Technology for the Future: Small Is… Challenge Starter activity In small groups, mind map as many new technologies that you can think of that.

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Transcript Technology for the Future: Small Is… Challenge Starter activity In small groups, mind map as many new technologies that you can think of that.

Technology for the Future:
Small Is… Challenge
Starter activity
In small groups, mind map as many
new technologies that you can think
of that have been launched over the
past 5 years.
You might want to think in areas
such as;
• Food
• Transport
• Communication technology
• Clothes
• Toys
Guess which year was I invented?
Apple iPad
3 D computer
World web
Pop up
Which dates did you guess correctly?
Technology timeline
Select any invention from the Technology timeline in your classroom or visit
the website below to help you select a technology that interests you.
Complete worksheets 2 and 3 for your homework and present your findings
back to your class.
So far, we’ve looked at technologies from the past 100 years.
Now we want to look to the future and think about the technologies that you
would like to see developed.
Who do you think makes decisions about the technologies
we need and want to develop in the future?
Designers, scientists, engineers and consumers will all have different beliefs
and ideas about the technologies we could develop in the future.
What are your views on the technologies we develop in
the future?
Activity: Belief Circles
Write your name on a piece of paper and stand in a circle with your class
Your teacher will place a statement in the middle of the circle and read it
out. Spend some time thinking about the statement.
• If you agree place your name card near the centre of the circle and if you
don’t agree move it further out.
• How varied are you views as a class? Listen to a few
of your classmates explain their beliefs.
• If you have changed your mind you can move
the position of your card
At Practical Action we believe in
Technology Justice where
Everyone has the right to access the technologies they need so they can live a life
they value without limiting the ability of others to do so now or in the future.
Your challenge is to put technology justice into action. We’d like you to….
Invent a technology that will help us to lead more
sustainable lives over the next 100 years.
To help you develop your ideas, there are three things we’d like
you to consider.
1. Is the technology needed?
Many of the new technology products are developed to meet consumer
‘wants’ rather than needs.
In the UK, our high consumer lifestyle has a massive impact on people and
the environment. In fact if everyone in the world lived the way we do,
we’d need 3 planets to keep us going us.
2. What affect does technology have on people and communities?
Technologies can have major impacts on people lives. Think about the sorts
of technologies that you think will have a positive impact for people.
It might be good to think about:
Does the technology make life better or worse for people who use it?
Does the technology make life better or worse for people
living elsewhere in the world involved in producing the
3. What affect does technology have on the environment?
The design, production, use and final disposal of technologies have major
impacts on the environment.
So here’s a few things to bear in mind when developing your technology for
the future.
Try to use renewable materials and energy where possible to reduce environment
Think about the impact of your technology during its production,
use and whether it can be easily recycled to prevent long
term environmental impact.
Time to get started on your ideas for the development
of a new technology.
Recap: Your challenge is to…
Invent a technology that will help us to lead more sustainable lives over
the next 100 years and to help Technology Justice become a reality.
You can choose who it will designed for and at what time period in the next
100 years you think it will be used.
Good luck with your ideas and thank you for
helping put Technology Justice into action!