Positioning : Two Official System Presentation Designed by Illinois Hockey Officials Association Importance of Being in Proper Position • Fundamental building block • Enables official to see.

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Transcript Positioning : Two Official System Presentation Designed by Illinois Hockey Officials Association Importance of Being in Proper Position • Fundamental building block • Enables official to see.

Positioning : Two Official System

Presentation Designed by Illinois Hockey Officials Association

Importance of Being in Proper Position

Fundamental building block Enables official to see as much action as possible

(enhancing judgment)

Provides official with safe viewing areasKeeps official out of the wayKeeps official out of “ No Mans Land “

Field of Vision

No Man’s Land

Starting the Game

One Official at center ice ( Facing Timekeeper )Partner on opposite side of ice on center red lineContinually switching ends throughout the gameWhen puck is dropped, free official moves with the


Move in a direction that will put your partner in a

safe position

Don’t skate into the play

Positioning During Play

Play leaving Neutral Zone and enters Attacking ZoneFree official is at line before playOfficial moves to goal line after making call at blue


• Deep official is responsible for watching play • Official on blue line watches in front of goal – Partner moves up to blue line

Watches Behind Play Watches Play

Positioning During Play

Play reverses and goes into opposite attacking zoneBack official must wait at blue line to be sure play is

leaving the zone

Back official moves to his line backwards • Makes call at blue line and follows play into zone – Partner skates quickly out of zone as players leave


• Moves up to blue line


Positioning During Play

Play in the Neutral ZoneBoth officials at their respective blue lines • ( Skates in the Attacking Zone ) – Officials always diagonally across from each other


Positioning During Face-offs

Neutral Zone face-offsOfficial directly opposite side of the face-offMust be ready to move in either direction with the


• Play goes toward his own end : follow and partner will respond • Play goes toward partners end: follow and continue with play


Positioning During Face-offs

End zone face-offsDiagonally opposite on far blue line ( 10 feet from

boards and inside zone )

Maintains line until play leaves zoneOfficial conducting face-off moves to goal line or out

of zone with play


Positioning in the End Zone and on the Goal Line

Skating into end zoneSkate hard into end zoneNo coasting keep feet movingGet to goal line quickly, but only when the path is


Never cut through the face-off spot

Positioning in the End Zone and on the Goal Line

Proper use of home baseEasy to move toward goal when shot on goalEasy to move back to corner when play moves to

referees side

Following play out of zoneMove quickly out of zone so partner can release blue


Anticipate the play leaving the zone

Golden Triangle Home Base

Post Game Positioning

At the buzzerCheck ice first for altercationsDuring hand shake lineOfficials on each side of line diagonally across from

each other

Removed from players


Retrieving the Puck

Normal Stoppages –Official in zone of stoppage spots face-off –Partner retrieves puck, hands off and returns to position

Normal Stoppages

Retrieving the puck

After goalOfficial in zone of goal reports goal and


Partner retrieves the puck and

conducts ensuing face-off

After Goal

Retrieving the puck

After penaltyOfficial assessing penalty reports


Partner retrieves puck and

conducts face-off

After Penalty

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