Chapter 2 Science for All Science for All How to Read This Chapter • To provide practical ideas for meeting the learning needs of.

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Transcript Chapter 2 Science for All Science for All How to Read This Chapter • To provide practical ideas for meeting the learning needs of.

Chapter 2
Science for All
Science for All
How to Read This Chapter
• To provide practical ideas for meeting the learning
needs of all students we explore Science for All
from four vantage points: global thinking,
multicultural education, feminist perspective, and
exceptionalities among adolescent learners.
• Focus on any one of these themes individually, but
you will see that these ideas are interrelated.
• You will want to return to this chapter from time
to time to review some of the ideas, and follow up
on some of the Web sites found in the Gazette.
Science for All
Invitations to Inquiry
What is the implication of the theme “science for all?” Is this a reality in today’s
schools? What needs to be done to make this a reality?
Should global thinking be incorporated into the philosophy and objectives of school
science? How should this be accomplished?
What are some specific strategies science teachers might use to infuse global thinking
into the science curriculum?
How can science be made accessible to all students? How can schools overcome
barriers to equitable opportunities for all students to achieve in science?
What are some approaches that science educators can use to infuse equity and
multiculturalism into the science program?
What is the nature of a feminist perspective on science education?
What are some strategies to encourage females in science courses and careers?
How does the concept of the “at-risk student” compare to the concept of the “at-promise
How would you approach the teaching of science for the education of physically
impaired, learning disabled, gifted and talented, and at-risk students?
Science for All
Chapter 2 Map
Science for All
“Science for All” means:
Each learner is unique.
All students can learn.
There is enormous diversity among
learners, and this diversity should
be respected and accepted.
School science should be designed
to meet the needs of all students.
School science should be inclusive,
not exclusive. Those who have
been traditionally turned away
from science should be encouraged
to come in.
Science for All
Perspectives of Science for All
• Global Thinking
• Multicultural science
• Gender
• Exceptionalities
Science for All
Jigsaw Science for All
Join one of four teams
– Global thinking
– Multiculturalism
– Gender
– Exceptional students
Use the inquiry questions provided
on the next slide, and the resources
in the chapter to prepare a
multimedia or 3-panel low-tech
report to support a presentation on
your team’s topic.
Role play an international
conference on the theme “Science
for All”.
Science for All
Jigsaw Science for All
• Global Thinking
Should global thinking be incorporated into
the philosophy and objectives of school
science? How should this be accomplished?
What are some specific strategies science
teachers might use to infuse global thinking
into the science curriculum?
What are some approaches that science
educators can use to infuse equity and
multiculturalism into the science program?
• Exceptional Students
• Gender Issues
• Multicultural Science
What is the nature of a feminist perspective
on science education?
What are some strategies to encourage
females in science courses and careers?
What should the nature of science teaching be
for students with exceptionalities?
How does the concept of the “at-risk student”
compare to the concept of the “at-promise
How would you approach the teaching of
science for the education of advanced (gifted
and talented), and struggling (at-risk)
Science for All
Perspective #1: Global thinking
Perspective consciousness: An awareness of
an appreciation for other images of the world.
Students can learn to understand how people
in Eastern, as well as in developing nations
conceptualize the world. Global thinking will
enrich the activities of students by involving
them with a world that is multicultural.
State of planet awareness: An in-depth
understanding of global issues and
events, including the identification of
the important global problems facing
the planet, and what it will take to get
them solved.
Cross-cultural awareness: A general
understanding of the defining
characteristics of world cultures, with
an emphasis on understanding
similarities and differences.
Systemic awareness: A familiarity with the
nature of systems and an introduction to the
complex international system in which state
and non-state actors are linked in patterns of
interdependence and dependence in a variety
of issue areas.
Options for participation: A review of
strategies for participating in issue areas in
local, national, and international settings.
Technology-related systems of
communication enable all students to
communicate with people in remote places.
Thinking as a Citizen—Scientist: An ability
to integrate the habits of mind of science with
public decision-making.
Science for All
Global Perspective
• If you were from one of
these countries:
• Which would be the most
serious problems (top 2 or
3) facing you and your
fellow citizens?
War Technology
Water Resources
Population Growth
World Hunger
Terrorist Activity
Hazardous Substances
Human Health
Air Quality
Science for All
Inquiry 2.1: Exploring Global
• Using the problem cards shown
on next slide, create an
international context by joining
a team to rank order the
seriousness of the 12 problems
from the standpoint of citizens
of an assigned country.
• Follow the procedures outlined
in the inquiry. Join with other
member to create an
international forum on global
Science for All
Global Problem Cards
Science for All
Internet Projects & Global
• Global Thinking
• American Forum for
Global Education
Science for All
Multicultural Science Education
• Association for
Multicultural Science
• Talent Development
Programs at Johns
Hopkins University.
• Effective Teaching
Science for All
Talent Development Program
Overdetermination of success: Multiple
activity approach is put into place, any one of
which may lead to enhanced student
outcomes. Differentiating instructional
practices lead to opportunities to learn for a
wide range of students.
