Faculty Senate Meeting January 29, 2015 Agenda I. I. III. IV. V. Call to Order and Roll Call, S.

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Transcript Faculty Senate Meeting January 29, 2015 Agenda I. I. III. IV. V. Call to Order and Roll Call, S.

Faculty Senate Meeting
January 29, 2015
Call to Order and Roll Call, S. Grant
Approval of November 20, 2014 Meeting Minutes
Approval of January 13, 2015 Meeting Minutes
Campus Reports and Responses
General Counsel’s Office: Title IX and Faculty as
VI. Reports of Standing and Special Committees
VII. Old Business
VIII. New Business and Announcements
IX. Adjourn
Call to Order and Roll Call, S. Grant
Approval of November 20, 2014 Meeting
III. Approval of January 13, 2015 Meeting Minutes
IV. Campus Reports and Responses
V. General Counsel’s Office: Title IX and Faculty as
VI. Reports of Standing and Special Committees
VII. Old Business
VIII. New Business and Announcements
IX. Adjourn
I. Call to Order and Roll Call, S. Grant
II. Approval of November 20, 2014 Meeting Minutes
III. Approval of January 13, 2015 Meeting Minutes
IV. Campus Reports and Responses
V. General Counsel’s Office: Title IX and Faculty as
VI. Reports of Standing and Special Committees
VII. Old Business
VIII. New Business and Announcements
IX. Adjourn
IV. Campus Reports and Responses
A. President’s Report, M. Bohner
B. Administrative Reports
i) Chancellor’s Report, C. Schrader
ii) Provost’s Report, R. Marley
C. Staff Council Report, S. Lewis
D. Student Council, R. Jacobsen
E. Council of Graduate Students, E. Ronchetto
President’s Report
Faculty Senate Meeting
January 29, 2015
January 29, 2015
President's Report
• CASB Website is up: casb.mst.edu
• Associate Dean for Research and External
Relations: Yinfa Ma.
• Associate Dean for Academic Affairs: Kate
January 29, 2015
President's Report
• CEC Website is up: cec.mst.edu
• Associate Dean for Research and External
Relations: Three Candidates (Richard
Brow, Daniel Forciniti, Bruce McMillin).
• Associate Dean for Academic Affairs:
Three Candidates (John Meyers, Steve
Raper, Sahra Sedighsarvestani).
January 29, 2015
President's Report
Some other News
• Schonberg honored by NASA.
• Larry Gragg’s new book (Bugsy Siegel).
• Michael Davis’ new study (economic impact
of Super Bowl to team’s community).
• Three new IEEE Fellows: Sajal Das, David
Pommerenke, Rosa Zheng.
• Condoleezza Rice to visit Rolla.
January 29, 2015
President's Report
Bylaw Changes
• Provost appointed Taskforce.
• Taskforce met last December and will
meet again next week.
• Members are: Martin Bohner, Kate
Drowne, David Enke, Gregory Gelles,
Barbara Hale, Suzanna Long, Robert
January 29, 2015
President's Report
Title IX Strategic Curriculum Committee
Chancellor appointed Committee.
Committee met for two full days last week.
Brett Sokolow (NCHERM) was present.
Members are: Martin Bohner (Co-Chair), Michelle
Bresnahan, Tyrone Davidson, Keri DeGraffenreid, Kate
Drowne, Ian Ferguson, Pattie Frisbee, Debbie Hickey,
Paul Hirtz, Jeanie Hofer, Christine Laughlin, Oyebanjo
Lajubutu, Shenethia Manuel (Chair), Neil Outar, Roger
Parsons, Theodore Read, Stephen Roberts, Bill
Schonberg (Co-Chair), Mary Helen Stoltz, Dan Waddill,
Brett Watson, Christina Wilson.
January 29, 2015
President's Report
Title IX (Faculty as Accused)
• Special FS Meeting was on January 13.
• Red flags: Removing those two words (extreme or
• FS asks that protections as least as strong as those
guaranteed in the US Constitution be provided to
any accused under the Title IX procedure.
• Can number of faculty on ERP be bigger than one?
• Can number of years on HPP be bigger than one?
• Marsha Fischer (Counsel UM System).
January 29, 2015
President's Report
Intercampus Faculty Council
Last IFC Meeting was on January 15.
