PARIS21 Meeting on Implementing the Busan Action Plan for Statistics New York, 25 February 2012 Implementing Thematic Priorities in the Plan: Global Strategy to.

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Transcript PARIS21 Meeting on Implementing the Busan Action Plan for Statistics New York, 25 February 2012 Implementing Thematic Priorities in the Plan: Global Strategy to.

PARIS21 Meeting on Implementing the
Busan Action Plan for Statistics
New York, 25 February 2012
Implementing Thematic Priorities in the Plan:
Global Strategy to Improve
Agricultural and Rural Statistics
Pietro Gennari
FAO Statistics Division
Global Strategy to Improve
Agricultural and Rural Statistics
In response to:
 Declining availability and quality of agricultural statistics
data, especially in developing countries => 50% of maize prod.
data imputed in Africa
 Data not timely => 2008 food price crises exacerbated by lack of
timely info on crop production and stocks
 Production oriented => Lack of information on emerging issues:
price volatility, food & nutrition security, sustainable use of natural
resources, impact of climate change
 Old methods => agricultural statistics very expensive to produce
Which adversely affects:
 Formulation of evidence-based decision making both in the
private and in the public sector
 Monitoring & evaluation of progress in the implementation
of development policies and programmes at national,
regional and global levels
Global Strategy to Improve
Agricultural and Rural Statistics
 Long-term capacity development programme
 Developed by FAO & WB under the auspices of UNSC, in
close consultation with the FoC on Agriculture Statistics
 Broad partnership and wide consultation
 3 Pillars
– Minimum set of core data
– Integration of Ag Stat into National Statistical System
– Improved governance & capacity development
• Endorsed by the UNSC in February 2010
• UNSC mandate to prepare an Action Plan to implement
the Global Strategy
Expected outcomes
of the GS Action Plan
 Increase in the number of countries with the
capability to produce a minimum set of core data,
 Increase in the number of countries able to
develop a sustainable agricultural statistics system
through the coordination and integration of
agriculture into the national statistical systems
 Increased number of people working on
agricultural statistics who have the appropriate
skills to use cost-effective methodologies in data
collection, analysis and dissemination.
Components of the GS Action Plan
 Country Assessment
 Research
 Training
 Technical assistance
 Governance
Where we are now
 Action Plan submitted for endorsement to the 43th UNSC
 Regional plan already prepared in Africa; being developed
in Asia & Pacific and Latin America & Caribbean.
Preparatory work in Near East and CIS
 Governance structures established at global and regional
levels, with participation of all key stakeholders
 Meeting of Resource Partners held on 28 October 2011
with more than 50 potential donors and technical partners
 About 50% of the proposed budget committed by various
 Global and regional offices are being established
 Country assessments ongoing in Africa and Asia
Principles followed in the GS Action Plan
in line with aid effectiveness agenda
Broad Partnership & inclusive process
Lead Agencies identified at global, regional levels
Use of existing coordination mechanisms (bureaucracy light)
Coordination with on-going activities
New approach to Capacity Development
o Country focus and country driven
o Long-term perspective
o Time-bound outcomes and M&E framework
o Predictability of resources
o Technical and Institutional capacities developed
GS Contribution to the Implementation
of the Busan Action Plan
ACTION 1: Strengthen and re-focus national and regional
statistical strategies with particular emphasis on improving
statistical systems that address country-level development
priorities. A key aim is to increase in-country capacity to
respond to emerging and unforeseen needs.
o Country assessment is one of the key component of the Action
Plan to Implement the GS to ensure that country needs and
priorities as well as ongoing country programmes are fully
taken into account
o One of the global products of Global Strategy implementation
will be joint FAO/PARIS21 guidelines for mainstreaming
agricultural statistics into the NSDS
o Mainstreaming Agricultural statistics into NSDS will be one of
the main technical assistance activities using a bottom-up
approach with the preparation of Sector Strategic Plan for
Agricultural Statistics
GS Contribution to the Implementation
of the Busan Action Plan
ACTION 2: Implement standards for data preservation,
documentation & dissemination that permit full public access
to statistics
o FAO-PARIS21 –WB collaboration in documenting/storing
/disseminating Agricultural Census and Surveys micro data and
metadata using IHSN toolkit.
o New guidelines for the 2020 Round of the World Census of
Agriculture will strongly promote proper documentation, storage
and dissemination of agricultural census and surveys
o CountrySTAT web-based platform: to assist countries in better
organising, managing and disseminating their national agricultural
statistics; to strengthen institutional coordination between
different data producers; to strengthen national capacities both
technically and functionally
GS Contribution to the Implementation
of the Busan Action Plan
ACTION 3: Develop programs to increase the knowledge and
skills needed to use statistics effectively for planning,
analysis, monitoring and evaluation …
o Training Programme of the Action Plan: a component will
build skills of medium/top level statistical staff of
government agencies to communicate with data users,
especially media and decision makers, with the aim of
o Identifying their data needs
o Helping them understand the importance of statistics for
evidence-based policy and decision making
o Technical Assistance Programme of the Action plan: a
component will support user–producers workshops to
improve communication and define the data requirements
for the development of the NSDS
GS Contribution to the Implementation
of the Busan Action Plan
ACTION 4: To build and maintain results motoring
instruments to track outcomes of all global summits and high
level forums.
o Minimum set of core data (Pillar 1 of the GS) developed
taking into account international data requirements in the
economic, social and environmental domains
o One of the expected outcomes of the implementation of
the Action Plan => substantially increase the # of countries
able to produce the minimum set of core data
o Additional set of national data to respond to ongoing and
emerging needs for national monitoring
GS Contribution to the Implementation
of the Busan Action Plan
ACTION 5: Ensure that financing for statistical information is
robust and that funding instruments and approaches reflect
the new modalities and actors in development finance
o Comprehensive Resource Mobilisation & Communication
strategy is built into the Action Plan to implement the GS in order
to secure robust financing of the agricultural statistics system
o The action plan also envisages strong advocacy for integrating
M&E components in projects and programmes in order to ensure
proper funding of data collection activities in countries.
o 1st Resource partners meeting successfully organised in October
2011 => 50% of the budget of the Global Action Plan secured
Overall, the implementation of the Global Strategy to Improve
Agricultural and Rural Statistics will significantly contribute to the
achievement of the goals of the BAP