Under the Hood of Mail Redirection and Its Effects on iNotes and iPhone Users Keith Brooks Vanessa Brooks, Inc. © 2010 Wellesley Information Services.

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Transcript Under the Hood of Mail Redirection and Its Effects on iNotes and iPhone Users Keith Brooks Vanessa Brooks, Inc. © 2010 Wellesley Information Services.

Under the Hood of
Mail Redirection and
Its Effects on iNotes
and iPhone Users
Keith Brooks
Vanessa Brooks, Inc.
© 2010 Wellesley Information Services. All rights reserved.
In This Session ...
We will discuss:
 iPhone usage and the mail redirector configuration
 Reverse proxies and the redirector
 Clustered mail servers and the redirector
 The iNotes Redirector database and configuration
 Customization of the Login page for the redirector
 Making iNotes, Sametime, Lotus Notes Traveler, and Quickr
work together when run off the same server*
 Troubleshooting iNotes Login Issues
* IBM does not recommend this as a solution
Brief Word About Webmail/iNotes/DWA
Seriously, why am I covering this topic?
 Four blog posts on this topic from me and continuously in my
Top 5
Write Once, Remember Never
Importance is growing as Webmail and those iPhones grow …
Banged my head (even while writing this) so you don’t have to in
the future
 The true reason why any session should be run … well within
reason, who ever used DMCS* anyway ... right?
Have you seen the official detailed documentation?
 Neither have I … yet
* DMCS = Domino Media Connect Services
What We’ll Cover …
Understanding the history of the Lotus Mail Redirector
Taking a look at the iPhone and Webmail
Dealing with clustered mail servers
Discussing ideas on reverse proxy
Implementing the iNotes Mail Redirector
Uncovering some quirkiness with Lotus Software product
Looking at Login page examples
Troubleshooting the Login page
The History of WebMailRedirect/Domino
Notes.net Sandbox (now in developerWorks)
 July 20, 2001 original posting for R4
 WebMailRedirect261 – Domino 4.x and above
 WebMailRedirect641 – Domino 5.x and above
 Last updated October 15, 2003 for R6
 WebAccessRedirect650 – Domino 6.x and above
Domino Web Access Redirect 6.50 is included starting in Domino
6.5 and is supported by IBM
The History of WebMailRedirect/Domino
WebAccessRedirect (cont.)
R7 saw mostly small changes
R8 saw an updated version
 8.0.2 saw the first offering for the iPhone, Ultra-light Mode
 8.5 saw full iPhone support and continues as we move forward
What We’ll Cover …
Understanding the history of the Lotus Mail Redirector
Taking a look at the iPhone and Webmail
Dealing with clustered mail servers
Discussing ideas on reverse proxy
Implementing the iNotes Mail Redirector
Uncovering some quirkiness with Lotus Software product
Looking at Login page examples
Troubleshooting the Login page
iPhones and iNotes
Can't really talk about iNotes without mentioning Apple
The first official version of iNotes to work with the iPhone was 8.5
 Some hacks existed in the R8.0.x stream
The ultralite (or ultralight) version is designed for the Safari
browser and the iPhone
 You can also use it from a browser on your PC
 With the iPhone or browser, you hit the server URL and the
server recognizes your iPhone and serves up the appropriate UI
iPhones and iNotes As Seen from an iPhone
Provide access to mail, contacts, and Day At A Glance
We will cover the configuration shortly
Do not confuse
and Traveler!
Traveler is NOT browserbased and resides on the
local device
iPhones and iNotes as Seen from a Browser
For more details see: www10.lotus.com/ldd/dominowiki.nsf/dx/Ultralight_for_iPhone
What We’ll Cover …
Understanding the history of the Lotus Mail Redirector
Taking a look at the iPhone and Webmail
Dealing with clustered mail servers
Discussing ideas on reverse proxy
Implementing the iNotes Mail Redirector
Uncovering some quirkiness with Lotus Software product
Looking at Login page examples
Troubleshooting the Login page
Clustered Mail Servers
What comes inside the box
 Sorry you are out of luck, no cluster awareness in the
Thinking out of the box
 Load balancers
 Hardware- or software-based but can be expensive
 Yes, there is Internet Cluster Manager (ICM), but …
 Setup is beyond the scope of this discussion
If clustering is enabled
 Manually edit the iNotes Redirector database
Clustered Mail Servers Diagram with an ICM
Source: www.ibm.com/developerworks/lotus/library/lsInternet_Cluster_Manager/index.html
What We’ll Cover …
Understanding the history of the Lotus Mail Redirector
Taking a look at the iPhone and Webmail
Dealing with clustered mail servers
Discussing ideas on reverse proxy
Implementing the iNotes Mail Redirector
Uncovering some quirkiness with Lotus Software product
Looking at Login page examples
Troubleshooting the Login page
What Is a Reverse Proxy?
