Cost Sharing James Trotter Quality Standards Manager Sponsored Projects Administration What is Cost Sharing? Cost sharing is sometimes referred to as “matching” or “in kind” Cost.

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Transcript Cost Sharing James Trotter Quality Standards Manager Sponsored Projects Administration What is Cost Sharing? Cost sharing is sometimes referred to as “matching” or “in kind” Cost.

Cost Sharing
James Trotter
Quality Standards Manager
Sponsored Projects Administration
What is Cost Sharing?
Cost sharing is sometimes referred to
as “matching” or “in kind”
Cost sharing is defined as that portion
of the total costs of a sponsored project
or program not borne by the sponsor
Types of Cost Sharing
 Committed
 Uncommitted
Voluntary (VUCS)
 When Cost Sharing consists of effort, any of
these three types should be identified and
accounted for on effort certification
Mandatory Cost Sharing
 Will be identified in the Request For
Proposals (RFP)
 Required by the agency for the award to be
 Will be identified in the award documents
 Must be reported to the sponsor in the
financial report
 Must be accounted for on Effort Certification
Statements as committed C/S—it has been
committed to the project
Voluntary Committed
 Voluntary Committed Cost Sharing is not explicitly
required by the sponsoring agency but has been
offered by the PI and OHSU in the application,
proposal budget, or budget justification
 This commitment becomes binding once it is offered
and the grant or contract has been awarded
 It must be accounted for in the Effort Certification
 Voluntary committed cost sharing should be
minimized at all times and is discouraged as it can
lower OHSU’s F&A rate
Voluntary Uncommitted Cost Sharing
Not explicitly required on a program and over and
above that which is offered in an application
Internal agreement between the PI and OHSU
Not reported to the sponsor
Does not become part of our “research base” and
has no impact on OHSU’s F&A rate
Still should be captured in the Effort Certification
process as Uncommittted C/S
Examples of C/S Expenses
Some examples of expenses that can
be used to satisfy the cost sharing
requirements are:
Supplies or equipment contributed to the
project by the institution
Services or supplies donated by a third party
Reduced or waived F&A rates
C/S Requirements
Costs used for committed C/S must be:
Allowable per sponsor guidelines
Incurred within the project period
Provide a direct benefit to the project to
which it applies
Effort as Cost Sharing
Committed effort on a sponsored project
can be considered Cost Sharing
If mandatory or voluntary committed,
Cost Sharing must be tracked and
reported, and it then becomes part of
our “research base”
OGA and Cost Sharing
Awards with mandatory or voluntary
committed cost sharing will have a Cost
Sharing account set up in OGA
Must provide a Cost Sharing account,
usually a departmental general fund, at
time of award
OGA Numbering System
Separate Cost Sharing accounts are set
up in OGA using the following
numbering system:
1st year of the award GXXXX0001ACS
Numbering System (cont.)
 2nd year of the award - GXXXX0001BCS
 If the main account stays an “A“ throughout
the competitive segment, the Cost Sharing
account will also stay an “ACS“
 Multiple cost sharing accounts will be set up if
more than one general fund is provided
Cost Sharing
Effort Issues
James Trotter
Quality Standards Manager
Sponsored Projects Administration
Procedure Online
The full text of OHSU’s Effort
Certification Procedure is available on
the SPA website:
The Basics
 An employee is required to complete an Effort
Certification Statement if…
 Activity is partially or totally devoted to a
sponsored agreement (federal grant, contract
or cooperative agreement, or federal money
from a pass-through entity)
 AND, pay is partially or totally paid from such
an agreement, or represents cost sharing
Who Else?
 Deans, Directors, Department Chairs,
and Division Heads must ensure that
administrators, investigators, and
employees in their units know,
understand, and abide by Effort
Reporting policy and procedures
 Principal Investigators (PIs) must
understand and abide by Effort Reporting
policy and procedures
And Who Else?
 Departmental Effort Coordinators are
generally responsible for the distribution,
collection, and return of Effort Certification
Statements to Sponsored Projects
Administration (SPA)
 SPA is responsible for creation, distribution,
and collection of Effort Certification
Statements and for maintenance of the Effort
Reporting system
OHSU’s Effort Certification system was
developed in direct response to the
Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) Circular A-21
A-21 addresses “principles for
determining costs applicable to grants,
contracts, and other agreements with
educational institutions”
More Why?
 A-21 aims to ensure that the Federal
Government bears its fair share of total costs
 The policies and provisions in A-21 are
mandatory for institutions that receive federal
 Institutions must be able to document the
distribution of charges using an acceptable
 Failure to comply with A-21 can have very
serious consequences
The Effort Certification system:
Documents effort expended on federally sponsored
Shows costs associated with various university
Provides data to help develop the university’s
Facilities & Administrative (F&A) rates
Provides data for various management reports
Documents labor cost sharing on sponsored projects
More What?
Certification is the assertion, by an
employee or a responsible official with
suitable means of verification, that labor
charges accurately reflect effort
expended over the certification period
OHSU Effort Certification Statements
are processed semi-annually for all
applicable employees
Effort Certification Packets are
distributed to Departmental Effort
Coordinators approximately 30 days
after the end of the effort period
Cost Sharing on Effort
In absence of salary support on a
project, the department can create an
ECS to reflect mandatory or committed
When and How Soon?
Departments have 35 business days
from the receipt of Effort Certification
materials to distribute, complete, collect,
and return all Effort Certification
Statements to Sponsored Projects
Administration (SPA)
Failure to meet the deadline will trigger
various escalating “reminders”
Normal Certification
Removing Suspense
Hand Correction
Cost Sharing
And How?
 Effort Certification Statement should be
signed by the employee
 Otherwise, the Statement may be signed by a
person with suitable means of verification—
such as the PI or the employee’s direct
 In order to sign, the certifier needs direct
knowledge of the employee’s effort
How Else?
It is generally inappropriate for a
Departmental Effort Coordinator or a
Department Chair to sign all of the Effort
Certification Statements in the unit or
It is always appropriate for a PI to sign
statements for employees on her/his
How High?
NIH prohibits employees from receiving
a salary greater than the established
cap (currently $191,300 annually)
Any amount above this cap must be
considered as Cost Sharing and
charged to the appropriate non-federal
Better Think Twice!
What do I do if an Effort Certification
Statement must be amended?
Make changes by hand and submit the
amended Effort Certification Statement
with all supporting documentation
Supporting Documentation
SPA Labor Cost Transfer Approval
Written justification for change in effort
Signed by PI
Signed by department/institute head;
(Dean if this is also PI)
Effort Reporting