Global Lighting Local Lighting Bi-Scale Radiance Transfer real-time rendering of global transport effects at both meso- and macro- scales meso structure Meso-Scale Radiance Transfer by RTT Macro-Scale Radiance Transfer.

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Transcript Global Lighting Local Lighting Bi-Scale Radiance Transfer real-time rendering of global transport effects at both meso- and macro- scales meso structure Meso-Scale Radiance Transfer by RTT Macro-Scale Radiance Transfer.

Global Lighting
Local Lighting
Bi-Scale Radiance Transfer
real-time rendering of global transport effects at both meso- and macro- scales
Meso-Scale Radiance
Transfer by RTT
Macro-Scale Radiance
Transfer by PRT
(b) Light 1,
(d) Light 2,
(e) Lighting
(c) Light 2, 0°
RTT (Radiance Transfer Texture) mapped to a squared – two different views (rows) × 5
different lights (columns). At each texture point, the RTT produces exit radiance given an
incident lighting vector and a view direction, to capture meso-scale effects.
(a) charts on 3D model
(b) parameterized charts
(c) id map in texture
(d) id map on 3D model
(a) Light 1, 0°
Surface Parameterization and ID Map Generation.
The id map is used to index the RTT.
Bi-Scale Rendering
Effects. The rows are
different models in
different lighting
environments. Columns
(a) and (b) compare
results with/without
macro-scale transport
(PRT). Columns (c) and
(d) compare results using
a zoomed in view
with/without viewdependence (masking) in
the RTT. Notice the
“pasted-on” look without
(a) No PRT
(b) PRT
(c) Masking off
(d) Masking on