From Wikipedia:
 A reverse proxy is a proxy server that is installed in a server
 Typically, reverse proxies are used in front of Web servers
 All connections coming from the Internet addressed to one of
the Web servers are routed through the proxy server, which
may either deal with the request itself or pass the request
wholly or partially to the main Web servers
 A reverse proxy dispatches in-bound network traffic to a set of
servers, presenting a single interface to the caller
 Benefits to use it include: Security, load balancing, encryption,
caching, and compression
Reverse Proxies and the iNotes Mail Redirector
Want to use a reverse proxy with mail redirector? You can!
It is one of the options of the primary setting in the iNotes
Redirector database
You enter the appropriate details and then troubleshoot
 You’d like to think that it will work on the first attempt, but not
so from experience, so be prepared
There aren’t many resources for reverse proxy setup for the Mail
Redirector, but some are included in the Resources section of this
Reverse Proxy 8.5 Issue Highlight
The following post is from the LotusUserGroup.org Web site for
Sys Admin Tips August 2009 from Chris Miller
Issue: I have run into a situation in which an Apache Reverse proxy has broken
after an 8.5 upgrade.
When the forms85 is replaced by the forms6, it works again.
We have looked at the debug logs on the proxy and at the domlogs and
found everything works up to a point.
It is redirected to the correct server, finds the mail file, and finds forms85.
It then begins to process but stops dead at a point.
Do you know if there are changes which may make forms8 break this?
Reverse Proxy Answer
I am guessing that one of the configured attributes in the proxy has changed in
version 8.5 and is causing your error.
… Opened a PMR with IBM. Here’s a summary of what was found.
 The Apache Reverse proxy was setup correctly.
 Two Domino mail servers were set up and the redirector database was in
 The redirector was modified to replace the hostname with the proper
hostname so the proxy would know where to send requests.
 This was a known issue in the 6.5 world.
 The redirector database would do its job and it hand off to the Domino
server, which would then replace the FQDN with its own name.
 It messed lots of things up.
 It only happened when multiple servers were used.
 Tested and sniffed for a total of 7+ hours and found that the forms85
database was the issue.
Reverse Proxy Answer (cont.)
Here's what worked:
 Forms65 against a 6.5 mail database
 Forms8 against an 8 mail database
 Forms8 against an 8.5 mail database
Here's what did not work:
 Forms65 against a mail 8 database or mail 8.5 database
 Forms85 against a mail 8 or 8.5 database
Whenever the forms85 database was used, iNotes broke
 Something did change in regards to the forms85
What We’ll Cover …
Understanding the history of the Lotus Mail Redirector
Taking a look at the iPhone and Webmail
Dealing with clustered mail servers
Discussing ideas on reverse proxy
Implementing the iNotes Mail Redirector
Uncovering some quirkiness with Lotus Software product
Looking at Login page examples
Troubleshooting the Login page
Audience Participation Time
I will need a few volunteers from the audience during this session
to help me for a few minutes
No one will be harmed and you can still take notes but this will
help you remember what to do when faced with a redirection
configuration next time
So let's get started, I will be using my netbook in parallel to the
Everything is documented, and if not, you know where to find me
Step 1: Creating the Mail Redirector Database
1. CTRL+N or File Application New (R8)
2. Fill in the form, any Title will do
Step 1: Creating the Mail Redirector Database (cont.)
3. Domino creates your database
You will see this on your screen when it is done creating the
4. Click Setup
Step 1: Creating the Mail Redirector Database (cont.)