Title IX.
Total Rewards Advisory Committee.
CRR 310.090 (Emeritus Designation).
CRR 170.020 (University Press).
NCTQ lawsuit.
President’s Awards (due tomorrow).
January 29, 2015
President's Report
IFC Future Plans
• Implementation of Faculty as
Accused Policy.
• Have FAAP reviewed by a third
party after 18-24 months.
• Get back to discussion on post
tenure review.
• Don’t forget Faculty Workload.
January 29, 2015
President's Report
IV. Campus Reports and Responses
A. President’s Report, M. Bohner
B. Administrative Reports
i) Chancellor’s Report, C. Schrader
ii) Provost’s Report, R. Marley
C. Staff Council Report, S. Lewis
D. Student Council, R. Jacobsen – NO REPORT
E. Council of Graduate Students, E. Ronchetto
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
JANUARY 29, 2015
Education is the best
economic development
tool we have …
That’s why we’ve
increased funding,
while also raising our
expectations with
more rigorous classes
… tougher tests, and
stricter accountability.
Additional $25M for
public higher ed
Funding based on
UM System meets
all 5 performance
Project Lead the Way
• Nearly 1,500 teachers trained
through Missouri S&T since 2006
• PLTW courses offered in about
300 Missouri schools
• Governor’s budget expands to
another 350 elementary schools
Bring your lunch
Get to know faculty
Chat with administrators
Drinks and dessert!
March 6
April 3
May 1
Sept. 4
Oct. 2
Nov. 6
Dec. 4
First event is noon-1p.m. on Friday, March 6, in the Carver-Turner Room
of the Havener Center; future lunches at the Hasselmann Alumni House
IV. Campus Reports and Responses
A. President’s Report, M. Bohner
B. Administrative Reports
i) Chancellor’s Report, C. Schrader
ii) Provost’s Report, R. Marley
C. Staff Council Report, S. Lewis
D. Student Council, R. Jacobsen – NO REPORT
E. Council of Graduate Students, E. Ronchetto
January 29, 2015
Chancellor’s First Friday Faculty Brown Bag Lunch
Web of Science added to Library Resources
Electronic P&T Process and Future Open Forum
New Provost Office Staff Update:
Janelle Goss
Ashley McCarter
College of Arts, Sciences, and Business
Admissions for Fall 2015:
• On pace for 8-year high: Applied Mathematics, Biological Sciences, Physics
Most diverse admitted students (total admitted, % female, % minorities): Biology (134, 61.9%,
21.7%); Business (19, 57.9%, 10.5%); Chemistry (42, 50%, 16.6%); Psychology (10, 80%,
• Biology has the highest number of females (143) in any major at S&T.
Majors at S&T with highest proportion of females: Psychology (72.2%), English-Technical
Communication (71.4%), Biology (61.9%)
Faculty Honors:
• UMRB Research Awards: Cihan Kurter (Physics), Honglan Shi (Chemistry), Jeff Winiarz
(Chemistry), Katie Sheppard (History and Political Science), Patrick Huber (History and
Political Science), Audra Merfeld-Langston (Arts, Languages, and Philosophy), Anne Cotterill
(English and Technical Communication)
Patrick Huber (History and Political Science) awarded State Historical Society of Missouri
Center for Missouri Studies Fellowship
Jay Switzer (Chemistry) named Fellow of the Materials Research Society
College of Engineering and Computing
The college is continuing to engage its various stake holders in the development
of a college level strategic plan. Strategic planning will be the primary thrust of
the work of the Engineering Advisory Board when it meets in February.
We are pleased to announce
John Myers, Civil Engineering, Associate Dean of Academic Affairs
Bruce McMillin, Computer Science, Associate Dean of Research and
External Relationships.
