Engines of Innovation Panel - Southern California Energy Summit

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Panel Discussion:
Engines of Innovation: New Technologies &
Doug Rose, Ph.D., Vice President of Technology Strategy, SunPower Corporation
Rolf Gibbels, Global Power Generation Solution Leader, Energy & Utilities Industry, IBM
Patty Senecal, Manager, Southern California Region & Infrastructure Issues, WSPA
Jeff Reed, Director of Business Strategy and Development, Southern California Gas Company
• Rebecca Boudreaux, Ph.D., President, Oberon Fuels
SunPower Corporation
Solar Technology and Energy Services Provider
• 2012 revenue $2.4 billion
• >1,800 dealer partners worldwide
• > 5,000 employees worldwide
• Unique, superior PV panel technology with
record breaking efficiency for lower LCOE
and lower risk
• Strategic investment by Total SA, #11 global
F500, provides financial strength and market
• Dual, global platforms: distributed
generation and power plants
• Systems solutions include tracker and grid
services technologies
• >200 patents worldwide
SunPower holds the world-record large Silicon panel efficiency (21.4%). Green, M. A., et al., “Solar Cell
Efficiency Tables (version 39),” Progress in Photovoltaics, 2013, vol. 21, p1-11.
Crystalline silicon PV and balance of system technologies have been, and will
continue to be, the most important technology drivers of growth
– c-Si market share now ~90% (up from 80% 6 years ago)
– PV module prices have dropped by more than 80% in last 6 years
– 35 GW of PV to be installed in 2013 (>1000% increase vs. 6 years ago)
– PV LCOE is below conventional sources in some locations
Some SunPower examples of continuing innovation:
– Power plant grid services (e.g., AVR, PF Control, Dynamic VAR control)
– Industry-leading reliability science and performance validation
• See, for example, “Validation of the PVLife model against 3 million module-years of live-site data”, E. Hasselbrink, et. al,
Presented at the 39th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, June 16-20, 2013, Tampa, Florida.
– Continued cost reduction and performance improvement
SunPower® X-Series Solar Panels:
efficiency all-black modules
© 2013 SunPower Corporation
> 21%
SunPower® C7 tracker (Low concentration PV system)
Smarter Energy
Improve Generation Performance
The growing importance of information management, analytics and big data
E&U Global Power Generation Industry Solutions Leader
Rolf Gibbels [email protected]
© 2013 IBM Corporation
Smarter Energy for a Smarter Planet
Smarter Energy Research Institute (SERI)
SERI Website:
SERI Video:
SERI Press Release:
© 2013 IBM Corporation
Smarter Energy for a Smarter Planet
SERI Projects
Outage Planning
$14B annual lost value due to storms.
Improve outage restoration
Asset Management
Predict failures before they happen.
Apply analytics and big data.
Situational Awareness
Identify grid anomalies and alert
operators before massive black outs
Integration of
Renewables & DER
Reduce need for power reserves, minimize
demand-supply mismatch through
advanced forecasting.
The Participatory
Understand customer behaviors on operations
through data-driven analytics
© 2013 IBM Corporation
Smarter Energy for a Smarter Planet
Sophisticated forecasting and analytics matures renewables energy
HyREF – Hybrid Renewable Energy Forecasting
© 2013 IBM Corporation
A Cleaner Alternative to Diesel
Rebecca Boudreaux, Ph.D. P r e s i d e n t
Clean-burning Fuel
Dimethyl ether (DME)
•NO carbon-carbon = NO soot/particulate matter
•No sulfur, low NOx
•Not tied to the price of crude oil
•Multiple feed stocks (biogas, natural gas)
•Handles like propane
Cost-effectively converts methane and CO2 to DME
Skid-mounted Fuel Production
April 15, 2013
Chicago, IL
May 17, 2013
Brawley, CA
Patty Senecal
The Demand - Scale
 96 percent of California’s transportation fuels are petroleum
 CA utilizes 43 million gallons of gasoline and 14 million gallons
of diesel fuel every day
 CA produced more than 2 million gallons of gasoline and diesel
fuel every hour, 365 days a year
 CA is the third largest fuel consuming entity on earth, behind the
US as a whole and all of China
 Global energy demand will grow 35%, as the world’s population
expands from about 7 billion people to nearly 9 billion by 2040,
led by growth in Africa & India (Exxon Mobil 2013 Outlook for
Energy: A View to 2040).
Petroleum and natural gas are fuels of the future
Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration
Oil Industry Expenditures on Innovations
• US Oil and Natural Gas industry is developing next –
generation forms of energy and cleaner fuels & products.
•Between 2000-2010 industry invested more than $71 billion in
new low and zero emissions technologies. Or 38% of the 188
billion spent by US Government & other industries was from
oil and gas industry.
•Efficiency will continue to play a key role in solving our
energy challenge. US Oil and Natural Gas companies are
pioneers in ‘energy efficiency’ of producing and refining
petroleum and gas.
• CCS - US oil and gas are at the forefront of developing
“carbon capture and storage technology or CCS to reduce
carbon dioxide (CO2) emission by storing them underground.
Carbon Capture and Storage
U.S. Department of Energy “Capturing carbon emissions and storing them
underground is a crucial technology as we build a clean energy future and
address the threat of climate change…these investments will create jobs and help
ensure that America can lead the world in the clean energy economy.”
Mary Nichols, Chair California Air Resources Board “I think it’s important to
reiterate the fact that we (CARB) think California is an ideal place for doing
sequestration because of the geological formations and oil industry that’s here.”
George Peridas, Scientist, Climate Center Natural Resources Defense
Council “In California, CCS can materially help the state meet its long term
emission reduction goals.”
Environmental Defense Fund “One technology in particular has the potential to
make a huge contribution in reducing CO2: carbon capture and sequestration
(CCS), also sometimes referred to as carbon storage.”
Energy Production in CA – Technology and Innovation
Oil discovered in Kern County in 1899
– produced from hand-dug wells
Steam injection for enhanced
oil recovery introduced in 1961
Lake View gusher,
Kern County 1910
Howard Hughes introduces
rotary drill in 1932
3D seismic imaging
Cogeneration produces stream for EOR,
electricity for homes and businesses
Petroleum’s economic contribution to California
CA 13 refineries produce 2 million gallons of gasoline and
diesel fuel every hour of every day, 365 a year.
332,968 jobs (direct and indirect)
$17 billion in labor income
$22 billion in supplemental and
proprietor income
$9.2 billion in taxes and fees to
federal, state and local
governments (excludes property tax
Source: Purvin & Gertz, Assessment of Petroleum Industry Economic Impact to the State of
California, June 2011, based on 2009 data