2015 Medicare Payment Changes How the Final Physician Fee Schedule Rule Impacts Pathologists PRESENTED BY DATE Jonathan L.

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2015 Medicare Payment Changes

How the Final Physician Fee Schedule Rule Impacts Pathologists PRESENTED BY

Jonathan L. Myles, MD, FCAP


November 5, 2014 Mark S. Synovec, MD, FCAP John H. Scott, Vice President, CAP Advocacy and Policy



Our Presenters

CAP Advocacy and Policy

Payment for Pathology Services

Quality Reporting Initiatives

Local Coverage Determinations


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Our Presenters

Jonathan L. Myles, MD, FCAP

Chair, CAP Economic Affairs Committee

Pathology Advisor to the AMA RUC

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Our Presenters

Mark S. Synovec, MD, FCAP

Advisor, Council on Government and Professional Affairs

Liaison, AMA House of Delegates

Member AMA CPT Editorial Panel

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Payment for Pathology Services

Impact on services targeted by CMS as misvalued


Prostate Biopsy G-code

In Situ Hybridization Services (FISH)

Comparing Physician Payment to Hospital Data

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Payment for Pathology Services

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CMS created IHC G-codes for 2014

CAP advocated for alternative

Proposed changes to CPT codes

CAP developed code change proposals

Led valuation efforts aimed at addressing CMS’ concerns with overpayment in order to protect reimbursement

CMS accepted the CAP’s code recommendations for IHC

CMS lowered value for add-on code

© 2014 College of American Pathologists. All rights reserved. 7



(Immunohistochemistry or immunocytochemistry, per specimen; initial single antibody stain procedure) (For quantitative or semiquantitative immunohistochemistry, see 88360, 88361) (88343 has been deleted. For multiplex antibody stain procedure, use 88344) 8



(Immunohistochemistry or immunocytochemistry, per specimen; each additional single antibody stain procedure (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure) (Use 88341 in conjunction with 88342) (For multiplex antibody stain procedure, use 88344) 9



(Immunohistochemistry or immunocytochemistry, per specimen; each multiplex antibody stain procedure) (Do not use more than one unit of 88341, 88342, 88344 for each separately identifiable antibody per specimen) (Do not report 88341, 88342, 88344 in conjunction with 88360, 88361 unless each procedure is for a different antibody) 10


(When multiple separately identifiable antibodies are applied to the same specimen [ie, multiplex antibody stain procedure], use one unit of 88344) (When multiple antibodies are applied to the same slide that are not separately identifiable, [eg, antibody cocktails], use 88342, unless an additional separately identifiable antibody is also used, then use 88344) 11


2013 88342 2014 G0461 (first) 2014 G0462 (additional) 2015 88342 (initial) 2015 88341 (additional) 2015 88344 (multiplex) Physician Work RVU Global Payment PC Payment TC Payment


























Prostate Biopsy G-code

CMS finalized its proposal for 2015

Use G0416 to report prostate biopsy services, regardless of specimens, in 2015

Applies to all prostate biopsy specimens 1-9

Other prostate G-codes and 88305 no longer valid in 2015

CAP had urged the CMS to withdraw the proposal

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Prostate Biopsy G-code

Prostate Biopsy G-code

2015 payment is the same as 2014

CMS believes the service is misvalued

Wants the service to be revalued for 2016

Now, CAP will lead RUC review of the service G0416 88305 G0416/88305

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2015 Global

$649.08 $73.03 8.89

2015 26

$182.59 $39.02 4.68

2015 TC

$466.49 $34.01 13.72


In Situ Hybridization Services (FISH)

CAP advocated for CPT code changes to address CMS’ payment concerns for the service

FISH codes have been under review for several years

National Correct Coding Initiative (NCCI) manual included reporting limits

Sought to avoid CMS creating more G-codes

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National Correct Coding Initiative (NCCI)

NCCI Policy Manual

Separate process which impacts payment for physician services

Last year’s manual limited payment for FISH services

December release anticipated

CAP will review and comment prior to January 1 effective date


National Correct Coding Initiative (NCCI)

Medically Unlikely Edits, NCCI Coding Edits

Code edit pairs and limitations set by CMS through NCCI

CAP reviews draft edits and provides feedback to CMS

If published, edits will appear on CMS website

December release anticipated


In Situ Hybridization Services (FISH)


In situ hybridization (eg, FISH), per specimen; initial single probe stain procedure


In situ hybridization (eg, FISH), per specimen; each additional single probe stain procedure (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure) (Use 88364 in conjunction with 88365) © 2014 College of American Pathologists. All rights reserved. 18

In Situ Hybridization Services (FISH)


In situ hybridization (eg, FISH), per specimen; each multiplex probe stain procedure (Do not report 88365, 88366 in conjunction with 88367, 88368, 88374, 88377 for the same probe)


Morphometric analysis, in situ hybridization (quantitative or semi-quantitative), using computer assisted technology, per specimen; initial single probe stain procedure © 2014 College of American Pathologists. All rights reserved. 19

In Situ Hybridization Services (FISH)


