www.GANadapt.org Fact Sheet • The Global Adaptation Network (GAN) was developed through a UNEP-facilitated consultative processes with key partners and potential target groups.

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Transcript www.GANadapt.org Fact Sheet • The Global Adaptation Network (GAN) was developed through a UNEP-facilitated consultative processes with key partners and potential target groups.


Fact Sheet

• • • • The Global Adaptation Network (GAN) was developed through a UNEP-facilitated 2010.

consultative processes

with key partners and potential target groups between 2008 Overall objective: To help build climate resilience of vulnerable communities, ecosystems and economies through

the mobilization of knowledge for adaptation

. Aims to create Networks and knowledge initiatives, facilitating access to their services.


with already existing Adaptation Builds on

four regional networks

: Latin America and the Caribbean, Asia Pacific, West Asia, and Africa.

Global Adaptation Knowledge Portal: www.GANadapt.org

GAN Work Areas (global)

1. Improving the availability and accessibility of knowledge

through online portals, knowledge sharing events, and knowledge products

2. Building capacity for using knowledge

support for adaptation policy-setting, planning and practices through training events, advisory services and institutional

3. Linking regional and thematic adaptation networks

, providing them support, and catalysing the establishment of further networks

Global GAN Functions

• • •

Compilation and dissemination of existing knowledge:

Global knowledge-sharing and capacity building events, including seminars and workshops for knowledge exchange and joint learning (e.g. the annual Adaptation Knowledge Days at the Bonn Climate Change Talks) Knowledge products, such as policy briefs and thematic reports Provision of technical assistance to regional networks

Global Adaptation Knowledge Portal: www.GANadapt.org

Online Portal: www.GANadapt.org

Goal: Improved availability and accessibility of knowledge for adaptation

• • • • • • •

Planned Functions:

Access to knowledge created through GAN and regional network activities Entry points to other adaptation knowledge providers Information on tools, methods and approaches to adaptation, case studies, good practices and lessons learnt An interactive forum to enable users to exchange information, experiences and lessons learnt, and discuss emerging issues Database of regional and national experts in key technical areas, connecting the demand for advice and technical support with the providers Rapid-response advisory function, directing requests and queries to a roster of experts for the provision of real-time guidance and advisory services News updates and information on upcoming adaptation events

Online by August 2012 - Work in Progress

Target Audiences

• • •

Adaptation practitioners, experts and policy makers Communities affected by climate change Existing adaptation networks and knowledge initiatives

Regional Networks

Three operational Regional Networks:

- REGATTA (Regional Gateway for Technology Transfer and Climate Change Action) in LAC Region - APAN (Asia Pacific Adaptation Network) - WARN-CC (West Asia Regional Network on Climate Change)

One under development:

- Africa Adaptation Knowledge Network

REGATTA: Climate Change Gateway in LAC region

• • • • •


Spain and Norway


institutions Strengthen the mobilization and sharing of knowledge on climate change by supporting of key regional, sub-regional and national


Seminars, workshops and policy dialogues, regional and sub-regional assessments (e.g. on regional vulnerability indicators and legal frameworks for adaptation)

Pilot projects

in Gran Chaco, Mesoamerica, Caribbean and Andes help to generate knowledge and lessons learnt on mainstreaming adaptation into development planning processes Regional Climate Change

Knowledge and Technology Hubs Knowledge Portal: www.unep-rolac.org/climatechange

REGATTA Online Knowledge Platform

• • • Launched in July 2012 Adaptation and mitigation portals Structured around thematic “Communities of Practice” managed by Centres of Excellence

www.unep-rolac.org/ climatechange

A synergistic approach to online platform development

• Collaboration with IDB on design and moderation of several Communities of Practice


APAN: Asia Pacific Adaptation Network

• • • • • • •


Japan, Sweden and Asian Development Bank (ADB)


Generating and sharing of knowledge, facilitating the application of knowledge, supporting access to finance, and strengthening capacity of different stakeholders


Capacity building activities, assessments, seminars and workshops (including the biennial Asia Pacific Adaptation Forum), publication of e-newsletters

Regional hub

in Bangkok, co-hosted by IGES and RRC.AP

Sub-regional APAN activities carried out by

sub-regional and thematic nodes

, located in Central Asia, South Asia, South East Asia, North East Asia, and the Pacific

Steering Committee

oversees the overall activities of APAN with the secretariat situated at UNEP Regional Office for Asia Pacific (ROAP) 2012: APAN and Adaptation Knowledge Platform (AKP) will join forces

Online Knowledge Platform: www.asiapacificadapt.net


• • • •

Knowledge shop

for existing adaptation information in Asia and the Pacific Most


base in the region web-driven adaptation knowledge

Gathers, generates and promotes exchange

of information Sixteen


, sorted by country and five sub-regions A substantial collection of

press releases, news and videos www.asiapacificadapt.net

www.asiapacificadapt.net Target Audiences

• • • •

Organizations and individual experts

partnerships who contribute to the knowledge base through Novice visitors or other members of the in the region


looking for up-to-date information on adaptation

Decision-makers and civil society organizations

who need a holistic view about good adaptation practices Adaptation


on the ground who use the portal for information exchange

A multitude of APAN Knowledge Partners

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • ADB SIDA AIT-UNEP-RRC.AP

IGES SEI weADAPT Eldis Mangroves for the Future CDKN ADPC DRR Project Portal BCAS GICBA Red Cross • • • • • • • • • • • • ICIMOD TVE UNDP Adaptation Learning Mechanism IKEI Climate Himalaya Initiative NISTPASS CARED Nepal Climate Change and Development Portal South East Asia START regional Center LIRE SEAMEO SEARCA

WARN-CC: West Asia Regional Network on Climate Change

• • • • •


Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA)


to enhance capacities in West Asia to integrate climate change into national development and to formulate and implement national climate change programmes, through mobilizing knowledge, technology and resources

Work areas:

climate change mitigation, adaptation, technology and finance


Network of national climate change focal points, meetings, mapping and stocktaking studies

Website and expert database

under development

Africa Adaptation Knowledge Network

• • • • Under development Will function as an adaptation

knowledge hub

, promoting

cooperation and collaboration

using experiences and lessons learnt from the implementation of independent actions in different locations.


bring together

practitioners, policy makers, researchers, community members, and others to compare, contrast and collate the

lessons learnt

from actions addressing climate risks. Builds on

on-going efforts

around the region to mobilize existing knowledge and best practices, such as the UNEP-UNDP Climate Change Adaptation and Development Initiative (CC-DARE).


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Global Adaptation Network:




