Industrial Advisory Board Meeting: 9/30/11 Gopal Gupta IAB Meeting: Agenda  Overview of the Department: Gopal Gupta  Program Assessment: Neeraj Mittal  Discussion – How.

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Transcript Industrial Advisory Board Meeting: 9/30/11 Gopal Gupta IAB Meeting: Agenda  Overview of the Department: Gopal Gupta  Program Assessment: Neeraj Mittal  Discussion – How.

Industrial Advisory Board
Meeting: 9/30/11
Gopal Gupta
IAB Meeting: Agenda
 Overview of the Department: Gopal Gupta
 Program Assessment: Neeraj Mittal
 Discussion
– How can we make our program better?
– What changes are taking place in the
computing industry that should be reflected in
our programs
– Suggestions for generating more support (from
community & industry)
– Other inputs?
Department Updates
 Department doing very well:
– Enrollment
– Research
– Teaching
– Community Outreach
– Curricular activities
– Student extra-curricular activities
Enrollment Update
 UTD Enrollment: 17,262
– Increase of 1,493 over F’09
 ECS Enrollment: 3,171
– Increase of 273 over F’09
 CS/SE Enrollment: 1,406
– Increase of 52 over F’09
– Counting half of TE/CE,
total = 1,580
 SCH for CS/SE = 13,500
– > 53% of ECS SCH
 UTD Enrollment: 19,006
– Increase of 1744 over F’10
 ECS Enrollment: 3,611
– Increase of 440 over F’10
 CS/SE Enrollment: 1,480
– Increase of 76
 SCH for CS/SE: 14,266
– > 50% of ECS SCH
Enrollment Stats (Fall 2011)
Fall’11: # Ph.D.: 129;
# MS: 597
#BS: 749
Fall’10: # Ph.D.: 138;
# MS: 469
#BS: 799
Update on Personnel
 Four new senior lecturers joining our ranks:
– Dr. Janell Straach
– Dr. Vibhav Gogate
– Dr. Mark Gabel
– Dr. Zhiqiang Lin
 Promotions:
– Newly promoted professors: Murat Kantarcioglu and Yang Liu
 Student organizations:
– Student Chapter of the ACM President: Andrew Fallon
– CSGSA: Suraj Raghuraman
Currently: 43 T/T faculty & 12 Senior Lecturers
Plan to hire: 5 T/T faculty and 2 SL
Faculty Research
Our faculty have been very productive in research
Graduated 28 Ph.D. students in 10-11 AY
26+ faculty members are PI/Co-PI in an NSF grant
President’s initiative on cybersecurity
– Record amount of research funding (19 grants); in last 2 months alone:
NSF CAREER award to Hamlen (8 CAREER Awardees in the Dept)
Mid-sized NSF grant to Hamlen (joint with UIC)
Small-sized award to Mittal (joint with UT Austin)
MRI award to Farokh (with SMU/UNT)
USAF award to Khan & Thuraisingham
DARPA subcontract to Lin (from Purdue)
MURI subcontract to Gogate (from UW)
DHS award to Harris
NSA Award to Kamil Sarac
Large NSF Award to Murat ($1Mn UTD part)
Education award to Bhavani (NSF)
Army grant to Latifur/Kevin
NSF FRP award to I-Ling
NSF CORBI award to Eric Wong
Small NSF grant to Vincent Ng
Small NSF grant to Dan Moldovan
Award from Raytheon to Vincent Ng
Large NSF grant to Miguel Razo (co-PI), Andrea Fumagali (EE) is PI
Award from Quest Forum to Doug Harris
BS Programs
 Goal:
– Be the best program at a public univ. in Texas
– Achieved: when top N. Texas students prefer to go to
UTD rather than elsewhere in the state
 Steps to achieve the goal:
– Ensure that students can program well by the time
they finish the CS 1-2 sequence
• Tutoring program significantly expanded
– Strengthen the senior design course:
• UT Design: Goal is to have all student projects be industry
projects (achieved in Fall’11)
• Introduced Entrepreneurship education
– Senior Design Day: December 6th
BS Program: Engaging Students
 Strong student organizations: 7 of them
– Student Chapter of the ACM
– Computer Security Group
– Service through Computing
– Computer Gaming Group
– .NET Group
– Codeburners
– Graduate Student Association
Graduate Programs
 Our undergraduates and graduates are branded in
the market as having deep technical knowledge
– Favored destination of QualComm, Microsoft, VMWare,
Ericsson, etc.
Large number of internships offered: excess of 400
Our reputation is spreading: applications spiked to 1,000+
Record freshman graduate class (304)
We work hard to preserve the brand (both grad and undergrad)
 Work in progress to introduce an:
– Executive MS in Software Engineering for working professionals
– Continuing education grad courses
– Part of effort to establish a “Center for Professional Education”
Industry Engagement models
 UT Design: Companies sponsor industrial projects
– Fall 2011, oversubscribed with 15 projects
 Industrial Practice Program: Cos recruit our students
– Highly skilled workers at half the price or less
 IUCRC: Membership in NSF-sponsored IndustryUniversity Cooperative Research Center:
– Jointly run by UTD/UNT/SMU
– Access to faculty research
– 12+ company members; $30K fee
 Faculty Projects: UTD CS can be a company’s R&D lab
 Texas Emerging Technology Fund Partnership:
– Texas ETF requires a University partner
– CS Department can be that partner
Community Outreach
 $2.7M NSF GK-12 project:
– after-school program at middle schools
– develop appreciation for computing
– Taught by CS Ph.D. students
 Middle School summer camp:
– Second camp, summer 2011; very successful (30+ students)
 Spring Computingfest:
– High school and undergraduate students project competition
 High School Programming competition (Nov/Dec)
– 40+ teams expected to participate
– State-wide HS student programming competition in May’12
 Summer Programming Class for High School students:
– Offered free by the Department
– Taught by Dr. Page
 Continuing education courses for professionals
– Object-oriented analysis and design offered for the first time