Cross District Transfer North Carolina DPI Amplify NC Team: Debbie Owens, Regional Vice President of National Accounts Sharon Freedman, Associate Director Scott Miller, Senior.

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Transcript Cross District Transfer North Carolina DPI Amplify NC Team: Debbie Owens, Regional Vice President of National Accounts Sharon Freedman, Associate Director Scott Miller, Senior.

Cross District Transfer
North Carolina DPI
Amplify NC Team:
Debbie Owens, Regional Vice President of National Accounts
Sharon Freedman, Associate Director
Scott Miller, Senior Account Manager
Carolyn Southerland, Account Manager
• What is Cross District Transfer?
• What will stay the same?
• What will change?
• What do I need to do?
• Check your understanding
• What questions do I have? Resources
What is Cross District Transfer?
What is Cross District Transfer?
The CDT feature will allow student’s mCLASS data to transfer with them to a new
district after August 17, 9pm.
Includes charters and districts within North Carolina.
Includes students grades K-5.
Includes data generated only in North Carolina.
What is Cross District Transfer?
Data to Transfer for the Initial Migration on August 14, 2015
August 14, 5pm serves as starting point for districts that will be included in CDT.
What that means for my students:
If a student was in multiple districts prior to August 14, 2015 only the data from the
district as of August 14, 2015 will be included in the data transfer on mCLASS.
If a student has always been in the same district, you will be able to see all of their
historical data.
If a student moved out and then back into your district, then you will only be able to see
their historical data as of the date they moved back into your district.
All other data can still be accessed via hard copies of reports in the cumulative
records, as it was before.
What is Cross District Transfer?
Data to Transfer AFTER Initial Migration
After August 18, 2015 students can transfer to any district or charter within North
Carolina and their prior district’s mCLASS data will follow.
What is Cross District Transfer?
What data will transfer, starting when?
Scenario 1: 2 districts before CDT migration
Joe Student
enrolled in
Dist. A
Joe Student
moves, enrolled
Dist. B
Cross District
migrates data
Joe Student’s
data from Dist.
Scenario 2: 2 districts after CDT migration
Jill Student
enrolled in
Dist. A
data from
Dist. A
Jill Student
moves to
Dist. B
Jill Student’s
data from
Dist.’s A
What is Cross District Transfer?
When is this happening?
August 14 5pm - August 17 9pm (initial migration of data and testing)
• system freeze out for users
• Amplify will notify DPI by 5pm August 17 if backup date needed
BACKUP DATE - August 21, 5pm - August, 24, 9pm.
• system freeze out for users
• occurring only if unexpected issues arise August 14-17
What is Cross District Transfer?
What is Auto Self Service Enrollment (Auto SSE)?
Separate but related - Auto SSE allows for automatic student and staff file updates
Fed via Powerschool files
Done nightly
Once Powerschool is updated, student and staff will show up in mCLASS
Schools can then pull students and staff into classes
Manual updates to mCLASS student/staff files will be overwritten by Powerschool
updates if data does not match Powerschool information exactly
Includes schools that have Reading 3D for K-5.
What will stay the same?
What will stay the same?
Administrators and teachers will see the same mCLASS system
Districts will still need to set up classes (Districts will no longer roster staff and
students, as this will be done via Powerschool data from NC DPI)
Exception: classes set up between July 31 and August 14, 5pm 2015 will be
You will still be able to access student’s mCLASS data prior to 2015 by accessing what
was printed out and placed in their cumulative file.
What will change?
What will change?
Changes from CDT
Districts will all have the same account settings, as set at the NC DPI muni account
Students’ data starting August 14, 5pm will follow them to other NC districts if they
Changes from Auto Self Service Enrollment/State Level
Student and staff files will be imported from Powerschool for all districts/charters
Districts will need to wait until staff/students appear in mCLASS to create classes
What do I need to do?
What do I need to do?
Ensure all teachers know:
– They must sync assessment data before August 14, 5pm.
– They will not be able to access mCLASS August 14, 5pm - August 17, 9pm and
possibly August 21, 5pm - August, 24, 9pm.
• Keep Powerschool updated with staff and student data, make sure it’s
Ensure new enrollments of staff/students show up in mCLASS (matching
Powerschool) before setting up classes
Set up classes using Self Service Enrollment or manual upload
Delete students or staff if they leave North Carolina
For transferring students, download assessment data to provide to new district
Contact [email protected] if you are missing student or staff data, using CDT in the
subject line.
What do I need to do?
What if I don’t see my student’s historical data?
Check to see if the Powerschool ID for the student or staff is correct, the name is
spelled correctly, the proper school is listed, etc.
Check that the historical data you are looking for should have been included in the
initial data migration on August 14, 2015. Remember, if students were in multiple
districts prior to August 14, 2015 not all data would appear in mCLASS.
Contact [email protected] if you are missing student or staff data, using CDT in the
subject line.
Check your understanding
Check your understanding
1. If a student was in District A in 2013, then transferred to District B in 2014 will the
student’s data from District A follow them if they transfer again after CDT is
1. If a student was in District A in 2014, then transferred to District B in 2015, then to
District C in 2016, and District D in 2017 what data will follow them?
1. When will users be blocked from accessing mCLASS?
1. What happens if I manually upload a student before they are in mCLASS with:
a. the correct Powerschool ID
b. the wrong Powerschool ID
c. no ID
Check your understanding
If a student was in District A in 2013, then transferred to District B in 2014 will the student’s data from District A
follow them if they transfer again after CDT is implemented?
ANSWER: No, District A data will not be included in the initial migration.
If a student was in District A in 2014, then transferred to District B in 2015, then to District C in 2016, and District
D in 2017 what data will follow them in 2018?
ANSWER: Districts B - D.
When will users be blocked from accessing mCLASS?
ANSWER: 8/14/15, 5pm - 8/17/15, 9pm BACKUP DATE: 8/21/15, 5pm - 8/24/15, 9pm
What happens if I manually upload a student before they are in mCLASS with:
a. the correct Powerschool ID
ANSWER: No data problems. The correct data will be connected with the right student/staff.
a. the wrong Powerschool ID
ANSWER: There will be data problems. Duplicate records could be created or data may not be associated
with the correct.
a. no ID
ANSWER: There will be data problems if the user eventually appears in Powerschool.
Further questions? Where to get
Amplify NC Team:
Debbie Owens, Regional Vice President of National Accounts
Sharon Freedman, Associate Director
Scott Miller, Senior Account Manager
Carolyn Southerland, Account Manager
-recording of this webinar