Fancy Parameters Class parameters  When you define a class, you typically give it parameters      Declaring a parameter with val makes the value.

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Transcript Fancy Parameters Class parameters  When you define a class, you typically give it parameters      Declaring a parameter with val makes the value.

Fancy Parameters
Class parameters
When you define a class, you typically give it parameters
Declaring a parameter with val makes the value accessible from outside the class
Declaring a parameter with var makes it accessible and changeable from outside the
scala> class Point(val x: Double, val y: Double)
defined class Point
scala> val p = new Point(3.7, 4.2)
p: Point = Point@452d56cc
scala> p.x
res11: Double = 3.7
Use this with extreme care—basically, only when changing the value to some garbage value
cannot cause an error
Declaring a parameter with neither val nor var makes it private to the class
(inaccessible from outside)
Note: Objects created with object (rather than from a class) don’t take parameters
Arbitrary number of parameters
A class can take an arbitrary number of parameters
scala> class Stuff(val things: Int*)
defined class Stuff
scala> val s = new Stuff(3, 5, 7)
s: Stuff = Stuff@6cf81618
scala> s.things
res15: Seq[Int] = WrappedArray(3, 5, 7)
scala> for (n <- s.things) print(n + " ")
3 5 7
The * notation can be used only on the last parameter
Here’s an example of a nontrivial use:
scala> var sum = 0; for (n <- s.things) sum += n
sum: Int = 15
Later we’ll learn about better ways to do things like this
Methods can have an arbitrary
number of parameters
scala> def vocabulary(words: String*) {
println("The class of \"words\" is " + words.getClass)
for (word <- words) println(word)
| }
vocabulary: (words: String*)Unit
scala> vocabulary("one", "two", "three")
The class of "words" is class
The type you get inside the method is a “WrappedArray,” but you can treat it as a list
(or use .toList on it)
case classes
When you declare a class as a case class, you get extra features
You don’t have to use new to create one
It has a better toString method (though maybe still not what you want)
Its objects can be used in match expressions
scala> case class Point(val x: Double, val y: Double)
defined class Point
scala> val p = Point(3.7, 4.2)
p: Point = Point(3.7,4.2)
scala> p match {
case Point(a, b) => s"It's a Point at $a, $b"
case _ => "It's not a Point"
| }
res21: String = It's a Point at 3.7, 4.2
You probably should only use case classes when you want the extra features, but there
seems to be little harm in overusing them
Named arguments to a class
scala> case class Card(suit: String, value: Int)
defined class Card
Notice that the above is a complete definition of a class
To add features to a class, you need a { on the same line
scala> val card = Card(value = 2, suit = "Clubs")
card: Card = Card(Clubs,2)
Notice that when using parameter names, the order of parameters does not matter
Named arguments to a method
scala> def number(hundreds: Int, tens: Int, ones: Int) =
| 100 * hundreds + 10 * tens + ones
number: (hundreds: Int, tens: Int, ones: Int)Int
scala> number(2, 3, 5)
res2: Int = 235
scala> number(tens = 3, hundreds = 2, ones = 5)
res3: Int = 235
scala> number(2, ones = 5, tens = 3)
res4: Int = 235
When you use names for only some of the arguments, the named arguments must
come after the ones in the correct position
When you define a class, you are writing a constructor
A constructor is used to create new objects of a class
Create a new object (or “instance”) with the word new
You can omit the word new for a case class
When you create an object, all the “loose” code in the constructor is executed
scala> class Person(name: String) {
println("Creating person " + name)
def getName = name
| }
defined class Person
scala> val jane = new Person("Jane")
Creating person Jane
jane: Person = Person@54369a8e
scala> jane.getName
res1: String = Jane
Auxiliary constructors
You can have additional constructors defined within the “primary” constructor
Use the word this as the name of the constructor
The constructors must be different in the number or types of arguments
The first thing any auxiliary constructor must do is call another constructor (again,
using the word this )
scala> case class Person(val name: String, val age: Int) {
override def toString = s"$name is $age years old"
def this(name: String) {
this(name, 0)
println("It's a baby!")
| }
defined class Person
scala> new Person("Jane", 23)
res0: Person = Jane is 23 years old
scala> new Person("Frank")
It's a baby!
res1: Person = Frank is 0 years old
The End