Office of Undergraduate Studies
Service Learning Award Winner
• Dr. Joan Schuman (faculty)
Experiential Learning Award Winners
• Dr. Rohit Dua (faculty)
• DeWayne Phelps, Ben White (staff)
Missouri S&T Undergraduate Research Conference, April 15th
• Registration Deadline March 9
OURE and OURE Fellows Program
• Applications Due March 2
University of Missouri Undergraduate Day at the Capitol, March 10th, 2015
• 16 S&T Students Participating from S&T
Office of Graduate Studies
Office of Graduate Studies has moved to G-8 Norwood
Graduation list for FS 14:
– 27 PhD students, 285 MS students, 162 Certificate students
– Official “degrees awarded” numbers will be available in February
Course renumbering conversion:
– Graduate Faculty approved the revised forms with renumbering changes
5 students selected for the new cohort of the Graduate Leadership Development
Program (GLDP)
First Thesis/Dissertation Boot Camp in November
– 11 students participated; 35 on a wait-list
– Additional T/D boot camps in SP 15 to meet the demand for this service
66 Editing Requests FS 14 (943 Pages)
Slate is “live” for SS 15 and FS 15 graduate applications
– Trainings conducted with graduate faculty/staff and admissions to implement system
Enrollment Management
First freshman PRO registration day for Fall 2015 is Saturday, February 28.
Top 16 Chancellor’s Scholarship recipients selected (105 Missouri high
school seniors competed December 6).
– 50% female
– 25% CASB, 75% CEC
– 19% underrepresented minority
– 34 average ACT
Office of Sponsored Programs
Summary of FY15 activities year-to-date (November)
Number of funded proposals awarded down 24.3% for a total of 106
• Total dollars is $18.4M, up 16.1%
Number of new proposals submitted down 2.1% at 229
• The total dollar value is $75.8M, up 29.4%
Number of active awards up 0.5% at 613
Net grant and contract expenditures are $13.8M, down 12.4%
• Total expenditures is $17.3M, down 10.3%
F&A recovered $2.6M, down 21.4%
Curtis Laws Wilson Library
Content Additions:
• Chronicle of Higher Education (full-text for the entire S&T community)
• New platform for Scholars’ Mine (http://scholarsmine.mst.edu/)
Content Review, System-wide Purchases
• Some licenses are managed at the system and are shared across 2+
• Review of content has commenced in order to assess cost and use.
IV. Campus Reports and Responses
A. President’s Report, M. Bohner
B. Administrative Reports
i) Chancellor’s Report, C. Schrader
ii) Provost’s Report, R. Marley
C. Staff Council Report, S. Lewis
D. Student Council, R. Jacobsen – NO REPORT
E. Council of Graduate Students, E. Ronchetto
IV. Campus Reports and Responses
A. President’s Report, M. Bohner
B. Administrative Reports
i) Chancellor’s Report, C. Schrader
ii) Provost’s Report, R. Marley
C. Staff Council Report, S. Lewis
D. Student Council, R. Jacobsen – NO REPORT
E. Council of Graduate Students, E. Ronchetto
IV. Campus Reports and Responses
A. President’s Report, M. Bohner
B. Administrative Reports
i) Chancellor’s Report, C. Schrader
ii) Provost’s Report, R. Marley
C. Staff Council Report, S. Lewis
D. Student Council, R. Jacobsen – NO REPORT
E. Council of Graduate Students, E. Ronchetto
Call to Order and Roll Call, S. Grant
Approval of November 20, 2014 Meeting Minutes
Approval of January 13, 2015 Meeting Minutes
Campus Reports and Responses
General Counsel’s Office: Title IX and Faculty
as Accused
VI. Reports of Standing and Special Committees
VII. Old Business
VIII. New Business and Announcements
IX. Adjourn
Call to Order and Roll Call, S. Grant
Approval of November 20, 2014 Meeting Minutes
Approval of January 13, 2015 Meeting Minutes
Campus Reports and Responses
General Counsel’s Office: Title IX and Faculty as
VI. Reports of Standing and Special Committees
VII. Old Business
VIII. New Business and Announcements
IX. Adjourn
VI. Reports of Standing and Special
A. Curricula, T. Schuman
B. Information Technology/Computing, T. Vojta
C. Public Occasions, S. Sedighsarvestani
D. Library and Learning Resources Committee,
M. Bruening
Campus Curricula
Committee Report
29 January 2015
» 15 December 2014
» 13 January 2015
Committee Activity
» 9 Degree change requests (DC forms)
» 67 Course change requests (CC forms)
» 15 Experimental course requests (EC forms)
