Meeting Materials - Fora

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Transcript Meeting Materials - Fora

Timothy S. Brophy, Ph.D.
Director, Institutional Effectiveness
University of Florida Office of the Provost
Today’s Goals
 Introduce the S.M.A.R.T. goal setting process
 Identify and apply steps for developing S.M.A.R.T
 Review the components of the 2013-14 Effectiveness
Documentation Reports
Institutional Effectiveness
Core Requirement 2.5:
 The institution engages in ongoing, integrated, and
institution-wide research-based planning and evaluation
processes that
 (1) incorporate a systematic review of institutional mission,
goals, and outcomes;
 (2) result in continuing improvement in institutional
quality; and
 (3) demonstrate the institution is effectively accomplishing
its mission
Institutional Effectiveness
 CS 3.3.1: The institution identifies expected outcomes,
assesses the extent to which it achieves these outcomes,
and provides evidence of improvement based on analysis of
the results in each of the following areas: (Institutional
effectiveness) educational programs, to include student learning
outcomes administrative support services academic and student support services research within its mission, if appropriate community/public service within its mission, if
Planning and Reporting
Assessment and Institutional
May –
Goals, and
Modify and
Data Reporting
Assessment Plans
and Effectiveness
submitted for the
next AY
October Interpret and
Evaluate the
the Plan and
Gather Data
Assessment Data,
results, and use of
results for
previous AY
entered into
Documenting Effectiveness: Goals
 Annual unit reports on goals, action items, measures,
and timelines for completion
 Academic corollary: Academic Assessment Plans
 Goals are critical to effectiveness
 One approach: S.M.A.R.T goal setting
What does S.M.A.R.T. stand for?
S = Specific
M = Measurable
A = Attainable
R = Relevant
T = Time-limited or timesensitive
Goals must be Specific
What do we want to accomplish?
Specific reasons, purpose or benefits of accomplishing the goal
Who: Who is involved?
Identify a location
Identify requirements (essential attributes) and constraints
Specific vs. Nonspecific
Nonspecific goals
Specific Goals
 We will grow our division.
 We will increase our
 We want good customer
 We will increase our
 We will communicate more
with our stakeholders.
personnel by 10% to manage
our increased workload.
customer satisfaction ratings
by 5 points.
 We will send a monthly
newsletter to our
Goals must be measurable
 Need to establish concrete criteria for measuring
progress toward the attainment of the goal
 If a goal is not measurable, it is not possible to know
whether a team is making progress toward successful
 Measuring progress helps you to stay on track, reach
target dates, and experience the success of
Setting measurable goals
How much?
How many?
How will I
know when it is
Some terms that complicate measurability
 Understand
 An internal process that is indicated by demonstrated behaviors
 Appreciate; value
 Internal processes that are indicated by demonstrated behaviors closely
tied to personal choice
Become familiar with
 Focuses assessment on “becoming familiar,” not familiarity
Learn about, think about
 Not observable; demonstrable through communication or other
demonstration of learning
Become aware of, gain an awareness of
 Focuses assessment on becoming and/or gaining – not actual awareness
Demonstrate the ability to
 Focuses assessment on ability, not achievement
Measurable vs. Not measurable
Not measurable
 We want to understand our
 We will hold monthly meetings
stakeholders more fully.
 We will improve our Ph.D.
 We want to plan more
with selected stakeholders to
discuss their needs.
 Our Ph.D. students will write at
least one paper worthy of
publication in a tier one journal.
 We will develop a strategic plan
for our college by June 2013.
Goals must be attainable
 Goals must be realistic and attainable
 Attainable goals may stretch a team in order to achieve it,
the goal is not extreme
 Goals are neither out of reach nor below standard
performance, as these may be considered meaningless
 When you identify goals that are most important to you,
you begin to figure out ways you can make them come true.
You develop the attitudes, abilities, skills, and financial
capacity to reach them
 According to theory, an attainable goal may cause goalsetters to identify previously overlooked opportunities to
bring themselves closer to the achievement of their goals.
Attainable goals
How can the
goal be
Does the goal
represent an
toward which
you are both
willing and
able to work?
Is the goal
both high and
Does the goal
Attainable vs. Unattainable
 In our unit of 50 employees,
 In our unit of 50 employees,
we will double our personnel
by June 2013.
 We will evaluate and make
recommended changes to the
Florida Greek Standards and
to the Student Code of
Conduct from February 14-28,
we will hire 3 new employees
by June 2013.
 We will evaluate and make
recommended changes to the
Florida Greek Standards and
to the Student Code of
Conduct by May 2013.
Goals must be relevant
Choose goals that matter.
Many times you will need support to accomplish a goal: resources, a
champion voice, someone to knock down obstacles.
Goals that are relevant to your leadership, your division or college, and your
organization will receive that needed support.
Relevant goals (when met) drive the, department, division, and organization
A goal that supports or is in alignment with other goals would be considered
a relevant goal
Relevant goals:
Are worthwhile
Are set at the right time
Match other efforts/needs
Are assigned to the right person/area/group
Can be modified as needed
Goals must be time-limited
 Goals must be grounded within a time frame, giving
them a target date
 A commitment to a deadline helps a team focus their
efforts on completion of the goal on or before the due
 This part of the S.M.A.R.T. goal criteria is intended to
prevent goals from being overtaken by the day-to-day
crises that invariably arise in an organization
 A time-bound goal is intended to establish a sense of
Time-limited goals
Provide a timeframe for the completion of the goal
Describe what can be done in 6 months,
6 weeks, or
Set a sequence of activities that will serve as benchmarks
for achieving the goal
What’s Coming Up – 2013-14
Report templates for
2013-14 will be issued
in mid-March 2013
What’s new:
Template for Goals
Due May 15, 2013