You will see this screen
5. On the left side, click Server Settings
Configuring the Mail Redirector: Server Settings
Redirection type dictates the options available
Configuring the Mail Redirector: Redirection Type Options
Fixed (Server Maintenance Usage)
 Forces redirection to a different server
 Example: serverB.com instead of serverA.com
Dynamic (Default Option)
 Built from incoming URL with a path from user’s person
 Example: mail.company.com/mail/user.nsf instead of
Mail Server (Reverse Proxy Usage)
 If you want the user to see the actual mail server
 Example: ln011bos.na.us.ibm.com instead of
Configuring the Mail Redirector: Server Settings — Fixed
Enter a server name as shown including http://
Configuring the Mail Redirector: Server Settings — Fixed
Enter the server name
Do you want to force a specific path to the mail file?
 Helpful during server maintenance
Need to use SSL?
 Yes or no does not change any other options
If using SSL and on a different port than 443
 Edit the field accordingly
Enable Debug?
 Helpful when troubleshooting redirector issues
 Shows text on top of browser while building the URL so you
can fix any issues
Configuring the Mail Redirector: Server Settings — Dynamic
Configuring the Mail Redirector: Server Settings — Dynamic
Do you want to force a specific path to the mail file?
 Helpful during server maintenance
Need to force SSL for the entire session?
 Self explanatory but you must have SSL enabled
Want SSL only during authentication?
If using SSL and on a different port than 443
 Edit the field accordingly
Enable Debug?
 Helpful when troubleshooting redirector issues
 Shows text on top of browser while building the URL so you
can fix any issues
Configuring the Mail Redirector: Server Settings — Debug
Debug information will look like this, but set the delay time so you
can take a screenshot of it
Configuring the Mail Redirector: Server Settings — MailServer
Configuring the Mail Redirector: Server Settings —
MailServer (cont.)
Enter the TCP/IP domain to set the URL properly
 Example – Admin/TheView will become admin.theview.com
when theview.com is used
Enter a Reverse Proxy Server
 Appends this as a path segment
The rest of the options on the page (Path, SSL, Debug) are the
same as the Dynamic settings
Configuring the Mail Redirector: UI Setup — Top Half
Click on UI Setup to see a long screen of options starting
with the ones shown below
Configuring the Mail Redirector: UI Setup — Top Half (cont.)
How long should this redirection take?
 If you want to use this as a news update or company
emergency screen, give it some time … just not too much
Enter some text for the Redirection Page or leave the default
 If you leave the default, I will know, so have fun with it
Is there a custom logo or a graphic you want to use?
 Corporate or sports team, or whatever, but ask first … just
in case
Select a background color?
 Well you would think you get a color chart but …
Configuring the Mail Redirector: UI Setup — Background
What does “Click here for color picker” mean to you?
Configuring the Mail Redirector: UI Setup — Background
Color (cont.)
Exactly, you have to guess the color code!
Go to http://html-color-codes.info/ to pick a color code
Configuring the Mail Redirector: UI Setup — Top Part
The top part should now look like this:
Configuring the Mail Redirector: UI Setup — Top Part (cont.)
The top part should now look like this:
Configuring the Mail Redirector: UI Setup — Bottom Part
A few more items on the bottom of the page
Configuring the Mail Redirector: UI Setup — Bottom Part
Want to enable Personal Options?
 If you are a nice administrator and like to give people choices
about where to start from, i.e., inbox or calendar
Want to enable Login Options?
 This will let people choose which of the three types of iNotes
environments they can use
 Note: Not available if Personal Options is Enabled
Want to enable Save Username Cookies?
 This provides a “Remember Me” option to store the person’s
 Note: Not available if using the shared computer option
Configuring the Mail Redirector: Ultra-Light/Mobile Settings
Click on the Ultra-light/Mobile Settings button for iPhone mode
Configuring the Mail Redirector: Ultra-Light/Mobile Settings
Enables the Ultra-Light button to be seen in the login preferences
 Only visible if login options is enabled
Ultra-Light mode is only supported in Mozilla Firefox
 Enabling this will not affect logging in from a phone
 This does not disable Ultra-Light mode
 It only disables the option to log in to it from the iNotes
Redirector login page
Mobile Device checks the words against the device's HTTP user
agent string
Configuring the Mail Redirector: Ultra-Light/Application
You can follow the directions shown below or click the button that
says “Click to Auto Set ACL Settings”
Configuring the Mail Redirector: Ultra-Light/Application
Setup (cont.)