Campus Curricula
Committee Report
29 January 2015
Degree Changes Requested
From the December 15th Meeting:
» File #143.11 Architectural Engineering: Architectural Engineering BS
» File #150.4
Chemical Engineering: Chemical Engineering BS
» File #95.11
Mining Engineering: Mining Engineering BS
From the January 13th Meeting:
» File #148.11 Business & Management Systems: Business & Management
Systems BS
» File #44.13
Engineering Management: Engineering Management BS
» File #58.11
Finance: Finance Minor
» File #75.7
Information Science & Technology: Information Science &
Technology BS
» File #238
Information Science & Technology: Human-Computer
Interaction and User Experience Minor
» File #239
Information Science & Technology: Business Analytics and
Data Science Minor
Campus Curricula
Committee Report
29 January 2015
Course Changes Requested
From the December 15th Meeting:
File #4113
File #1451.1
File #4134
File #439.1
File #649.1
File #1627.3
File #71.3
File #764.3
File #2454.1
File #2430.1
File #4137
File #948.1
File #795.1
File #1944.3
Architectural Engineering 5270: Structural Masonry Design
Civil Engineering 2601: Fundamentals of Environmental Engineering and Science
Civil Engineering 5270: Structural Masonry Design (approved with File #4113)
Civil Engineering 5448: Green Engineering: Analysis of Constructed Facilities
Computer Engineering 2210: Introduction to Digital Logic
Computer Engineering 3150: Introduction to Microcontrollers and Embedded System Design
Computer Engineering 5151: Digital Systems Design Laboratory
Computer Engineering 5160: Embedded Processor System Design
Computer Engineering 5410: Introduction to Computer Communication Networks
Computer Engineering 5420: Introduction to Network Security
Economics 4512: Mine Management (approved with File #1302.1)
Explosives Engineering 6099: Research
Explosives Engineering 6292: Research Methods
Mining Engineering 4096: Mine Design Project I
Campus Curricula
Committee Report
29 January 2015
Course Changes Requested
From the December 15th Meeting:
File #1128.3
File #2260.1
File #1302.1
File #529.1
File #1823.1
File #1067.1
File #1145.1
File #4135
File #4095
File #4118
File #1886.1
File #1536.1
Mining Engineering 4097: Mine Design Project II
Mining Engineering 4113: Mine Atmosphere Control
Mining Engineering 4512: Mine Management
Mining Engineering 4742: Environmental Aspects of Mining
Mining Engineering 4823: Rock Mechanics
Mining Engineering 4824: Soils and Overburden Materials for Mining Engineering
Mining Engineering 4912: Mine Power and Drainage
Mining Engineering 5532: Advanced Mining Economics
Mining Engineering 6080: Graduate Project
Nuclear Engineering 5257: Two-Phase Flow in Energy Systems
Russian 4320: Russian Phonetics and Intonation
Russian 4330: Business Russian
Campus Curricula
Committee Report
29 January 2015
Course Changes Requested
From the January 13th Meeting:
File #4170
File #2235.1
File #4166
File #4144
File #2107.1
File #2187.1
File #968.4
File #4163
File #4165
File #4164
File #4160
File #4048.7
Chemical Engineering 6010: Graduate Seminar
Economics 2114: Managerial Economics
Economics 3000: Special Problems
Economics 4010: Seminar
Economics 4641: Foundations of Sustainability
Economics 4642: Introduction to Global Eco- and Social-preneurship and Innovation
Economics 4643: Ethical Problems in a Global Environment
Economics 5010: Seminar
Economics 6000: Special Problems
Economics 6010: Seminar
Economics 6641: Advanced Foundations of Sustainability
Economics 6643: Advanced Ethical Problems in a Global Environment
Campus Curricula
Committee Report
29 January 2015
Course Changes Requested
From the January 13th Meeting:
File #92.1
Engineering Management 1210:
Engineering Management 2310:
File #1393.1
Engineering Management 3310:
File #2379.1
Engineering Management 3320:
File #827.1
Engineering Management 3510:
File #496.1
Engineering Management 4110:
File #2431.1
Engineering Management 4310:
File #2430.1
Engineering Management 4907:
File #164.1
Engineering Management 5412:
File #393.1
Engineering Management 5510:
File #651.1
Engineering Management 5512:
File #870.1
File #2070.1
Engineering Management 5610:
Economic Analysis of Engineering Projects
Introduction to System Engineering