Morphometric analysis, in situ hybridization (quantitative or semi-quantitative), using computer assisted technology, per specimen; each additional single probe stain procedure (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure) (Use 88373 in conjunction with 88367) © 2014 College of American Pathologists. All rights reserved. 20

In Situ Hybridization Services (FISH)


Morphometric analysis, in situ hybridization (quantitative or semi-quantitative), using computer assisted technology, per specimen; each multiplex probe stain procedure (Do not report 88367, 88374 in conjunction with 88365, 88366, 88368, 88377 for the same probe) 21

In Situ Hybridization Services (FISH)


Morphometric analysis, in situ hybridization (quantitative or semi-quantitative), manual, per specimen; initial single probe stain procedure


Morphometric analysis, in situ hybridization (quantitative or semi-quantitative), manual, per specimen; each additional single probe stain procedure (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure) (Use 88369 in conjunction with 88368) 22

In Situ Hybridization Services (FISH)


Morphometric analysis, in situ hybridization (quantitative or semi-quantitative), manual, per specimen; each multiplex probe stain procedure (Do not report 88368 or 88377 in conjunction with 88365, 88366, 88367, 88374 for the same probe) (For morphometric in situ hybridization evaluation of urinary tract cytologic specimens, see 88120, 88121) 23

In Situ Hybridization Services (FISH)

2013 88365 2014 88365 2015 88365 (initial) 2015 88364 (additional) 2015 88366 (multiplex) Physician Work RVU Qualitative Global Payment PC Payment TC Payment





















© 2014 College of American Pathologists. All rights reserved. 24

In Situ Hybridization Services (FISH)

2013 88367 2014 88367 2015 88367 (initial) 2015 88373 (additional) 2015 88374 (multiplex) Quantitative, Computer Assisted Physician Work RVU Global Payment PC Payment













TC Payment









© 2014 College of American Pathologists. All rights reserved. 25

In Situ Hybridization Services (FISH)

2013 88368 2014 88368 2015 88368 (initial) 2015 88369 (additional) 2015 88377 (multiplex) Quantitative, Manual Assisted Physician Work RVU Global Payment PC Payment TC Payment





















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CMS Rejection of Direct Practice Expense Cost Inputs

TC and Global fees include direct practice expense costs for medical supplies, equipment and clinical labor

CMS cut or reduced key practice expense cost

Supply items rejected for FISH codes

Incorrect lower cost supplies substituted for IHC

Clinical staff time reduced for microdissection

CAP is advocating to restore cost items reduced or deleted by CMS to improve payment rates

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Comparing Physician Payment to Hospital Data

Code families for 22 services reviewed to prevent use of hospital data for setting technical and global payments

For 2015, CMS did not take action on practice expense recommendations from the RUC associated with 22 pathology code families.

CMS Response: Continue to review use of other sources such as hospital cost data to review code values

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Payment for Pathology Services

Optical Endomicroscopy – Interpretation


CMS reversed its 2014 decision not to pay separately on the fee schedule and implemented Medicare payment based on CAP request .

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Payment for Pathology Services


Optical endomicroscopic image(s), interpretation and report, real-time or referred, each endoscopic session

(Do not report 88375 in conjunction with 43206 or 43252) Year 88375 Physician Work RVU Global Payment 2014

I - Inactive for Medicare I - Inactive for Medicare


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Payment for Pathology Services


88380 and 88381

CMS accepted RUC-approved values developed by CAP

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Payment for Pathology Services


Microdissection (ie, sample preparation of microscopically identified target); laser capture

Year Physician Work RVU 88380 Global Payment PC Payment TC Payment 2014



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Payment for Pathology Services


Microdissection (ie, sample preparation of microscopically identified target); manual (Do not report 88380 in conjunction with 88381)

Year Physician Work RVU 88381 Global Payment PC Payment TC Payment 2014






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Payment for Pathology Services


CMS identified 88108 as potentially misvalued

CMS reviewed values for cytopathology service 88112 – and questions 88108 Flow cytometry

CMS identified TC add-on code as potentially overvalued

Requested review for 2016 payment change

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Quality Reporting Initiatives

Physician Quality Reporting System

Physician Value-Based Modifier (VBM)

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Physician Quality Reporting System

• The College is pleased that the CMS included three new pathology measures in the 2015 PQRS. • The measures are: –

Lung cancer reporting (biopsy/cytology specimens)

Lung cancer reporting (resection specimens)

Melanoma reporting

Register for the CAP’s December 2 PQRS Webinar

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Physician Value-Based Modifier (VBM)

VBM will apply to all physicians in 2017

2015 PQRS will affect 2017 PQRS, VBM penalties

- 4% VBM penalty for physicians in groups 10 or more

- 2% VBM penalty for solo physicians, groups 2-9

Separate -2% penalty under PQRS program

Successful PQRS participation in 2015 can stop the 2017 penalties

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LCD Process Changes

CMS proposed several Medicare Local Coverage Determination process changes

Expand Palmetto’s MolDX program

Shorten public comment period to 30 days from 45 days

Limited opportunities to suggest improvements to draft LCDs

CAP vigorously opposed the CMS’ proposal

CMS stated it would not move forward, but it would explore rulemaking on this issue in the future

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2015 Policy Meeting

May 4-6, 2015, Washington, DC


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