Once you “Click to Auto Set the ACL Settings” you will see the
following message:
Configuring the Mail Redirector — Saving the Configuration
Click Save & Exit to save the file to your server
So, are you ready to see it in action?
Step 2: Domino Web Configuration
Step 1 was the easy part
Step 2 is not as difficult, but it is very important
 Without it no one will be able to login!
Creating the Domino Web Server Configuration Database
• Press CTRL+N or select
• Fill in the form, Web
Configuration is fine
as a title
• File Name must be
• Make sure Show advanced
templates is checked
Opening the Web Server Configuration Database
When you first open the database it is empty
Not to worry, we will add the Mapping (configuration documents)
Creating Mappings in the Web Server Configuration
Click on ‘Sign In’ Form Mappings
Then, click on Add Mapping
The form opens and
looks like this
Creating Mappings in the Web Server Configuration
Database (cont.)
Select what this applies to – All Web Sites/Entire Server or
Specific Web Site/Virtual Server
If specific, enter the domain or IP address
Step 3: Create the Login Site Using Internet Site Documents
Now that the server is configured, you have to tell the server
where people will login
 Think this out, make it as easy as possible
One example is to have a sub-folder (admin.theview.com/mail)
which uses redirection to direct everyone to the redirector page
 Beneficial because it allows you to provide one location,
without renaming anything and for the inclusion of other
products like Traveler, Sametime, and others
Setting Up a Generic Mail URL
If you use Internet Site Documents you can add a Web Site Rule
(most R8.x organizations do now)
Open the Web site in the ConfigurationWeb-Internet Sites
section of names.nsf or via the admin client
Click on Web Site and select Create Rule from the drop-down list
as shown here
Setting Up a Generic Mail URL (cont.)
You will see the screen shown below
 Provide a description that makes sense
 Set the type of rule to Redirection
 In this example we set the Incoming URL pattern Web URL for
/mail at the end of the URL
 Redirect to this URL requires the mail redirector file and don't
forget the ?open
Example URL =
• This will auto forward to the mail
jump database and the login screen
Step 4: Log in and Test the Mail Redirection
Log in to your server
 http://yourcompany.com/mail
Check the boxes for shared computer and Remember me, if
Logging in to Test the Configuration
If all is set up properly this is what you will see
 In this case debug is enabled
Logging in to See Your Mail … It Worked!
What We’ll Cover …
Understanding the history of the Lotus Mail Redirector
Taking a look at the iPhone and Webmail
Dealing with clustered mail servers
Discussing ideas on reverse proxy
Implementing the iNotes Mail Redirector
Uncovering some quirkiness with Lotus Software product
Looking at Login page examples
Troubleshooting the Login page
Quirkiness? IBM? Lotus? No way!
R8 has brought many changes for the better
 In fact, some changes came out in R7 but were ignored or not
required yet (like Internet Site Documents)
When you install Lotus Notes Traveler, Quickr, Sametime, and
even Blackberry Enterprise Server (BES), strange things can
happen to your network configuration and break iNotes
 So what can you do to fix these installations?
Fix It or Work Around It?
We will presume these issues affect SMB customers and someone
using Internet site documents
If not using Internet Site Documents then generally the problem is
in the field of the Internet ProtocolsHTTP Mapping Home
URL field of your names.nsf
Some of the installations we can fix
 Notes.ini changes or similar fixes
Others we have no choice but to edit
 Reconfigure some documents in the names.nsf
Blackberry Enterprise Server (BES)
The BES installation since version 4.17 and continuing in version
5.0, adds a line to the notes.ini which, if left running, prevents the
JVM (HTTP and Traveler both use the JVM) from loading
 Disable this line: Httpdisablejava=1
 REM it out and restart the server and all is good again
RIM does not recommend you delete the entry
If your BES and Traveler must reside together on the same server,
it is not recommended to have more than 50 users and you can
keep the line REM’d out
Sametime Server
If you have Sametime installed on the same server as your mail
and the iNotes redirector, how do you use both at the same time?