Operations and Production Management
Introduction to Project Management
Marketing Management
General Management-Design and Integration
Materials Handling and Plant Layout
Engineering Management Senior Design
Operations Management Science
Industrial Marketing Systems Analysis
Legal Environment
Advanced Facilities Planning & Design
Campus Curricula
Committee Report
29 January 2015
Course Changes Requested
From the January 13th Meeting:
File #4120
File #4119
File #4121
File #768.1
File #1008.1
File #2205.1
File #1330.1
File #2225.1
File #4156
File #4157
File #4040.8
File #124.3
File #75.1
File #4132
File #4147
File #4148
Geological Engineering 5332: Fundamentals of Groundwater Hydrology
Geological Engineering 5415: Soil Mechanics for Geoprofessionals
Geological Engineering 6400: Practice Oriented Project
Geophysics 5251: Exploration and Development Seismology
Geophysics 5261: Computational Geophysics
Geophysics 5736: Geophysical Field Methods
Geophysics 5761: Transportation Applications of Geophysics
Information Science & Technology 3333: Data Networks and Information Security
Information Science & Technology 3420: Introduction to Data Science and Management
Information Science & Technology 4450: Introduction to Information Visualization
Information Science & Technology 5420: Business Analytics and Data Science
Information Science & Technology 5886: Prototyping Human-Computer Interactions
Information Science & Technology 6336: Foundations of Internet Computing
Information Science & Technology 6450: Information Visualization
Nuclear Engineering 4350: Introduction to Nuclear Medical Science
Nuclear Engineering 5350: Advanced Nuclear Medical Science
Campus Curricula
Committee Report
29 January 2015
The Campus Curricula Committee moves
for Faculty Senate approval of the CCC
report’s DC and CC forms actions
 Discussion, Comments or Questions
Campus Curricula
Committee Report
29 January 2015
- Informational Only  File #745.1
Geophysics 3210: Introduction to Geophysics (Tabled pending Geophysics DC form)
Experimental Course Requests
From the December 15th Meeting:
File #4129
File #4130
File #4133
File #4125
File #4123
File #4136
File #4127
File #4128
File #4102
File #4139
File #4140
Architectural Engineering 5001: Daylighting
Architectural Engineering 5001: Sustainable Building: Design and Performance
Art 3001: Experimental Film & Video
Mechanical Engineering 5001: Non-Intrusive Measurement Methods
Metallurgical Engineering 3001: Applied Metal Forming
Mining Engineering 6001: Mineral Industry Environmental Considerations
Materials Science & Engineering 5001: Integrated Computational Materials
Materials Science & Engineering 6001: Advanced Integrated Computational
Materials Engineering
Nuclear Engineering 6001: Neutron Transport Theory
Technical Communication 3001: Special Topics: Business Writing
Technical Communication 3001: Special Topics: Writing in the Sciences
Campus Curricula
Committee Report
29 January 2015
Informational Only -
Experimental Course Requests
From the January 13th Meeting:
File #4162
File #4158
File #4092
File #4169
Aerospace Engineering 2001: Introduction to Spacecraft Design
Chemical Engineering 4001: Bioprocess Safety
Political Science 3001: Politics of the Middle East
Russian 5001: Advanced Scientific Russian
Next CCC meeting scheduled:
February 9th at 2:30 p.m. in 110H Bertelsmeyer Hall
VI. Reports of Standing and Special
A. Curricula, T. Schuman
B. Information Technology/Computing,
T. Vojta
C. Public Occasions, S. Sedighsarvestani
D. Library and Learning Resources Committee,
M. Bruening
ITCC Report to Faculty Senate, January 2015
• Google Services enhancement:
Unlimited storage on Google Drive
Google Apps Vault for archiving
Audit capabilities to help track usage
Advanced controls for added visibility and functionality
• Data Classification System level for S&T’s Google Apps
After Google Services were approved for S&T, system introduced
Data Classification Levels DCL1 to DCL4 (public to highly restricted);
Which data can be stored in Google Services currently unclear
MOTION: ITCC requests that the UM System Information Security & Access
Management (ISAM) team reviews & designates the appropriate Data
Classification Levels for Google Apps for Education.
