By Jessica Morales BASIC INFORMATION • Born November 10, 1483 • Lived in Eisleben, Saxony, Holy Roman Empire • German monk, former Catholic priest, professor of.

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Transcript By Jessica Morales BASIC INFORMATION • Born November 10, 1483 • Lived in Eisleben, Saxony, Holy Roman Empire • German monk, former Catholic priest, professor of.

By Jessica Morales
Born November 10, 1483
Lived in Eisleben, Saxony, Holy Roman Empire
German monk, former Catholic priest, professor of theology and seminal figure of
a reform movement
Well known for “95 Theses” and Reforming the Catholic Church.
In July of 1505, Martin was caught in a horrific thunderstorm.
Afraid that he was going to die, he screamed out a vow, “Save me, St. Anna, and I
shall become a monk.” (St. Anna was the mother of the Virgin Mary and the patron
saint of miners.)
Most argue that this commitment to become a monk could not have come out of thin
air and instead represents an intensification experience in which an already
formulated thought is expanded and deepened
On July 17th Luther entered the Augustinian Monastery at Erfurt.
Roman Catholic Church sent a papal commissioner to sell indulgences to
raise money to rebuilt St. Peter's Basilica in Rome. Luther Was not Happy!
Martin Luther published the 95 theses which criticized the Catholic Church.
He taught that the Bible should be the sole authority in the Church and taught to
trust in Jesus, do good works and trust in the Bible.
Later he criticized the Pope for selling indulgences. In 1520 he published three
works spelling out his understanding of Christianity.
Translated the New and Old Testaments into German.