 The answer is to configure an Internet site document for the
iNotes just like we did in the hands-on part
 It works, I have clients doing it today
But what if you are not using Internet sites?
 If nothing else will work, you can configure the Sametime
Center (stcenter.nsf) with extra links on its page for mail users
 We can discuss afterwards or I will post to my blog on this
Quickr Server
If you have Quickr installed on the same server as your mail and
the iNotes redirector, how do you use both at the same time?
 The answer is to configure an Internet site document for the
iNotes just like we did in the hands-on part
 It works, I have clients doing it today
However, when Internet sites are turned on, and QuickPlace is
using LDAP authentication, QuickPlace will not function properly
 Depending on the scenarios (upgraded install, new install, etc.),
the symptoms range from users not being able to login to users
being prompted to login twice to mixed up MSSO and basic
authentication (from IBM Technote #1252714)
Lotus Notes Traveler
If you have Traveler installed on the same server as your mail and
the iNotes redirector, how do you use both at the same time?
 The answer is to configure an Internet site document for the
iNotes just like we did in the hands on part
Keep in mind that Traveler does not check the environment before
it installs itself, only afterwards, so it misses the
httpdisablejava=1 line
Traveler also installs a line in the Notes.ini which will override
your iNotes redirector (if you set it up to open at server
 The line is NTS_WEBSITE_HOME and should be REM’d out
What We’ll Cover …
Understanding the history of the Lotus Mail Redirector
Taking a look at the iPhone and Webmail
Dealing with clustered mail servers
Discussing ideas on reverse proxy
Implementing the iNotes Mail Redirector
Uncovering some quirkiness with Lotus Software product
Looking at Login page examples
Troubleshooting the Login page
Customizing the Login Page
Hard or easy, it’s up to you
Depends on your knowledge and comfort levels in development
1. Open the mailjump.nsf database in the Domino Designer client
2. In the Forms list find DWALoginForm and open it
Customizing the Login Page (cont.)
When you open the DWALoginForm it should look like this
Customizing the Login Page (cont.)
1. Select where to put the graphic
From the menu, click Create Picture
Customizing the Login Page (cont.)
Locate the graphic you want to use and import it into the desired
location in the top half of the Designer window panes
Customizing the Login Page (cont.)
Your form should look like this once your graphic has been
You can also add any text here as well
Then save the form and test it
The Completed Customized Login Page
What We’ll Cover …
Understanding the history of the Lotus Mail Redirector
Taking a look at the iPhone and Webmail
Dealing with clustered mail servers
Discussing ideas on reverse proxy
Implementing the iNotes Mail Redirector
Uncovering some quirkiness with Lotus Software product
Looking at Login page examples
Troubleshooting the Login page
What If It Doesn't Work?
Relax, it happens sometimes, we all make mistakes even when
following directions
There are many pieces of the puzzle to sort out if this doesn't
Now let's look at some places to check your typing, ACLs,
configuration settings, and other bits
Logging in to See Your Mail … It Failed!
You may see this message
Or this message or
something similar
Basic Troubleshooting Tips If Unable to Log in
Make sure the mail file has the proper server set for the
administration server
Make sure the security tab for the Internet sites (if you use them)
is set as shown here
Basic Troubleshooting Tips If Unable to Log in (cont.)
Check the ACL of the mail file to make sure the user did not do
something like change all the ACL settings to No Access
Make sure the user’s name is properly shown as the
owner in the preferences section
 (Choose More Preferences from the Inbox view)
Check that the person document is correct for the server name,
file location and name, etc.
 Mail jump, depending on how you configure it, can be, shall we
say, unsympathetic to your errors
Basic Troubleshooting Tips If Unable to Log in (cont.)
Change the users Internet password … just in case
Did you set up the mail jump properly? Did you set up the Domino
Web Services Configuration properly?
 Check the ACLs on both of those, set Anonymous to reader
Make sure the proper, fully qualified names and/or host names or
IP addresses are stored in the proper place of the Internet Site
Document Basics tab under “Host names or addresses mapped to
this site:”
Basic Troubleshooting Tips If Unable to Log in (cont.)
