REGIONAL CONFERENCE ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF NATIONAL INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY STRATEGIES Sibiu, 21-22 June, 2012 Bulgaria - National IP Strategy Zdravka Gyozlieva Patent Office of the.

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Transcript REGIONAL CONFERENCE ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF NATIONAL INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY STRATEGIES Sibiu, 21-22 June, 2012 Bulgaria - National IP Strategy Zdravka Gyozlieva Patent Office of the.

Sibiu, 21-22 June, 2012
Bulgaria - National IP Strategy
Zdravka Gyozlieva
Patent Office of the Republic of Bulgaria
Bulgaria - National IP Strategy
National Innovation Strategy – the basic document adopted in 2004
has not been implemented in the last few years
 there is no funding provided for the operation of the main instrument
for its implementation – the National Innovation Fund
R&D spending as a share of GDP - well below the target in the Strategy
and about three times less than the 2020 target (1.5% of GDP):
In 2009 - 0.53% of GDP
In 2010 - 0.7% of GDP
In 2011 - 0.8% of GDP
Europe 2020 target – 1.5% of GDP
Bulgaria - National IP Strategy
Objectives of the innovation policy in Bulgaria:
• to stimulate the R&D for the industry and the cooperation
between the R&D departments, universities and companies;
• to increase the financing for innovation through establishing
mechanisms for attracting private investments;
• to encourage companies to introduce new technologies and to
improve their innovation activity;
• to encourage the establishment of clusters in traditional sectors;
• to support start-ups and well-functioning companies with the
aim to increase their innovative potential; to build up
mechanisms for attracting foreign investments to scientific
areas etc.
Bulgaria - National IP Strategy
Council for the Protection of Intellectual Property at the
Ministry of Culture – established in 2006 as the most important
interagency coordination body and facilitator for dialogue with the
private sector
Consultative Committee on IP matters (“The Committee”) – a
body created within the office of the Deputy Minister of Culture
Bulgaria - National IP Strategy
Funding of innovation and R&D in Bulgaria - not guided by any
considerations of long-term sustainability
 Financial instruments for development and promotion of
entrepreneurship and innovation in Bulgaria
The National Innovation Fund – non-operational; its functions should be
restored in the form of an independent legal entity (not a program
scheme, such as it is now) as part of the update of the national
innovation strategy and/or the passage of a law on innovation
The JEREMIE initiative – at an initial stage
The National Science Fund - practically the only working state financial
instrument in 2011, in spite of the fluctuations in its funding and the
delay of procedures
Bulgaria - National IP Strategy
Operational Programme Competitiveness – the main instrument of the
European funds in support of innovation in the country providing a
financial mechanism for business, albeit difficult to access – not
sufficiently effective
Managing Authority of Operational Programme “Development of the
Competitiveness of the Bulgarian Economy” 2007-2013 - after merging
of the Managing Authority and the Intermediate Body (Bulgarian
Small and Mediumsized Enterprises Promotion Agency – BSMEPA),
the Directorate General European Funds for Competitiveness
within the Ministry of Economy, Energy and Tourism
Monitoring Committee - formally constituted in 2006; the first official
meeting took place in November 2006
Bulgaria - National IP Strategy
Bulgarian innovation policy in the context of the Europe 2020
Strategy for Growth and Jobs of the European Union
Bulgaria’s positions in the field of research and innovation compared to
the rest of the EU member states - according to a number of surveys
of the European Commission on innovations, Bulgaria is identified as a
“moderate innovator”, but still it is one of the most rapidly catching up
Member States in the innovation activities
National Reform Programme (2011 - 2015) – prepared in line with the
“Europe 2020” Strategy, approved by the European Council in June
2010, and with the new instrument for enhanced economic policy
coordination in the European Union, the so called “European
Semester”. The focus is put on fostering competitiveness in order to
take full advantage of the economic recovery
Bulgaria - National IP Strategy
”National target 2 “Investments in R&D in the amount of
1.5% of the GDP”
With a view to achieving this target and the implementation of the
European Flagship Initiative “Innovation Union”, the government policy
should be focused both on:
promoting the R&D and innovation activities of enterprises
creating the necessary prerequisites for the business, and
especially the SMEs, to innovate, develop and/or implement in
practice the results of their own or other people's scientific work
Bulgaria - National IP Strategy
Measures to be implemented in the short term (2011–2012):
Law on Innovations (Innovations Act) - part of the engagement of the
Republic of Bulgaria on the "Euro-plus Pact“; should play a key role in
creating favourable business environment for investments in research
and innovations by:
- Introduction of clear and simple mechanisms for finance and nonfinance stimulation of the innovation activity of the companies
- Institutionalisation of the existing National Innovations Fund – to be
transformed from a grant scheme into a financial instrument for
implementing the government policy in the field of innovations
Defining new financing mechanisms as well as new areas for state
influence on innovation activities of entrepreneurs, while encouraging
the companies to invest in the development of their own business
Bulgaria - National IP Strategy
Participation in Enterprise Europe Network - will provide
assistance to SMEs to develop their full potential and innovation
capacity by offering high-quality services
Measures to be implemented in the medium term, by 2015:
 Innovation Promotion Fund – objective: to provide a financial
instrument for the implementation of national, bilateral and
international programmes and projects for encouraging innovations
and creating an appropriate environment for innovative enterprises
Measures envisaged under OP “Development of the Competitiveness
of the Bulgarian Economy”, co-financed by the European Regional
Development Fund
Bulgaria - National IP Strategy
The role of the Bulgarian Patent Office as a state authority for the
protection of the industrial property – key objectives and areas of
activity within the innovation support
encourage creativity and promote innovation, competitiveness and
entrepreneurship - by raising awareness and knowledge on IPRs
focus on the needs of its customers - by providing them with
professional and accurate services and high-quality products –
permanently improve and add value to the services and the
procedures in the BPO
encourage a more active involvement of the SMEs in the innovation
process and participation in the IP system – IP Prediagnosis – the
purpose is to raise SMEs' IP awareness and help them better protect
and exploit their innovation potential), IPorta (IPR helpdesk),
organisation of patent awareness events and preparation of materials
Bulgaria - National IP Strategy
Conclusion - urgent need for action!
 Need for establishment of a new integrated national strategy for
innovation and technological development - the strategy should be
based on an assessment approach (decisions based on the
information gathered on the current situation in the country) and a
SWOT analysis, and should reflect the science-educationinnovation interaction
Need for establishment of a strong and capable administrative body
overseeing the application of the innovation development strategy - a
political will
Need for a coherent national innovation policy framework
Need for a well-reasoned and realistic implementation/action plan for
the national strategy
Proper legislative framework
Bulgaria - National IP Strategy
Zdravka Gyozlieva
Central Patent Library, Information and Documentation
Patent Office of the Republic of Bulgaria
52b, Dr G.M.Dimitrov Blvd., 1040 Sofia
tel.: +359 2 9701 422
email: [email protected]
Bulgaria - National IP Strategy
Thank you for the attention!