.15.3 PAR
Status and plans for TG3
Sponsor Ballot Results Status
Key January Sessions
Slide 3
Dr. John R. Barr, Motorola
January 2003
doc.: IEEE 802.15-03/014r1
Goals of the January Meeting
• Conference call status, including approval of
any ad hoc business
• Sponsor Ballot comment resolution
• Update draft as required
• Prepare for ballot recirculation (if required)
• Gain approval for conditional REVCOM
Slide 4
Dr. John R. Barr, Motorola
January 2003
doc.: IEEE 802.15-03/014r1
IEEE 802.15.3 PAR
• Wireless Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical
Layer (PHY) Specifications for High Rate Wireless
Personal Area Networks (WPAN)
– … wireless connectivity with fixed, portable and moving devices
within or entering a Personal Operating Space (POS) (up to 10
meters in all directions enveloping a person)
– … interoperability or coexistence with other 802.15 TG
– … coexistence with other wireless devices in conjunction with
Coexistence Task Groups such as 802.15.2
– … low complexity, low cost, low power
– … >20Mbps to satisfy a set of consumer multi-media industry
needs for WPAN communications.
Slide 5
Dr. John R. Barr, Motorola
January 2003
doc.: IEEE 802.15-03/014r1
Status and Plans for TG3
• Construction of Initial Draft
Goal: MAC/PHY standard of high rate WPAN
• Schedule
Goal: Produce a Standard by 1H 2003
• Next Steps
Goal: Resolve Sponsor Ballot comments and
prepare for recirculation and submission to
REVCOM following successful recirculation
Slide 6
Dr. John R. Barr, Motorola
January 2003
doc.: IEEE 802.15-03/014r1
Sponsor Ballot Results
• Started December 4 Ended January 2
• Results:
101 eligible voters
56 affirmative votes
17 negative votes
6 abstention votes
79 total votes (78%)
76% affirmative
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Dr. John R. Barr, Motorola
January 2003
doc.: IEEE 802.15-03/014r1
Sponsor Ballot Comments
• 03034r0P802-15_TG3-SB1-comment-listing.pdf
• Comment Summary
– 826 Comments from 26 voters
– 379 Editorial
– 447 Technical
Slide 8
Dr. John R. Barr, Motorola
January 2003
doc.: IEEE 802.15-03/014r1
Key November Sessions
• SG3a-TG3 Joint Session Monday at 10:30
• Comment resolution our priority
– Evening sessions
– Morning sessions
• Daily 3:30 pm TG3 Business as Required
• Thursday 3:30 PM WG Report formation
Slide 9
Dr. John R. Barr, Motorola
January 2003
doc.: IEEE 802.15-03/014r1
Sponsor Ballot Resolution Committee
• Chair, James Gilb
• Vice Chair, John Barr
• Members
– Jim Allen, Allen Heberling, Bill Shvodian,
Mark Schrader, Dan Bailey, Rene Struik, Gregg
Rasor, Knot Odman, Jay Bain, and Jeyhan
Slide 10
Dr. John R. Barr, Motorola
January 2003
doc.: IEEE 802.15-03/014r1
SBRC Ad Hoc Meeting
February 10 (1PM) to February 12 (noon)
Rancho Bernardo, CA
Hosted by Appairent Technologies West
Final arrangements available at end of
January IEEE 802 Meeting.
Slide 11
Dr. John R. Barr, Motorola
January 2003
doc.: IEEE 802.15-03/014r1
Motion to the Working Group
Move to seek approval from NESCOM to
change the 802.15.3 PAR as follows:
In TITLE, change “Part 15:” to “Part 15.3:”.
TG Motion by Gilb, second by Bain.
Passed by unanimous consent.
Mover: James Gilb
For –
Against –
Abstain –
Second: John Barr
Slide 12
Dr. John R. Barr, Motorola
January 2003
doc.: IEEE 802.15-03/014r1
TG3 SB Comment Status
• Wednesday – 10AM
– More than 50% of the technical comments have
been resolved
– 03/033rX Comment Database posted daily
– 03/032rX Running Comments posted daily
Slide 13
Dr. John R. Barr, Motorola
January 2003
doc.: IEEE 802.15-03/014r1
Typical Comment Resolution
Clause 06; Sub clause Figure 3; Page 23; Line 38; Comment Type: E;
Figure 3 represents an incomplete two dimensional model of the 15.3 MAC
and interfaces. It is too dull and uninteresting to capture the interest of the
casual reader. Consequently, I recommend that Figure 3 be replaced.
Suggested Remedy:
Please replace the current figure with the attached JPEG. Members of the
XSI engineering staff used an expensive hi-tech modeling tool to develop a
multi-colored, 3-dimensional model that illustrates in a more exciting and
interesting way the interrelationships of the various 15.3 Protocol
components. In addition, you will note the DVD player atop the APP layer of
the PNC is using the 15.3 Protocol to transmit it's video content to the HDTV
atop the APP layer of the DEV receiving the video stream from the PNC.
Also note the happy satisfied consumer viewing his/her favorite movie.
Slide 14
Dr. John R. Barr, Motorola
January 2003
doc.: IEEE 802.15-03/014r1
Team of Xpert MAC Architects
Slide 15
Dr. John R. Barr, Motorola
January 2003
doc.: IEEE 802.15-03/014r1
Slide 16
Dr. John R. Barr, Motorola