Ellen M. Rathje University of Texas at Austin NEEScomm IT Development Team.

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Transcript Ellen M. Rathje University of Texas at Austin NEEScomm IT Development Team.

Ellen M. Rathje University of Texas at Austin NEEScomm IT Development Team

We’ve got a HUB for that!

    Project Warehouse: data repository Tools and resources: ◦ ◦ ◦ Databases Simulation Tools Reports Simulation: info on simulation Collaborate: group space, wish list

Dashboard for your NEEShub activities Your current tools sessions Your contributions to the NEEShub Your Projects in the Warehouse Your Groups

Dashboard for your NEEShub activities Your Wishes The tools you use most often Your Tickets Your Messages

There are different levels of sharing and collaboration within NEEShub

NEEShub Project Warehouse

(private/ public)

Home Directory (private) Group Spaces (restricted)

A centralized data repository for managing, sharing, storing, and publishing research data

A centralized data repository for managing, sharing, storing, and publishing research data Descriptions Data Drawings Mat’l Descriptions Photos Publications

Every project is created with the same structure This provides consistency between projects and aids in the navigation of project information

The model governing the organization of data within a project  Project Experiment Trial Repetition  A project represents an entire research project, which consists of a suite of tests and associated simulations  Each test is set up as an individual experiment  Within each experiment there are several trials separate events for which data is measured or  If the same trial is performed more than once, it may have multiple repetitions

The model governing the organization of data within a project Mar 2007 Pile-Wharf Connection Test Sept 2007 Crane Shake Table Test Nov 2009 Sine1 Sine2 Sine3 Shake1 Shake2 Rep1 Rep1 Rep1 Rep1 Rep1

The model governing the organization of data within a project

A centralized data repository for managing, sharing, storing, and publishing research data

 Remember the data within the Project Warehouse is PUBLIC For each repetition within a trial, there are four data folders that are automatically created 1.



 4.

   Unprocessed data (data collected by Equipment Site) Raw voltages, channel names, potentially non-standard formats (e.g., binary files) Converted data Measurement units, instrument names Corrected data Filtering, baseline corrections, removal of bad data Derived data Corrected data plus values derived from measured data ASCII files recommended for all sensor data Put all channels into a single ASCII file

Data cannot be shared without proper documentation   ◦ ◦ Experiment Documentation Metadata fields within the Project Display Experimental Setup Report placed in Documentation folder Uploaded by Researcher within 6 months of experiment ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Sensor Measurement Data Unprocessed Converted Corrected Derived Uploaded by Site within 1-month of experiment Uploaded by Researcher within 6 months of experiment

Minimum data requirements: unprocessed data and sensor data in engineering units!

The nuts and bolts    ◦ ◦ ◦ The Project Editor Edit project and upload files through web interface The Project Explorer for NEES (PEN) ◦ Efficient upload/download for bulk file management ◦ Files organized offline and then uploaded inDEED Data Viewer Facilitates browsing/viewing/investigating data within Warehouse without download Use inDEED data file format https://nees.org/tools/indeed/wiki/CSVFileFormat

Today we will have hands-on exercises to demonstrate these tools

Projects are created using the Project Editor

Enhancing bulk upload of files

Facilitating data queries

Projects with Data Visualization

Projects with Data Visualization  Definition of Enhanced ◦ Metadata fields in Project Display are complete (including drawings, material properties) ◦ ◦ Project includes at least one visualization of data inDEED is currently the only visualization tool that allows for viewing data within the NEEShub without download

One-stop shop for documentation related to project warehouse

An important process to ensure long-term re-use of data    Curation is requested by researcher at the experiment level ◦ Should initiate within 6-months of an experiment Digital Object Identifier (DOI) ◦ Assigned at experiment level after curation Data Papers in EERI EQ Spectra ◦ New manuscript type focused on describing datasets

  Collections of NEES and non-NEES data with a common theme Data contained in figures in articles published by ACI Structural and Materials Journals and the Journal of Earthquake Engineering

    Currently databases must be generated manually with earthquake engineers working together with NEEScomm IT team Currently developing an auto-contribute feature (DataStore) What databases are you interested in seeing? Do you have a database you would like to contribute?

An easy way to share content and conversation    ◦ Groups can be: Public, restricted, or private Purpose ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ To facilitate conversation, collaboration, and data sharing between group members Discussions, wiki posts, and files are in one central location available to all group members Generate a webpage for your project Features Wiki, messaging, discussion boards, and file sharing via the dropbox

 A group is automatically created for all projects created in the Project Warehouse ◦ Group name has Project in title  Membership is controlled by project team members listed in the Project Editor

An easy way to share content and conversation About section can be expanded into a web page for your project

An easy way to share content and conversation

An easy way to share content and conversation

An easy way to share content and conversation

The nuts and bolts  ◦ SynchroNEES A graphical user interface for transferring files   Local PC to/from NEES Group workspace Local PC to/from NEES Personal workspace

Access to: Kraken, Ranger, OpenScienceGrid, Steele and Hansen (Purdue)

   Contribute tools and resources to share with the community Submit tickets resolved to get problems/issues Submit wishes about things you would like to see on the NEEShub

  

Cyberinfrastructure Release Committee (CRC)

◦ Chair: Ellen Rathje ([email protected]) ◦ Members: JoAnn Browning, Juan Caicedo, Shirley Dyke, Rudi Eigenmann, Tom Hacker, Ayhan Irfanoglu, Santiago Pujol

NEEScomm IT Director

◦ Dawn Weisman

Data Curator

([email protected]) ◦ Standa Pejsa ([email protected])