Strengthening Information Exchange and Taking Action TACC Training Module 8 Objectives of the Module   Raise questions relevant for enhancing action on climate change at.

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Transcript Strengthening Information Exchange and Taking Action TACC Training Module 8 Objectives of the Module   Raise questions relevant for enhancing action on climate change at.

Strengthening Information Exchange and
Taking Action
TACC Training Module 8
Objectives of the Module
Raise questions relevant for enhancing action on
climate change at the sub-national level
Foster consideration of follow-up action by
Territorial Approach to Climate Change - Phase 1
Planning and Implementing Climate Change
In what ways can sub-national authorities
incorporate climate change planning at the
territorial level?
 Integrate
climate change priorities into existing
development policies and plans
 Design integrated climate change plans
 Be consistent with the national development priorities
and needs
Territorial Approach to Climate Change - Phase 1
Planning and Implementing Climate Change
Activities cont…
What are the major challenges faced by subnational authorities in undertaking climate change
related actions?
For instance:
 Lack
of recognition of climate change issues at National
and local level
 Poor cross-sectoral participation
 National Development Plans and Practices not
conducive to climate change related actions
 Lack of funding and technical support
Territorial Approach to Climate Change - Phase 1
Planning and Implementing Climate
Change Activities cont…
What kind of support is
required by sub-national
authorities to promote climate
change activities?
For instance:
 Support
from National Governments
 Devolved authority
 Expertise
 Financial assistance
Source: Wonderware
Territorial Approach to Climate Change - Phase 1
Planning and Implementing Climate
Change Activities cont…
What follow-up actions can sub-national authorities
take in the short and long run to address climate
 Limit
consumption and ecological footprint
 Modify public consumption and waste disposal patterns
 Enact regulations to curb emissions
 Ensure that the Climate Change integrated plans are
actually implemented
Territorial Approach to Climate Change - Phase 1
Strengthening Knowledge, Communication and
Information Exchange
What are the key challenges in accessing relevant information for subnational authorities?
For instance:
Lack of knowledge on where/how to get the relevant information
Inappropriate packaging of the information
Lack of evidence-based information appropriate at sub-national level
How can the knowledge base and information sharing be strengthened
amongst sub-national authorities?
For instance:
Research and Knowledge generation targeted to sub national level
Climate Change experts/groups within departments
Collaboration with academic institutions
Documentation of existing knowledge including traditional, indigenous knowledge
Active participation in networks of sub-national authorities (E.g. Nrg4SD, AER,
Territorial Approach to Climate Change - Phase 1
Strengthening Knowledge, Communication
and Information Exchange cont...
What role can sub-national authorities play in strengthening
knowledge base and information exchange?
For instance:
Create Public awareness by making relevant information available to the
Help the population to generate and document relevant knowledge
Act as a bridge between the local populations and national
policymakers, ensuring that they learn about each other’s roles and
How can sub-national authorities promote stakeholder participation?
For instance:
public meetings involving local authorities, NGOs and educators
facilitate public-private partnerships
engage major groups: businesses, local communities, women’s groups, etc.
Territorial Approach to Climate Change - Phase 1
Strengthening Knowledge, Communication
and Information Exchange cont…
What channels of communication can be used
for outreach activities?
For instance:
Publicity events/campaigns
Workshops and seminars
How can effective north-south and south-south
collaboration be fostered?
For instance:
Source: Meritmedia
Active participation in networks of sub-national
authorities (E.g. Nrg4SD, ICLEI, others)
Territorial Approach to Climate Change - Phase 1
Learning and Knowledge Platforms
Knowledge Centre on Cities and Climate Change
Green Growth Knowledge Platform
For more UN learning platforms:
UN CC: Learn :The One UN Training Service Platform on Climate Change is a
collaboration of UN agencies to foster knowledge sharing and strengthening of
country-driven climate-change learning and skills development in Member States
Territorial Approach to Climate Change - Phase 1
Relevant websites
Gateway to the UN System’s work on Climate Change –
Adaptation Learning Mechanism
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
UNEP Climate Change page
UNEP-Grid Arendal
World Bank Climate Change Portal
FAO Climate Change portal
Climate Action Network
News from Climate Wire
Territorial Approach to Climate Change - Phase 1
Getting Commitments for Action
What commitments for action
are participants willing to
Territorial Approach to Climate Change - Phase 1