Classes 6-Nov-15 Classes and objects  Scala is an Object-Oriented (O-O), functional language   Object-Oriented (O-O) means it’s built around “objects” Functional means that functions, like.

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Transcript Classes 6-Nov-15 Classes and objects  Scala is an Object-Oriented (O-O), functional language   Object-Oriented (O-O) means it’s built around “objects” Functional means that functions, like.

Classes and objects
Scala is an Object-Oriented (O-O), functional language
Object-Oriented (O-O) means it’s built around “objects”
Functional means that functions, like numbers, are values
Every value, such as 27.3 or "Hello", is an object
You can “talk” to objects, using dot notation:
We’ll talk more about the functional aspects later
String = hello
Boolean = true
Every program you write starts with an object you define
A class (or type) is a description of a set of objects
The type of "Hello" is String
Most of your programs will use several classes and objects
If you want just one object of a certain type (a singleton), you can
define it like this:
object NameOfObject { …code… }
The code is executed the first time you refer to the object
You can refer to the fields (variables) and methods of the object
using dot notation
Variables (val and var) are declared
Methods (def) are defined
“Loose” code (not contained in a method) is executed
NameOfObject.method(arg1, …, argN)
Within the object definition, you don’t need to use dot notation to
refer to the fields and methods of “this” object
Example object
object USA {
val numberOfContiguousStates = 48
val numberOfStates = numberOfContiguousStates
var president = "George W. Bush"
def isContiguous(state: String) =
state != "Alaska" && state != "Hawaii"
def isNotContiguous(state: String) =
+ 2
println("The USA has " = USA.numberOfStates + " states.")
USA.president = "Barack Hussein Obama"
val here = "Pennsylvania“
println(here + (if (isContiguous(here) " is " else
" is not ") + " a continental state.")
Simple programs
The simplest complete program consists of one object containing a
main method
The main method looks exactly like
A “Hello World” program looks like this:
def main(args: Array[String]) {
… code in main method…
object SimpleProgram {
def main(args: Array[String]) = {
println("Hello from a Scala program.")
To run the program, put it on a file with the extension .scala (for
example, simple.scala), then say
scala simple.scala
Order of execution
When you run a Scala program, things happen in
approximately this order:
1. Scala figures out the types of everything, and gives default
values to variables (0 for numbers, false for booleans,
null for most other kinds of object)
2. Working from top to bottom, Scala evaluates all the vals
and vars and defines all the methods (defs)
3. If there is a main method, Scala executes (runs) it
The detailed rules are quite complicated
C and C++ require definitions to be in a certain order
Scala gives you a lot of freedom in ordering your
definitions and variables
About args: Array[String]
Array[String] means “an array of Strings”
When you run the program, you can give it some Strings as input
Arrays are covered elsewhere in this course, so you don’t need to
worry about them right now
Just for completeness, here’s a simple example
object SimpleProgramWithArguments {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
println("Here are my arguments:")
for (word <- args) {
When you want more than one object of a given kind, you use a
Because these objects will differ in some respects, a class is
usually defined with parameters:
class NameOfClass(parameters) { …code… }
The code is evaluated each time you create a new object
Variables (val and var) are declared
Methods (def) are defined (not called)
“Loose” code (not contained in a method) is executed
The type of each parameter must be specified
Each parameter may be marked as val or var
val means you can read the value from outside the class definition
var means you can read or write the value from outside
neither means you can only access the variable from inside the class
Example class
class Planet(val name: String, val orderFromSun: Int,
populationIn2011: Long) {
def population(year: Int) = {
require(year >= 2011)
var pop = populationIn2011.toDouble
for (y <- 2012 to year) {
pop = 1.008 * pop
val earth = new Planet("Earth", 3, 7000000000L)
val mars = new Planet("Mars", 4, 0)
val planet = earth
println("Population of " + +
" in 2050 will be " + planet.population(2050))
Example class with object
class Planet is exactly as defined on previous slide
Add this object:
object SolarSystem {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val earth = new Planet("Earth", 3, 7000000000L)
val mars = new Planet("Mars", 4, 0)
val planet = earth
println("Population of " + +
" in 2050 will be " +
Now we have to run the main method explicitly:
Running from the command line
If your program consists of just one object, you can run it by specifying the
name of the file it is on:
scala SolarSystem.scala
It is conventional to give the file the same name as the object (plus the .scala
extension), but this is not required
If you just say scala without a file name, this starts the REPL
If your program contains classes or additional objects, you have to compile
it (with scalac) and then run it (with scala)
dave$ scalac SolarSystem.scala
dave$ scala SolarSystem
Population of Earth in 2050 will be 9551218761
When you compile a program, you get some number of .class files, many
with a $ in their name
.class files are binary files, runnable on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM)
Arguments to a program
Here’s a program from an earlier slide:
object SimpleProgramWithArguments {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
println("Here are my arguments:")
for (word <- args) {
When you run it, everything after the file name is treated as a space-separated
array of Strings
dave$ scala SimpleProgramWithArguments.scala This is CIS 591
Here are my arguments:
The End