Managing TurningPoint Files I: The Presentation File Gerald Bergtrom, Ph.D. Learning Technology Center University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee October 2005 Edited by Tanya Joosten, Alan Aycock,

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Transcript Managing TurningPoint Files I: The Presentation File Gerald Bergtrom, Ph.D. Learning Technology Center University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee October 2005 Edited by Tanya Joosten, Alan Aycock,

Managing TurningPoint Files I:
The Presentation File
Gerald Bergtrom, Ph.D.
Learning Technology Center
University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee
October 2005
Edited by Tanya Joosten, Alan Aycock, Susan Gifford
Important Note:
• TurningPoint presentations are actually
interactive PowerPoint presentations that are
saved as PowerPoint (.ppt) files.
• These .ppt files become interactive when
opened with TurningPoint.
• You will be transferring this file to a classroom
podium computer.
In this tutorial you will:
1. Copy your presentation (ppt) file from your
office computer to a flash drive.
2. Transfer presentation file from flash drive to
Campus (except School of Business) Podium
3. Transfer presentation file from flash drive to
School of Business Podium Computers
Note: File management from laptop presentations is easy. This tutorial
assumes you present from a classroom podium PC.
Note: There are alternative file storage
sites accessible from podium and office
Consult the I&MT HELP Desk (ext. 4040) for help in
setting up your office and/or home computer so you can
access your X-drive. Then you’ll be able to copy files
directly to the My Documents folder on your X-Drive from
your home/office computer. Then you won’t have to do it
just before class in the classroom!
In School of Business podium computers you may be
able to access a G drive (functions like an X drive).
Contact the School of Business for more information.
You can also use Pantherfile to move your presentation
1. Copying your Presentation (.ppt) File to a
flash drive.
• After boot-up, plug your flash drive
into a USB port on your office
• Locate and copy your TurningPoint
.ppt file to the flash drive.
Then click here; you can then safely
remove your flash drive from the USB port
at the prompt and bring it to class.
2. Campus Podium Computers (except for
School of Business): copy a Presentation
(.ppt) file from your flash drive to the My
Documents folder on the desktop.
Boot the podium computer and log in using
your alpha username and password. Then
plug in the flash drive…
The My Documents folder on the podium
computer desktop is in your X-drive, with
at least 75MB of storage space. Double
click on the folder to see the folders and
files already in this folder…
Double-click on the TurningPoint folder that
already exists in your X-Drive.
Right-click on the TurningPoint window, then
left-click on New, and again on Folder…
Rename the
new folder that
Copy the presentation file from your
flash drive to this new folder.
…this is a useful way to organize your
presentation files so you can always find them.
To launch TurningPoint (TP), browse, find
and open your presentation.
Note: if you changed your presentation (e.g.,
added an interactive slide on the fly), remember
save the .ppt file to your flash drive.
3.Transfer presentation file from flash
drive to School of Business podium
computer desktop
• Boot the podium computer; plug your flash
drive into a USB port.
• Copy your presentation (.ppt) file to the
classroom computer desktop.
Launching TurningPoint (TP); browse, find
and open your presentation.
Note: do not run your presentation from the flash drive – it may run too slowly
Remember to save session data at the end of your
presentation (see tutorial on managing session files).
If you changed your presentation (e.g., added an
interactive slide on the fly), save the .ppt file to your
flash drive. Otherwise, you should delete it from the
podium computer.
The End