Confidentiality Workshop Barbara Erickson – Registrar Jim Rink – IT End User Support.

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Transcript Confidentiality Workshop Barbara Erickson – Registrar Jim Rink – IT End User Support.

Confidentiality Workshop
Barbara Erickson – Registrar
Jim Rink – IT End User Support
The End
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Faculty, staff, and student workers have access to
education records for the sole purpose of performing
their jobs professionally, ethically, and responsibly.
They have a responsibility to protect the confidentiality
of education records in their possession, regardless of
the medium in which the records are presented.
What are FERPA and GLB?
FERPA Basics
Data Safeguarding
Technology Policies
Case Studies
What are FERPA and GLB?
• FERPA is the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
– Defines a students right to access their educational
records and requires the institution to keep a students
record confidential
• GLB is the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act
– Defines Colleges and Universities as financial institutions
and requires that they implement Data Safeguard rules
FERPA Basics
The Essence of FERPA:
• Access - A student must be permitted to inspect
his/her own education records.
• Confidentiality - Education records are confidential
and may not be released without the written consent
of the student
FERPA Basics
What are educational records?
Records can be in any medium, including handwritten
notes, paper files, e-mail, electronic files, video or audio
tapes, microfilm or microfiche. The records are not limited
to those in “official” files and include records maintained in
any UW-S office or file. With limited exceptions, a student
can see every educational record UW-S has that is
directly related to that student.
FERPA Basics
Regarding Confidentiality:
School officials shall not disclose personally identifiable
information about a student or permit inspection of the
students records without the students written consent
unless such action is covered by certain exceptions
permitted by the act.
Education records are confidential and may not be
released without the written consent of the student.
Exception: Unrestricted “Directory Information”
FERPA Basics
Directory Information includes:
Telephone Number
E-Mail Address
Date of Birth
Major field of Study
Participation in officially
recognized activities
and sports
• Weight and height of
members of athletic
• Dates of attendance
• Degrees and awards
• The most recent
previous educational
agency or institution
FERPA Basics
When can academic records be shared?
To the student
When the student provides
written consent that identifies
the record(s) to be released,
the person to whom they are to
be released, and the reason for
the release
Unrestricted Directory
To school officials with a
legitimate educational interest
To schools in which a student
seeks or intends to enroll
To authorized representatives
of the Comptroller General of
the United States, the Secretary
of the Department of Education,
or state and local educational
To accrediting organizations.
To comply with a lawfully
issued judicial order or
Health or safety emergency.
Results of a disciplinary hearing
of a student accused of a crime
of violence or non-forcible sex
To parents or guardians of
students under the age of 21
who have violated an alcohol or
drug policy.
In connection with financial aid
FERPA Basics
• FERPA recognizes a person enrolled in post-secondary
education as a “student” and provides that individual certain
rights, regardless of age. Therefore, a parent does not have an
inherent right to access his/her child’s education records.
• Posting education records (e.g., grades) using the student's
name, student ID# or any portion of the social security number is
a violation of FERPA.
FERPA Basics
Any questions regarding FERPA guidelines should be
directed to the Registrar in Old Main, room 139, (715)
Student Confidentiality
• Students with access to confidential student records must
sign a confidentiality form a copy. The form is filed either
with the financial aid department or with the department
where the student is employed
• Departments that use student help are responsible for
training any student on appropriate use, confidentiality,
• The Confidentiality form can be downloaded from the
Financial Aid web site
Safeguarding Data
Safeguarding data:
• Password protect
• Locking files and offices
• Monitor Privacy devices • Save files on your G:Drive
• Proper hard copy
• Empty the Recycle Bin
• Delete/Dispose of files on
• Use strong passwords
storage devices
• Change passwords
• Avoid sending confidential
data via E-Mail
• Don’t post your
• Secure your mobile
computing devices when
• Use password activated
you travel
screen saver
Safeguarding Data
Password selection:
• Avoid common passwords like "password”, your
name, telephone number, repetitive or sequential
• Intersperse punctuation marks or symbols such as #,
$, %, etc. Do not use a blank space.
• Never write down your password and post it where
easily accessible to others
Safeguarding Data
Password selection:
• Use at least seven characters; the more characters,
the better (as long as you can remember them).
• Use special characters and numbers and a mix of
• Make your password easy for you to remember but
hard for someone else to guess.
Example: Pick letters from a phrase that's meaningful
to you may be the source for a good password. In
this way, your password is really a "pass phrase”
"Do you know the way to San Jose?" could be
Technology policies overview
• Guidelines for Appropriate Use- This policy
document describes at a summary level the basic
guidelines for appropriate use of technology and
covers a broad set of technology topics.