Promotion of multiple outcomes: Academic
success must be placed in the context of
economically and personally valued skills,
broad-range intellectual competence,
social/emotional proficiency, community and
social responsibility, cultural empowerment,
and positive life transformations.
Integrity-based social ethos: This mandates
that educational stakeholders hold high
expectations for themselves and others; take
responsibility for and ownership of
educational process and outcomes, emphasize
voice and choice among participants in the
process; and draw on existing knowledge,
competencies, and understandings to
encourage students’ optimal development.
Co-construction: The co-construction process
entails respecting the social and cultural
dynamics of students, families, teachers, and
other school personnel that affect learning to
ensure that these stakeholders have authentic
Science for All
input in the learning process.
Effective Teaching Practices
Culturally responsive teaching :
emphasizes everyday concerns of
students, such as family and community
issues, in the curriculum. Developing
learning activities based on familiar
concepts helps facilitate learning and
helps students feel more confident
about their work.
Cooperative learning: Helps students
come to complex understanding by
discussing and defending their ideas
with peers in small groups. Cooperative
learning (a) provides opportunities for
students to communicate with each
other, (b) enhances instructional
conversations, (c) decreases anxiety, (d)
develops social, academic, and
communication skills, and (e) enhances
self-confidence and self-esteem through
individual contributions and
achievement of group goals.
Instructional conversation: A teaching
practice that provides individual
students with opportunities for extended
discourse with the teacher in areas that
contain value as well as relevance for
Cognitively guided instruction:
emphasizes the development of learning
strategies and teaching techniques that
foster students’ monitoring of their own
Technology-enriched instruction: The
use of multimedia technology connects
school learning with the “real” world.
Using the Web to create
telecommunication networks is
effective in that students can
communicate with peers and adults
through the Internet.
Science for All
Inquiry 2.2: Images in Textbooks
• What do images
portrayed in science
textbooks tell us about
multicultural issues?
• Examine one or more
textbooks using the
Textbook Evaluation
Science for All
Gender Issues
In the U.S. women comprise about
half of the work force but only 9%
are employed as scientists and
Only 12% of students enrolled in
high school technology programs
are female.
In a recent NAEP science study,
girls continue to score below the
national mean on all science
achievement items, and express
negative attitudes toward science.
Science for All
Successful Teaching Practices
Content and Activities. Barbara Smail
has suggested that science classes need
to provide more experiences which she
calls "nutritive" to provide a balance to
the "analytical/instrumental" activities
which she suggests characterize most
school science
Social Arrangements: Another strategy
that appears to enhance female’s
interest in science, and contributes
positively to academic performance is
altering the work arrangements in the
classroom. There is considerable
evidence that cooperative, mixed ability
group processes enhance learning and
cognitive development in some
Confidence Building: Skolnick, Langbort and
Day have described strategies that teachers
can implement to build confidence in the
ability to solve science and (mathematics)
problems. Strategies include:
Success for each student
Tasks with many approaches
Tasks with many right answers
Guessing and testing
Sex-role Awareness: One-way of discovering
that students perceive science roles as
masculine is have students draw pictures of
scientists. In one study, only 10% of rural
American boys and twenty-eight per cent of
the girls drew women scientists. In order to
help students see new possibilities the teacher
must take an active role in awarenessenhancing activities so that the options are
multiplied for students. Skolnick, Langbort
and Day suggest two categories of strategies:
Science for All
Content relevance
Modeling new options
Raising achievement and increasing science
career choices of females and minorities:
• Teachers competent in subject
matter who believe students can
• Emphasis on applications and
careers in science and math
• Integrate subject areas with
hands-on/tech opportunities
• In-school and out-of-school
learning experiences
• Remove inequities of gender
and race
• Program elements support
women and minorities
Science for All
Inquiry 2.3: Transforming
Science Teaching Practice
• Read Brenda
Capobiano’s paper:
“Encouraging Girls in
Science Courses and
• Meet in small groups
to discuss the
experience of the three
teachers in this study.
• Discuss possible
pedagogical changes
you and your
teammates could make
in your teaching
• Identify actions and
strategies that interest
you relative to
multicultural and
gender issues.
Science for All
Exceptional Students in the
Science Classroom
Exceptional Students
Physically Impaired
Learning Disabilities
Visually, Hearing
Science for All
Advanced Learners
Barriers and Bridges
Advanced Learners:
Barriers to Learning
Struggling Learners:
Bridges to Learning
Mentally lazy?
“Hooked on success”?
Fail to develop selfefficacy?
Fail to develop
study/coping skills?
Student’s positives
Plan “relevant” activities
Focus on big ideas
Teach Up--higher levels
Use Multiple abilities and
a differentiated
instructional approach
Science for All
Advanced & Struggling Learners
Advanced Learners
Struggling Learners
Want to work alone…not
team players
Work ethic
Don’t want help
Afraid to fail
Real life exploration
Allowing success
Creating homogeneous
Science for All
Chapter 2: Problems and Extensions
If you were a school board
member, what actions would your
district take to ensure that all
females, minorities, and students
with disabilities have opportunities
to achieve in science?
Identify action steps for:
Culturally Responsive Teaching
Gender Equity
Students with Disabilities
Strategies for Advanced Learners
Science for All