ILC Community/Communications Issues Tom Markiewicz SLAC 04 May 2005 After LC Technology Decision (August 2004) SLAC ILC group felt that – It was important that ILC have a.

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Transcript ILC Community/Communications Issues Tom Markiewicz SLAC 04 May 2005 After LC Technology Decision (August 2004) SLAC ILC group felt that – It was important that ILC have a.

Tom Markiewicz
04 May 2005
After LC Technology Decision
(August 2004)
SLAC ILC group felt that
– It was important that ILC have a common web-based platform to
de-regionalize, de-lab-ify & foster collaboration
• Each region, lab, group, person should not have it’s own mailing
lists, forums and web pages, unified by Google
• All should be “ILC”
– It would be good for SLAC if SLAC were to serve as the
knowledge warehouse
– A new platform should solve some of the web-anarchy
problems existing in any (NLC, TESLA, JLC, ALPCG,…) system
• Uniformity of information storage is important, else archived info
is impossible to find: i.e. same system should be used by all WGs
in both accelerator and detector worlds
• The documentation job is too big to ask for volunteer
webmasters- systems should all for user posting of info
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Tom Markiewicz
October 2004-March 2005
SLAC Security paranoia prevents DIY solutions
– posting files prohibited, except through email, especially by users
outside firewall
– in any case do not want to reinvent the wheel
– Many negative comments from SCS: cost, support, security,…
Consult with SLAC pubs (Rebecca Reitmeyer)
– Pubs document entry system cumbersome, SLAC-centric
• email file with human firewall
Begin ongoing collab. with SLAC communications (Ruth McDunn)
– Investigate DIY: Access Meta-data + files stored in file structure
• TWM & Ruth’s expertise
– Investigate BaBar solution: Ray Cowan’s Meeting Manager
• ORACLE/UNIX based equivalent
– Investigate Microsoft SharePoint
• Most of effort/time spent here as SLAC has site license
– Investigate CERN CDS
• Rapidly being embraced world-wide, but needs tweaking
Fermilab launches PLONE-based Fermilab ILC site
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Fermilab “offers” to host global ILC site using BTEV personnel as
Tom Markiewicz
Enter SCS
SCS declares that SLAC has an INSTITUTIONAL NEED for the kind
of wiki-ware / meta-data tagged document control software we
think we need
– Meet March 10 w/ Andrea Chan & Brian Scott from SCS
– Brian strongly favors commercial solutions
• Sales presentations arranged for representatives of SLAC user
– Interwoven (dropped)
– Documentum: ERoom
– OpenText (LiveLink) (seems to be favored by SCS gurus)
• Test sites set up
– TWM tests Interwoven & Eroom, emails report to SCS
– Tony Johnson & TWM begin testing OpenText 5/3/05
– Meeting with SCS, AD, RD, AD, ILC, SSRL, LCLS, ES&H reps
• Software Requirements solicited
– Major inputs from ILC (TWM) & RD Seminar organizer (I think)
• Tony & I successful re-open Open Source solutions as options that
need to be seriously investigated
– CDS as implemented by DESY, NIU or D0
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Tom Markiewicz
Current Status
Continue to investigate commercial solutions via their
test sites
– ERoom
– OpenText
More in-depth evaluation of PLONE
– TWM beta-tests Fermilab site: not a winner without
– Ruth has PLONE up on SLAC test server & is educating
– Conversations with Fermilab web-czar & other
knowledgeable PLONE user/advocates
Possible test installation of CDS at SLAC
– DESY contacted
– trivial if there is a will
– Testing of CERN LHC capabilities implies that we would like
modifications of features
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Tom Markiewicz
ILC GDE Director
– Only feels need for glossy web prescence now
• Has been given web guy + admin at FNAL
• Would like several solutions for collaborative software
investigated so he can choose later
– GANCOMM report with software requirements meant to
service ILC and XFEL (a real project)
• Meeting management, Document control, Configuration
control, email lists, forums, webcasts, VOIP, etc.
– Continued proliferation of flat html web sites
– Continued emergence of PLONE + CDS solutions
• Snowmass site, etc.
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Tom Markiewicz
ILC Software Requirements
Priority 1:
– storage & management of talks
• uniform filing / retrieval
• platform / location independent
• user driven (minimize need for web czars)
• organized / searchable by
standing meeting or conference
(but NOT a conference organization tool)
working group (collection of standing meetings)
Priority 1.5
– calendar / agenda system
• standing meetings but with good flexibility for changing
• LC related conferences meetings w/ links to urls
• calendar view with filters (regional, WG, etc.)
• list view with indication of topics discussed at meeting
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Tom Markiewicz
ILC Software Requirements
Priority 2
– document management system
• multiple authors per document
• searchable by author/topic/keyword
• handle different doc types
– text: doc, pdf, ps, txt
– image: jpef, tiff, ..
– other: code repository
• ability to x-ref to institutional doc mgmt system (SLAC-PUB,
MFD, etc.) a real plus
• Collaborative document writing management tools (CVS-like)
Priority 3
– Configuration Management system
• How to define/capture ILC design in a navigable manner?
Bells & whistles:
– Integrated emailing lists, bulletin/discussion/forum boards,
change notification system, conference planning tools
– webcast, vrvs, voip, video or phone meeting systems
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Tom Markiewicz
DB Design Required to Support Needs
(Partial copy, full DB available on request)
Home Page
Working Groups
Institution ID#
Institution Name
Institution Abbreviation
Institution Region
Institution Address
Institution URL
Location ID#
Institution ID#
Location Name
WG member
WG meetings
WG discussions
SM Member
Working Groups
WG Member
Collab ID#
Collaborator Type
First Name
Last Name
Institution ID#
Work Address
Work Phone
Work Fax
web page
Start Date
End Date
WG Name
WG Description
WG Start Date
WG End Date
Collab ID#
WG Member Status
WG Member Start Date
WG Member End Date
Standing Meetings
SM Name
SM Description
SM Start Date
SM End Date
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Collab ID#
SM Member Status
SM Member Start Date
SM Member End Date
Meeting ID#
Meeting Type
Meeting Name
Meeting Subject
Meeting Summary
Organizer ID#
SM ID# (if SM)
Conference ID# (if CONF)
Session ID (if CONF)
Location ID#
Meeting Date
Meeting Start Time
Meeting End Time
Talk ID#
Collab ID#
Talk Title
Talk Abstract
Meeting or Conference
Meeting ID#
Conference ID#
Talk Order
Talk Duration
Talk Attachment ID#
Talk ID#
Attachment format
Attachment url
Tom Markiewicz
Mailing Lists
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Tom Markiewicz
Forum or Bulletin Board
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Tom Markiewicz
Wiki-ware: MS SharePoint
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Tom Markiewicz
Wiki-Ware: GNU-based: CERN CDS
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Tom Markiewicz
Arbitrarily Large Tree-Unified by Search
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Tom Markiewicz
Unification Via Search
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Tom Markiewicz
Home-Designed DB+File Structure Based
Systems: SLAC BDIR, BaBar, SiD,….
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Tom Markiewicz
OpenText Screens
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Tom Markiewicz