How Can You Benefit From The PTRA Program? Elaine Gwinn PTRA Ball State University PhysTEC Physics Teacher In Residence Indiana AAPT Spring Meeting Rose Hulman, Terre Haute,

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Transcript How Can You Benefit From The PTRA Program? Elaine Gwinn PTRA Ball State University PhysTEC Physics Teacher In Residence Indiana AAPT Spring Meeting Rose Hulman, Terre Haute,

How Can You Benefit From The PTRA Program?

Elaine Gwinn PTRA Ball State University PhysTEC Physics Teacher In Residence Indiana AAPT Spring Meeting Rose Hulman, Terre Haute, IN April 21, 2007

Physics Teaching Resource Agents Program

What is PTRA?

 AAPT program that provides sustained professional development to teachers of physics and physical science  Nationwide cadre of over 100 accomplished high school teacher leaders

A Call To Action – “A Nation at Risk”

The National Commission on Excellence in Education April 1983

All, regardless of race or class or economic status, are entitled to a fair chance and to the tools for developing their individual powers of mind and spirit to the utmost. This promise means that all children by virtue of their own efforts, competently guided, can hope to attain the mature and informed judgment needed to secure gainful employment, and to manage their own lives, thereby serving not only their own interests but also the progress of society itself.

Of all the tools at hand, the public's support for education is the most powerful. In a message to a National Academy of Sciences meeting in May 1982, President Reagan commented on this fact when he said:

“This public awareness--and I hope public action--is long overdue.... This country was built on American respect for education. . . Our challenge now is to create a resurgence of that thirst for education that typifies our Nation's history.”


 “A Nation At Risk” – 1983  PTRA developed - 1985  Urban Initiative - 1997  Rural Initiative - 2001

Goals of the PTRA Program

To give outstanding practicing teachers an opportunity to improve themselves professionally

PTRA can provide Professional Development Institutes:  One day workshops  Week long workshops  District professional development  Cost is $10/hour/participant  Graduate credit for over 40 hour workshops

To develop AAPT/PTRA Manuals

Role of  active learning in physics teaching   Special Topics for PTRAs laboratory activities in introductory physics teaching demonstrations in introductory physics teaching     graphing calculators in introductory physics (T1-83) toys for teaching physics calculator based laboratories in physics teaching lasers in teaching introductory physics       physics in the mathematics classroom quantitative reasoning in teaching introductory physics chemistry in physics teaching computer interfacing in physics (PASCO) computer interfacing in physics (Vernier) physics in the human body

To do outreach workshops for teachers who have had limited opportunity to attend workshops related to the teaching of physics topics

To become the recognized provider of accessible, highest quality, physical science and physics pre-college teacher professional development workshops

                   TOPICS  astronomy  color & vision digital electronics elementary particles electric circuits electrostatics fluids geometric optics kinematics magnetism lightwave communication cosmology Newton's laws radioactivity simple machines vacuum science waves & sound physics of music phases of matter global positioning systems impulse & momentum

To establish a system for the long term continuation of the AAPT/PTRA Project for providing accessible, highest quality, professional development for teachers of physical science and physics

 Supported by  NSF  AAPT  Industry Sponsors: Pasco, Vernier, Texas Instruments, Dairy Queen, etc.

 MSP grants are being used in states to help with training

What does PTRA Provide?

 Resources  Camaraderie  Professional Development

Where You’ll See PTRA

 State/Regional  HASTI  INAAPT  NSTA  National  NSTA

Sample Activity

Sample Activity

Sample Activity


Become a PTRA

  Applications due by end of March of each year  Must have at least 5 years experience  Must have support from school administration

Expectations for PTRAs

 Attend the National Leadership Institute (held the week before the AAPT Summer Meeting  Be a resource for all teachers in geographic area  Conduct workshops (~ 12 hours/year)  Local/state  National

Attend a PTRA Workshop

 State  Summer 2008   Week long summer workshop Held at local university   Cost  Housing  Meals Stipend/College credit  Make-and-Takes  HASTI  NSTA - Boston

Contact Information

Elaine Gwinn 2006-2007 BSU Teacher-In-Residence [email protected]

Cooperating School: Shenandoah High School, Middletown, IN [email protected]

PhysTEC Funding Agencies National Science Foundation Fund for the Improvement of Post Secondary Education Special thanks to Karen Jo Matsler for her help with this presentation.