THE INTERNATIONAL INCOME DISTRIBUTION DATA SET (I2D2) June 2013 What? • The I2D2 is a global harmonized household survey database. • A basic set of harmonized.

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Transcript THE INTERNATIONAL INCOME DISTRIBUTION DATA SET (I2D2) June 2013 What? • The I2D2 is a global harmonized household survey database. • A basic set of harmonized.














June 2013


The I2D2 is a global harmonized household survey database.

• A basic set of harmonized variables that are comparable across country/time. 1 Stata data file per survey, at the individual member level.

• The I2D2 started with 2006 WDR on Equity. It has since grown, and been used in subsequent WDRs and other flagships.

• Not intended to replace original data sets for research focused on national (or even regional, in some cases) cases.

Content and Coverage

The I2D2 database includes 5 “categories” of variables: • HH level: basic attributes, consumption/income aggregate.

 Consumption/income aggregates are taken as provided.

• Individual level (HH members): demographics, education, labor force (subject to age coverage of the survey).

 The labor force variables were expanded for the WDR2013 on Jobs.

• The I2D2 database currently includes 600 surveys for 120 countries.


• • We get raw/original and, when available, standardized files from the regional survey data teams. In some cases, we go to country economists or NSO websites/teams to get the data.

 The I2D2 is not a WB facility for storing unit-record Household Survey data from NSOs (despite collecting such data for harmonization).


• Currently, available in the WB. Soon to be posted on the DECDG micro data library.

• But what about people outside the WB and those in the WB who don’t have/know Stata?

2 possible avenues: 1. Tableau dashboard for basic statistics 2. ODAT (see CLSP under ) for regression analysis


Pincer strategy : advance on several fronts simultaneously: • Identify, collect, and add surveys • Clean the database • Get in the micro data library (thanks Olivier!) • Get online (that is going slowly) • Secure funding!

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Country code Year of survey Household id Individual id Household sampling weight Strata Primary sampling units Urban/Rural Macro regional areas Region at 1 digit House ownership Water main source Electricity main source Toilet facility Phone availability Cell phone Computer availability Internet connection Household size Relationship to the head of household Gender Individual age Social group Marital status Education module application age Ever attended school Attending school Can read & write Years of education 30 Level of education 1 31 Level of education 2 32 Labor module application age 33 Labor status 34 Employment status 35 Number of additional jobs 36 Sector of activity 37 Reason not in the labor force 38 Unemployment duration (months) lower bracket 39 Unemployment duration (months) upper bracket 40 1 digit industry classification 41 1 digit occupational classification 42 Firm size (lower bracket) 43 Firm size (upper bracket) 44 Hours of work in last week 45 Last wage payment 46 Last wages time unit 47 Contract 48 Health insurance 49 Social security 50 Union membership 51 Monthly income per capita 52 Income per capita deciles 53 Monthly consumption per capita 54 Consumption per capita deciles 55 Survey identifier 56 Data restriction status 57 World Bank region (7 regions) 58 World Bank income group (5 categories)