• Disconnecting from the network- Defines rules for
connecting devices to the University Network and
procedure that will be followed to disconnect a device
from the network
• Policy on Passwords- Defines specific policy on the
creation and standards for passwords that give
access to university data and the defines the
authority given to the networking staff to ensure
secure passwords
Technology policies overview
• Email- Describes the appropriate use of _everyone
email distribution list
• Response to Subpoenas- Document defines how
requests for access to confidential data by legal
means such as subpoenas, search warrants and
other official requests will be handled.
• Information Assurance- This policy defines the
procedures used to ensure that the University's
Information assets, including Information Technology
(IT) resources such as equipment and processes, are
reliable, secure, and used in ways consistent with the
campus mission.
Technology policies overview
• Web Policy- This policy is designed to set a uniform
standard for appearance and quality for World Wide Web
pages created and maintained by administrative offices
at UW-Superior.
• Web Guidelines Policy - A guide for designing and
publishing web pages that are uniform, functional and
accessible yet reasonably easy to create and maintain.
• Technology Accessibility- This policy is designed to
guide compliance with the Americans with Disabilities
Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act with
respect to the implementation of information and
instructional technology at UW-Superior.
Case Studies
An attorney calls the chair of the History Department
about student Reed A. Book. The attorney explains
that they represent Mr. Book in a personal injury action
that does not involve the university and states that Mr.
Book does not object to the department chair
discussing his student records, including his grades,
with the attorney. Should the chair provide information
about Mr. Book to the attorney?
Case Studies
No. Attorneys and other third-parties generally cannot
access student education records unless the student
consents to that access.
Case Studies
But what if:
Mr. Book calls the department chair and tells her that he
does not object to her talking to the attorney. Should
she talk to the attorney?
Case Studies
No. FERPA requires the student to provide written
Case Studies
Ok, but:
What if the attorney provides the department chair with a
piece of paper that states: "Please release my
education records to my attorney J.A. Smith for use in
my personal injury case. Signed, Reed A. Book"?
Case Studies
Yes the records may be released. The student has
provided consent in writing that identifies the record(s)
to be released, the person to whom they are to be
released, and the reason for the release. These three
elements are needed in a written consent to satisfy
Case Studies
Professor Olson is concerned about a student she has
recently been assigned to advise. The student is
struggling and is earning a very low grade in a
course he is taking from Professor Olson.
Professor Olson wonders if the student had similar
difficulties in past semesters. She decides to review
the student's transcript via E-Hive. Does FERPA
provide for Professor Olson’s review of the student’s
transcript for this purpose?
Case Studies
Yes. Professor Olson advises this student. She has a
legitimate educational interest in obtaining the
student's transcript in order to properly assist and
advise this student?
Case Studies
The Provost stops by the Art Department office and tells
the department chair that a former student has filed
a complaint against the university alleging
discrimination. The Provost wants the chair to turn
over the department's file on the student to the
Provost for review by the university's attorney.
Should the chair turn over the file?
Case Studies
Yes. FERPA permits University legal counsel to
access information when a student sues the
university. Legal counsel also may access
information where litigation has not ensued.
Case Studies
The CJUS Department work-study student's job duties
require them to access student records. Has the
department violated FERPA by allowing the student
this access?
Case Studies
No. The student's job duties require them to access
education records. They therefore have a
legitimate need to see the records to fulfill the job
responsibilities and it is not a FERPA violation for
them to access the records. The department
should properly train the student on FERPA privacy
rights to ensure the student maintains the
confidentiality of the student records he accesses.
Case Studies
A Husband of a student approaches you frantically
asking to find his wife husband because their son is
in the hospital. You have access to the wife’s class
schedule… Do you tell him where to find her?
Case Studies
No. You should tell the husband that you will
immediately contact the campus safety office.
They will locate the wife and bring them to the
Case Studies
One of your advisee’s requests access to the notes you
keep on the advisee in your file. Do you have to
provide that student access to those notes?
Case Studies
Yes. Under FERPA a student may inspect and review
their educational records
Case Studies
Bottom line:
Scrutinize any and all requests for student information
and if you have any questions, contact or refer the
request to the Registrar.
• Find more information on FERPA at :
• Find more information on GLB at:
• Password Security: There are numerous web sites that
provide tips and suggestions for picking a good
passwords. Use a search engine and search for
“Selecting a secure password”