Asexual Propagation Softwood & Semihardwood stem cuttings  When to take cuttings  after current or present seasons growth has partially hardened  should be.

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Transcript Asexual Propagation Softwood & Semihardwood stem cuttings  When to take cuttings  after current or present seasons growth has partially hardened  should be.

Asexual Propagation
Softwood & Semihardwood stem cuttings
 When
to take cuttings
 after current or present seasons
growth has partially hardened
 should be able to bend
Stem Cuttings
 Collecting
cutting wood
 parent plant that has made 2 to
6 inches new growth during
current year
 early morning is the best time to
take cuttings
Stem Cuttings
 Place
cutting in water
immediately after taking cutting
 be sure to remember which is
the top of the cutting
 cut bottom at an angle
 cut top straight across
Stem Cuttings
 Preparing
Container & Rooting
 containers must have holes in
the bottom for drainage
 medium should be sterile
 mix medium before wilting to
assure uniform mixture
Stem Cuttings
 Making
the cuttings
 make as many 3 or 4 inch
cuttings as possible from each
 cut bottom at an angle
 allows more surface area to
contact rooting media for water
Stem Cuttings
 include
2 or 3 buds on each
 On hollow stems, cut just below
the node on the bottom and just
above the node on top
Stem Cuttings
 Treating
and Inserting Cutting
 “Root one F” rooting hormone
 Chemicals which help cuttings
grow more quickly and grow a
larger number of roots
 rooting hormones may contain
Stem Cuttings
 place
cutting in medium no
more than 2 inches deep
 Do not press media around
cutting, water to settle around it
 label cutting, include name of
rooting hormone used
Stem Cuttings
 Controlling
the atmosphere
 Keep R.H. close to 100%
 plant loses water through leaves
(transpiration) can’t take up
water fast enough to
compensate without roots.
Stem Cuttings
 Enclose
containers in clear
 place out or direct sunlight
 keep temp down
Stem Cuttings
 Rooting
 Check
for roots by holding
cutting and tugging gently
 resistance = roots developing
 growth on the tips or sides is
normal, but does not indicate
root growth
Stem Cuttings
 harden
off when root ball is 2-3
 after hardening off can be
“lined out”
 planted outside
Herbaceous Cuttings
 Succulent
greenhouse plants
 can make numerous cuttings
from parent plant
 cuttings 2-6 inches long
Herbaceous Cuttings
 remove
bottom leaves
 roots will grow from the node
where leaves were attached
 Use rooting hormoneROOTONE
 not required
 speeds rooting process
Herbaceous Cuttings
 high
 bottom heat helps speed rooting
Herbaceous Cuttings
 Leaf
 African Violet
 Use leaf and petiole
Herbaceous Cuttings
 Leaf-bud
 cut bud and leaf from stem
 cut leaf to a smaller size
 requires less moisture
Herbaceous Cuttings
 firm
into soil, water and cover
in a moisture right container.
 Can make many more cuttings
from parent plant than with
stem cuttings
 rooting hormone should be
Herbaceous Cuttings
 Root
 Can be made from any plant
that will sprout or sucker from
the root.
 Cut roots 1/8 to 1/2 inch in
diameter in pieces 1-4 inches
Herbaceous Cuttings
 place
in sand in a flat
 water
 cover
with glass or plastic
 when new shoots sprout move
plants to nursery row
 ex: raspberry