Replace the design on the mail file to make sure it is the correct
There is an IBM wiki page that might help if you have an HTTP
Authentication issue preventing people from completing their
 www-10.lotus.com/ldd/dominowiki.nsf/dx/domino-webserverauthentication-troubleshooting
Troubleshooting Reminder
What you learn in a presentation and what you configure in real
life do not always equal
Different versions, even point releases can have major differences
While I and other bloggers, even the IBM Info Centers and Wikis,
try to keep our posts up to date with changes in the software,
don't rely only on what you read or hear
 Your intuition will help you decide as well
 So will a good Google search
What We’ll Cover …
Understanding the history of the Lotus Mail Redirector
Taking a look at the iPhone and Webmail
Dealing with clustered mail servers
Discussing ideas on reverse proxy
Implementing the iNotes Mail Redirector
Uncovering some quirkiness with Lotus Software product
Looking at Login page examples
Troubleshooting the Login page
Preliminary Resources
Original Version of Mail Redirector for anyone not on R6:
 www10.lotus.com/ldd/sandbox.nsf/Threads/F4B19C0C3327DF538525
Custom Login Form with Sametime for iNotes example:
 www10.lotus.com/ldd/sandbox.nsf/ByAudience/2b21f19179f964f4852
New features in IBM Lotus iNotes 8.5: Ultra-light mode and the
Lotus iNotes redirector
 www.ibm.com/developerworks/lotus/library/inotesultra/#N10140
iNotes Web Access Deployment and Administration (Old but
 www.redbooks.ibm.com/redbooks/SG246518.html
Installation Resources
Video doing a step-by-step installation of iNotes redirector:
 http://public.dhe.ibm.com/software/dw/lotus/learn/viewlets/note
Configuring the IBM Lotus iNotes Redirect database for an
accessible login experience, Technote #1326762 (step-by-step)
 www01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?rs=3651&context=SSULMR&
Infocenter for Domino 8.5.1
 http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/domhelp/v8r0/index.js
Resources for DWA/iNotes Redirector — IBM Technotes
Here is a partial list of technotes at IBM with their # and titles:
 1089521 – Notes.ini variables for Domino Web Access
 1163051 – Using the Domino Web Access Redirect database with LDAP
 1164494 – Custom Logo for Browser in Domino Web Access Redirect
 1164497 – DWA Redirect Utility Does not Redirect Users to their Mail
File as Expected
 1297981 – Domino Web Access Redirect overrides the default mode set
using the "iNotes_WA_DefaultUI" notes.ini parameter
 1419078 – Several iNotes users are not being redirected to their mail
file after upgrading the server to Domino 8.5.1 (BUG to be fixed in 8.5.2)
 1290788 – No option to choose a mode for DWA on the redirect page
 1254382 – Force SSL only on authentication does not work in DWA
redirect database
 1197471 – Domino Web Access Redirect database redirects user to
WebMail interface
 1326778 – Encrypted mail SSL redirect fails on Lotus iNotes ultralite
mode when JavaScript is disabled in the device browser settings
Resources for Reverse Proxies
How Apache reverse proxy servers can make sensitive data
available to remote users
 www.ibm.com/developerworks/web/library/wa-secdomdat/
Using Apache as a Reverse Proxy and Load Balancer for iNotes
Clustered Servers
 www-10.lotus.com/ldd/dominowiki.nsf/dx/using-apache-as-areverse-proxy-and-load-balancer-for-domino-clustered-servers
Additional Resources
Instant Messaging
 IM (AOL/MSN/Yahoo)
 User name: kbmsg
 Bleedyellow's Sametime Server
 www.bleedyellow.com
 User name: Keith Brooks
 Skype
 www.skype.com
 User name: lotusevangelist
 Twitter
 www.twitter.com
 User name: lotusevangelist
My Blog posts
 http://lotustech.blogspot.com
Lotus Bloggers Aggregated
 http://planetlotus.org
7 Key Points to Take Home
You control what people do and see … even iPhone users
Sametime, Traveler, Quickr, and even BES will interfere when they
are installed
There are three options for the Mail Redirector for you to use
including a reverse proxy option
The iNotes Redirector is not cluster aware
Be careful when consolidating or moving users between servers
so the user does not lose their configuration
Debug is your friend, but turn it off once everything works
iNotes is not Lotus Notes Traveler even on an iPhone
Your Turn!
How to contact me:
Keith Brooks
[email protected]