• Learning Management System (Blackboard vs Canvas):
Columbia campus finished their evaluation, recommended switching to
Canvas (as our committee did)
VI. Reports of Standing and Special
A. Curricula, T. Schuman
B. Information Technology/Computing,
T. Vojta
C. Public Occasions, S. Sedighsarvestani
Homecoming Dates for 2015
October 23 and 24
Proposed by the Miner Alumni Association
Approved by the Public Occasions Committee
Presented to the Faculty Senate on Jan. 29, 2015
International Student Orientation
Freshman Orientation Begins
Transfer Student Orientation
Open Registration Ends
Fall semester opens 8:00 a.m.
Classwork begins 8:00 a.m.
Labor Day Holiday
Thanksgiving vacation begins 8:00 a.m.
Thanksgiving vacation ends 8:00 a.m.
Last Class Day
Final Examinations begin 8:00 a.m.
Final Examinations end 6:00 p.m.
December Commencement
December Commencement
August 11, Tuesday
August 16, Sunday
August 20, Thursday
August 23, Sunday
August 24, Monday
August 24, Monday
September 7, Monday
October 17, Saturday
October 23-24, Friday-Saturday
November 22, Sunday
November 30, Monday
December 11, Friday
December 14, Monday
December 18, Friday
December 18, Friday
December 19, Saturday
VI. Reports of Standing and Special
A. Curricula, T. Schuman
B. Information Technology/Computing,
T. Vojta
C. Public Occasions, S. Sedighsarvestani
D. Library and Learning Resources
Committee, M. Bruening
Library Funding
Dear Provost Marley:
The one absolutely indispensable element of every research university is a
good library. Funding trends in recent years, however, have resulted in a
continuous decline in the number of library resources available to students
and faculty. If these funding trends continue, our campus faces the very real
threat of not being able to support students and faculty with the resources
they need to ensure that the university remains a bona fide national research
In essence, between 1997 and 2014, the library’s materials costs
have been steadily rising, at the rate of about 7.5% a year, while funding for
the library has increased just over 1% a year during the same period. This is
unsustainable. Thus far, we have dealt with the problem by cutting
subscriptions to journals that either are not often used or have a high costper-use. Indeed, the entire focus of the Faculty Senate's Library and Learning
Resources committee in recent years has been on how to cut library
Library Funding
Because of this growing problem, the library has not been able significantly to
expand its resources in needed areas. This will be a real problem for the
campus’s new signature areas and new academic programs, such as business,
which will no doubt require additional library resources to function
Although we have thus far been able to manage effectively the flat
funding of the library by cutting low-use resources, the future looks bleak.
We had to purge a much larger percentage of our high-cost journal
subscriptions this year than in the past. Most troublingly, if funding trends
continue, next year we will be forced to consider cutting journals and/or
databases that we see as central to fulfilling the mission of the campus.
Another year of flat funding, for example, would force us to consider cutting a
large number of journals from the Wiley and Elsevier journal packages.
You are undoubtedly aware that the ability to conduct high quality
teaching and research is dependent on timely access to scholarly
publications. To preserve the quality of the Missouri S&T library’s resources
and services, we hope that the administration will be able to increase its level
of support for the library and engage in ongoing discussion about campus
access to scholarly resources.
Library Funding
Periodical Price
Library Materials
Budget ($millions)
S&T Total
$114.1 (1999)
Total rate of
Annualized increase 12.875%
VII. Old Business
A. Personnel Committee Motion on NTT
Personnel Committee
Proposed Changes to CRR 310.035
C. Performance of NTT Faculty
Unlike tenured and tenure-track faculty, whose
performance is evaluated based on their
contribution to research, teaching, and service, the
performance of NTT faculty should be evaluated on
the primary responsibility of the NTT faculty position
as well as the professional activities related to that
primary responsibility.
Call to Order and Roll Call, S. Grant
Approval of November 20, 2014 Meeting Minutes
Approval of January 13, 2015 Meeting Minutes
Campus Reports and Responses
General Counsel’s Office: Title IX and Faculty as
VI. Reports of Standing and Special Committees
VII. Old Business
VIII. New Business and Announcements
IX. Adjourn
Call to Order and Roll Call, S. Grant
Approval of November 20, 2014 Meeting Minutes
Approval of January 13, 2015 Meeting Minutes
Campus Reports and Responses
General Counsel’s Office: Title IX and Faculty as
VI. Reports of Standing and Special Committees
VII. Old Business
VIII. New Business and Announcements
IX. Adjourn